The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

Lake sturgeon honestly are nothing in comparison to the sturgeon over in the delta. When a big ass fish grows up in stupid currents they become next level strong.

Some day make the trip. It is worth it.

Collinsvile used to be a hot stop for monster sturgeon. I’ve also had some luck beneath the Benicia Bridge. There also use to be some hot spots by the grain silos in Iselton. Of course most of the party boats go far into San Pablo Bay but that’s always been kinda far away for me, especially with gas prices nowadays. I’ll be getting back on the water soon hopefully, it’s been way overdue. You guys are teasing the hell out of me with all the pics and “fish” stories. Good luck you guys.
Collinsvile used to be a hot stop for monster sturgeon. I’ve also had some luck beneath the Benicia Bridge. There also use to be some hot spots by the grain silos in Iselton. Of course most of the party boats go far into San Pablo Bay but that’s always been kinda far away for me, especially with gas prices nowadays. I’ll be getting back on the water soon hopefully, it’s been way overdue. You guys are teasing the hell out of me with all the pics and “fish” stories. Good luck you guys.
Is that “first street” in Benicia ? I’ve fished the park, but that was for salmon and only caught a steelhead.
Collinsvile used to be a hot stop for monster sturgeon. I’ve also had some luck beneath the Benicia Bridge. There also use to be some hot spots by the grain silos in Iselton. Of course most of the party boats go far into San Pablo Bay but that’s always been kinda far away for me, especially with gas prices nowadays. I’ll be getting back on the water soon hopefully, it’s been way overdue. You guys are teasing the hell out of me with all the pics and “fish” stories. Good luck you guys.
Caught allot around Collinsville.
Had my 23’ trophy in a slip at Vierras. Caught sturgeon everywhere from the fleet up to cache and up the Sac. Caught quite a few around Isleton.

Although i would usually haul my Lund 1800 Fisherman down to Pittsburg or Antioch or Sherman isl and launch at one of those because usually that’s where you would find me up to around this time of year. But anyways, One of the biggest I landed, hooked into some bigger ones, was from the bank up in the park at Clarksburg. Had to go to the chiropractor for a year after. Finally had drug it in. The thing was around 8’. As good as we could measure it before we released it. Brought ones close to the boat that were close to to same size in my boats but never got a good measurement. Kinda hard if you are releasing it the right way.
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Is that “first street” in Benicia ? I’ve fished the park, but that was for salmon and only caught a steelhead.

I caught a 6 footer beneath the bridge off the bank. There’s a shelf dropping off from the bridge, you have to cast deep and let your line go until it settles. I’d run into some decent Striper there once in a while but it’s mainly a sturgeon hole. The “Mothball Fleet was a hot Striper spot forever. Haven’t been in years unfortunately.
I caught a 6 footer beneath the bridge off the bank. There’s a shelf dropping off from the bridge, you have to cast deep and let your line go until it settles. I’d run into some decent Striper there once in a while but it’s mainly a sturgeon hole. The “Mothball Fleet was a hot Striper spot forever. Haven’t been in years unfortunately.
My buddy keeps bugging me to go hit up the piers. Seems like more work to get the fish in than getting the fish to bite. Then again I fish for steelhead…
About the only pier fishing I’ve done was at the Berkeley Pier. Ive crab fished off several piers though.
Used to have some good times fishing that pier in the summers. Caught some decent sized butts there. Way too many rays out in them flats though. And a very long walk back when you gotta take a leak(when there’s too many people out walking the pier).

i miss that trophy boat I had! Used to take it out in the bay and drift for halibut,striper and shark a few times each summer.
Used to have some good times fishing that pier in the summers. Caught some decent sized butts there. Way too many rays out in them flats though. And a very long walk back when you gotta take a leak(when there’s too many people out walking the pier).

i miss that trophy boat I had! Used to take it out in the bay and drift for halibut,striper and shark a few times each summer.
I miss Halibut fishing.

275 Butt.jpg
Used to have some good times fishing that pier in the summers. Caught some decent sized butts there. Way too many rays out in them flats though. And a very long walk back when you gotta take a leak(when there’s too many people out walking the pier).

i miss that trophy boat I had! Used to take it out in the bay and drift for halibut,striper and shark a few times each summer.

The Smelt runs at Berkeley Pier we’re always fun. Would catch 2 or 3 at a time using a bobber. I used to take out of towners there, it was great non-stop action. Sausalito Pier was good for crabbing but it got cold and windy as hell.
The Smelt runs at Berkeley Pier we’re always fun. Would catch 2 or 3 at a time using a bobber. I used to take out of towners there, it was great non-stop action. Sausalito Pier was good for crabbing but it got cold and windy as hell.
My buddy said bodega wasn’t great for crab this past weekend. Pulling only one from the kayak.
Years ago we used to go just outside the mouth of Tamales Bay and kill the rock and Dungeness crab. It was pretty sketch in an aluminum 16 footer. No way I’d do that shit today. Lol
That’s unsafe…but if you need an extra I know a guy. Lol. My wife doesn’t like excuses, just seafood!