Midwest Weedist
Well-Known Member
Well seeing as I don't smoke plan on smoking any hydroponically grown food, I think bringing nutritional values into it is a bit of a straw man argument. Regardless, you're wrong. Completely wrong hahaHydro is straight up better. It grows plants faster, more consistently, and with more nutritional value and bag appeal. You don't have a shred of proof for anything you said. You're just parroting what all the other organic nuts say here, with 0 scientific basis (as if it's the consensus..).
Best of all, it has an extremely low level of impurities and heavy metals, whereas soil is by definition ore and taking it out of your yard is mining. Soil can have plutonium in it. It's certainly high in aluminum, which is toxic. I don't include aluminum in my hydroponic mixes.
Everything you've learned about how "organic is better" has come from a cult that refuses to accept any scientific evidence showing otherwise.
I think you're all fools to blindly accept that soil, a mixed bag of crushed ore, is safer than purified salts. Do you put salt on your food? Aren't you afraid you're going to get lead poisoning?

Plutonium, really? You should be more scared of the background radiation you're exposed to everyday. Or more so of the nasty weed you're puffing on
But I digress, I'm not taking up Tim's thread with bickering. If the man wants to grow hydroponically, I have no issue with that, I was simply informing him so he could make a well informed decision.