The frost came early this year, with a side of delicious.


Active Member
I'm a first time grower and my lovely lady has been in 12/12 since the 28th of last month (27 days). Although when I switched over to 12/12 it was a week too early because my other plant was getting too big. That plant ended up being male, so I got screwed out of another good week of veg for her. She didn't even start showing signs of flowers until the 8th of this month, which was approx 10 days into 12/12. So I'm basically only counting 3 weeks of flowering (actually only 18 days, so just short of 3 weeks of actual flowering).

Anyways, I wanted to share my frosty lady with everyone and possibly get some critique!

I've been seeing yellow spots on the lower fan leaves, but not the lower undergrowth, just the fan sets. I thought I wasn't giving her enough ferts (specifically potassium [maybe potass too?]), I use 2tsp Tiger Bloom every feeding which is about every 5 days. But, I'm also seeing some "canoeing" or "cupping" of the leaves growing straight off the main stalk nodes, and wouldn't that mean over-ferting? Also I noticed the leaves kind of corkscrewing and twisting where the buds are forming, is that normal?... So, I've suspected nute lockout and I added a tblsp of Epsom salt to my last water and I think I see some improvement. I always test my run-off's pH and I never get anything but a 7.0. This week I'm going to buy a better meter just to make sure. I was thinking about adding dolomite lime as well but didn't think it would work since I can't mix it in with my soil. Which brings me to my last question. This far into flowering, would it still be okay to transplant to a bigger pot? I wasn't expecting her to get this big and I know for damn sure she's outgrown her current home, a 2-1/2 gallon pot. I'd like to get her in a 3 gallon at least. Would it be pointless / harmful this late? I'm not in a rush to harvest so I don't care if she gets shocked for a few days.

ANYONES input is welcome!!


