The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

I'd like to see Biden do the Dougie, the whip and the nae nae on the front steps of the whitehouse and then give the most professional acceptance speech possible. If there's a handshake office turn over moment between Biden and Trump, I would love to see Biden handle it with the utmost professionalism and as soon as the moment was over, Biden scream "Alright, the to clean this tacky crap out of here!" and then have the Trumps escorted off the property.
I'd like to see Biden do the Dougie, the whip and the nae nae on the front steps of the whitehouse and then give the most professional acceptance speech possible. If there's a handshake office turn over moment between Biden and Trump, I would love to see Biden handle it with the utmost professionalism and as soon as the moment was over, Biden scream "Alright, the to clean this tacky crap out of here!" and then have the Trumps escorted off the property.
Kinda harsh don’t you think? lol
I'd like to see that $760B defense budget slashed in half to start
Approximately 25% of the defense budget goes to personnel. Meaning 25% goes to salaries and benefits for troops and dependents.

Working with your proposal.
The DOD has $190,000,000,000 to fund defense after paying personnel and benefits. The military industrial complex would collapse. 10,000s of jobs for the men and women working to provide support and services for the DOD would be eliminated. Take a look at the money the DOD spends in each state. ( Chart Attached)
These jobs would be difficult to replace after eliminating. The know how, the training and infrastructure in place would be unraveled.

What is your plan for the $380,000,000,000?

P.S. Sounds like you’re an isolationist. Interesting


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Approximately 25% of the defense budget goes to personnel. Meaning 25% goes to salaries and benefits for troops and dependents.

Working with your proposal.
The DOD has $190,000,000,000 to fund defense after paying personnel and benefits. The military industrial complex would collapse. 10,000s of jobs for the men and women working to provide support and services for the DOD would be eliminated.
These jobs would be difficult to replace after eliminating. The know how, the training and infrastructure in place would be unraveled.

What is your plan for the $380,000,000,000?

P.S. Sounds like you’re an isolationist. Interesting
I think it’s a FANTASY THREAD
The toxic nature of your views on one another is something I can get behind. But I am for failure, collapse, destruction and a all around end to most things society. IF your goals are healing, safety, happiness and all around improvement of your lives/country as far as society is concerned, you might want to think about viewing your opposition as creatures you would like to have killed, or locked in cages as a possible negative factor in achieving your goals. And I am talking about your neighbors who disagree with you on political policy/morality, not the ones in actual power. The ones in power are your enemies. the 50+ million supporters of your enemy have families, have regular jobs, pay taxes, fight in your military etc etc. No matter how brainwashed or stupid you perceive them to be, you are still talking about murdering people and locking them in cages here. Think about that. Even if it's a fantasy thread, is it helping you or your country or even them?

You act like the 50-100 million or so people who strongly disagree with you are going to disappear after an election. What are you going to do in 4 or 8 years? Do you ACTUALLY think that trump was so bad, that he eliminated the possibility of there ever being opposition to the democratic party in your country? Because i highly doubt that. It's a circus that will keep on its standard rotation. One, then the next. There will be another Trump eventually.

If i were American, my fantasy of what Bidens first act would be, is him ending the prohibition on all drugs. If he did that, fully and correctly, I would eat my words and be eternally in the service of the democratic party. I would kill for him, or die for him if he did that. But it is a fantasy thread isnt it.
The toxic nature of your views on one another is something I can get behind. But I am for failure, collapse, destruction and a all around end to most things society. IF your goals are healing, safety, happiness and all around improvement of your lives/country as far as society is concerned, you might want to think about viewing your opposition as creatures you would like to have killed, or locked in cages as a possible negative factor in achieving your goals. And I am talking about your neighbors who disagree with you on political policy/morality, not the ones in actual power. The ones in power are your enemies. the 50+ million supporters of your enemy have families, have regular jobs, pay taxes, fight in your military etc etc. No matter how brainwashed or stupid you perceive them to be, you are still talking about murdering people and locking them in cages here. Think about that. Even if it's a fantasy thread, is it helping you or your country or even them?

You act like the 50-100 million or so people who strongly disagree with you are going to disappear after an election. What are you going to do in 4 or 8 years? Do you ACTUALLY think that trump was so bad, that he eliminated the possibility of there ever being opposition to the democratic party in your country? Because i highly doubt that. It's a circus that will keep on its standard rotation. One, then the next. There will be another Trump eventually.

If i were American, my fantasy of what Bidens first act would be, is him ending the prohibition on all drugs. If he did that, fully and correctly, I would eat my words and be eternally in the service of the democratic party. I would kill for him, or die for him if he did that. But it is a fantasy thread isnt it.
But you’re not so you wouldn’t understand.
If i were American, my fantasy of what Bidens first act would be, is him ending the prohibition on all drugs. If he did that, fully and correctly, I would eat my words and be eternally in the service of the democratic party.
Right. Redirect every cent going to the war on drugs to rebuilding America's infrastructure.
Right. Redirect every cent going to the war on drugs to rebuilding America's infrastructure.
The war on

How much did the US spend on the war on drugs in 2019? 4 billion dollars.
Ok what would you like to fix first? The pot holes on your street? How about build a bridge?
If i were American, my fantasy of what Bidens first act would be, is him ending the prohibition on all drugs. If he did that, fully and correctly, I would eat my words and be eternally in the service of the democratic party. I would kill for him, or die for him if he did that. But it is a fantasy thread isnt it.

Interesting view. Which country do you hail from? What are the laws of your land? No drug prohibition?
WOW, as a canadian I see that Trump is a complete idiot in the things he says and does but, not everything he has done is wrong. stirring things up with China was needed, That is an issue that you can thank Bill Clinton for... he sent all the factories over to china. As for Trumps wall. he only needs a wall around his house to keep out the haters. The only thing that I can compare your politics to is how crazy soccer fans act at a big game.... like assholes you all have opinions and they all spew shit so stop trying to say that your is better then the next guys. we are here on this site to band together talking about a common interest. growing and smoking. please lets just try to get along.
Gonna say make Trump drop a shit and then, at gunpoint, ask him to eat it. A taste of his own medicine, so to speak.

Just like the joke about the Mexican traveller who is asked if he knows El Diablo (the terribly evil bandido), but for real.

All hypothetical, yeah?
The only thing that I can compare your politics to is how crazy soccer fans act at a big game.... like assholes you all have opinions and they all spew shit
Right. If you aren't "Anti Trump", you must be a "Trumper" and therefore you are the devil and need to be exterminated. Its not possible to be an America who doesn't support either side. Both sides are responsible for this "Home Team" mentality but the democrats are the worse of the two offenders. Most "Trumpers" love life, their country, and just want to move forward in a positive direction. Most democrats believe America is fucked in every way and the worst place in the world to live; the only way to solve this is with their incredible political party.

Sure there are extremists on both sides. But if you tell the average "Trumper" you are a democrat, they will still have a civil and maybe even intelligent conversation with you. If you tell a democrat you are a "Trumper", they will immediately become hostile toward you because you must be a racist, sexist, wahtever else-ist asshole piece of shit. People who have been friends for decades have been divided by this bullshit. America is constantly at war with itself which keeps people on their toes yet distracted at the same time. People are to distracted. The game is so rigged either way you look at it that it doesn't matter who wins in the end; Its the people who lose.
Right. If you aren't "Anti Trump", you must be a "Trumper" and therefore you are the devil and need to be exterminated. Its not possible to be an America who doesn't support either side. Both sides are responsible for this "Home Team" mentality but the democrats are the worse of the two offenders. Most "Trumpers" love life, their country, and just want to move forward in a positive direction. Most democrats believe America is fucked in every way and the worst place in the world to live; the only way to solve this is with their incredible political party.

Sure there are extremists on both sides. But if you tell the average "Trumper" you are a democrat, they will still have a civil and maybe even intelligent conversation with you. If you tell a democrat you are a "Trumper", they will immediately become hostile toward you because you must be a racist, sexist, wahtever else-ist asshole piece of shit. People who have been friends for decades have been divided by this bullshit. America is constantly at war with itself which keeps people on their toes yet distracted at the same time. People are to distracted. The game is so rigged either way you look at it that it doesn't matter who wins in the end; Its the people who lose.
Sometimes I read your posts and forget how much of a racist you are. Thanks for reminding me.

the way your “trumpers” are being treated is kinda like racism. Sucks huh. We see your MAGA and assume you’re an asshole.