The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

WOW, as a canadian I see that Trump is a complete idiot in the things he says and does but, not everything he has done is wrong. stirring things up with China was needed, That is an issue that you can thank Bill Clinton for... he sent all the factories over to china. As for Trumps wall. he only needs a wall around his house to keep out the haters. The only thing that I can compare your politics to is how crazy soccer fans act at a big game.... like assholes you all have opinions and they all spew shit so stop trying to say that your is better then the next guys. we are here on this site to band together talking about a common interest. growing and smoking. please lets just try to get along.
You’re under some serious misconceptions: if you want to blame someone for “China”, blame Richard Nixon.

Clinton did not - and COULD NOT - ‘send factories to China’: he did not own or control those factories - *ANY* of them. It was highly paid members of executive boards of MANY industries who decided to sell it all to China, take the money, and begin “farming” the USA’s resident population in earnest. Along the way, they arranged to get virtually all taxes lifted from them and placed squarely on the ‘middle class’...while blaming it on those dirty Negros and wetbacks and anchor babies.

As for the wall, DJT only “needs” the wall because he doesn’t WANT to be the US President: he WANTS to be the US *RULER* - and no true autocrat wants anything to do with those they want to rule. They’re disposable. I mean, ‘essential’. I mean, they’re the same: it’s essential that they keep serving, no matter how many of them die. The true Rulers WILL have their servants, and they *don’t* want to pay them.
The first thing I want Biden to do is nothing. I want a week free from presidential hype, propaganda, histrionics and tweets. After that, I want Biden to meet with Congress about prioritizing the legislation they already have in the pipeline. I want Biden to recall all the people who quit their government jobs during the Trump administration and offer them their jobs back. I want him to work with Congress to authorize a special prosecutor to review the Trump administrations actions to determine which crimes were comitted and who should be held accountable for them. I want Kavanaugh to be impeached for perjury, but I want the newly formed Democratic controlled Congress to do that.