The FSA Free Shit Army Is Gonna Get Violent

jeff f

New Member
milk was on sale for $0.99 here and can usually be found for under $2 at some store or the other. a loaf of bread consistently costs $0.99 to $1.18 depending on the store.

do you live in nome, alaska?
ah, no offense but you are full of shit. i will blow the first guy who shows me the pic of a ticket of 99 cent gallon of milk. a half gal was 1.98 for skim, 2.13 for whole at walmart TODAY.

this is a right wing propaganda article i guess?

but thats cool, you keep buying your 99 cent imaginary gallon of milk. its the same as those imaginary 2.1 million jobs obama created.


Well-Known Member
Gimme gimme gimmie, mo money, mo healthcare, mo retirement and mo of everything else I cannot afford but desire.

Whores of Babylon
so, if someone wants health care they can not afford, let them die from a treatable symptom?

some value system you employ there.


Well-Known Member
ah, no offense but you are full of shit. i will blow the first guy who shows me the pic of a ticket of 99 cent gallon of milk. a half gal was 1.98 for skim, 2.13 for whole at walmart TODAY.

but thats cool, you keep buying your 99 cent imaginary gallon of milk. its the same as those imaginary 2.1 million jobs obama created.
as i said, it was a sale.

you know, like a promotion that stores use to get people shopping, with the hope that they will also buy other shit than the milk.

perhaps you have heard of this phenomenon.

jeff f

New Member
as i said, it was a sale.

you know, like a promotion that stores use to get people shopping, with the hope that they will also buy other shit than the milk.

perhaps you have heard of this phenomenon.
perhaps you heard of this, you are full of shit. you aint buying a quart of milk for 99 cents let alone a gallon. youre lying and i called you on it. i would guess you dont even go in the grocery store.

tell me oh wise one, how are the poor folks you care about so, so so much, how are they doing with all this? while your buddies tinker with their policy initiatives. how are the lower end of the food chain doing? well i can tell you, it aint pretty down here near the bottom. its a fucking struggle to put food on the table for most lower end wage earners. but keep reading your fucking charts, you and the other arrogant bastards who have all the answers.

you condescending fucks always think you got it nailed with your fucking arrogance....get a coupon....fucking bullshit. you obviously could give two rats asses about your average low pay worker.

your whole liberal front is bullshit. you dont give two shits about people who are struggling. that makes you a piece of shit.



Well-Known Member
you are full of shit...youre lying ... arrogant condescending fucks ... fucking arrogance...fucking a piece of shit....dick
been drinking again?

i actually picked up groceries today. $2.18 for a gallon of whole milk at the expensive store.

i can't believe you have such a hard time believing that my local store ran a sale on milk. it is not an unheard of concept.

and if anyone is REALLY struggling, they get food stamps. because our nation and its people understand that it is not right to let people die in the streets. food banks galore, too.

of course, you could just do like i do: pull yourself up by the bootstraps, make wise investments, be frugal, and don't spend frivolously.

if this means franks and beans for a week, that is what you do.

jeff f

New Member
been drinking again?

i actually picked up groceries today. $2.18 for a gallon of whole milk at the expensive store.

i can't believe you have such a hard time believing that my local store ran a sale on milk. it is not an unheard of concept.

and if anyone is REALLY struggling, they get food stamps. because our nation and its people understand that it is not right to let people die in the streets. food banks galore, too.

of course, you could just do like i do: pull yourself up by the bootstraps, make wise investments, be frugal, and don't spend frivolously.

if this means franks and beans for a week, that is what you do.

And once again the entire point is lost on you.

Milk hasn't been below 3 bucks here in over a year. This is the first I've seen it over 4.but this isn't the point either.

Didn't you say you married into money? Now I understand your "bootstraps "theory. Funny that obama never uses that kind of talk....


Active Member
Listen because you have Stockholm syndrome, and are obviously to fucking retarded to read a history book, does not mean i have to illustrate history for you.
Like i said, you are a dumb ass, inferior, little peon brain, neanderthal dumb shit douche bag. Your S.U.V. does not cause global warming and you are full of fucking shit.
Get over yourself and your Al Gore fairy tales and shove them up your ass. You would like to think you know better when quite frankly you don't, you are the worst of them all.
Nothing or no one quite screams ignorant, retarded, fucking dumb shit quite like you, period.
Like this adds anything to the conversation. Do you people have any ability to debate without freaking out.

so, if someone wants health care they can not afford, let them die from a treatable symptom?

some value system you employ there.

Exactly this is what seperates us, "a great nation", from the rest of the world. We have our downfalls, and hopefully they will be worked out, but I am still proud to be and American.

been drinking again?

i actually picked up groceries today. $2.18 for a gallon of whole milk at the expensive store.

i can't believe you have such a hard time believing that my local store ran a sale on milk. it is not an unheard of concept.

and if anyone is REALLY struggling, they get food stamps. because our nation and its people understand that it is not right to let people die in the streets. food banks galore, too.

of course, you could just do like i do: pull yourself up by the bootstraps, make wise investments, be frugal, and don't spend frivolously.

if this means franks and beans for a week, that is what you do.

This is the attitude we need more of, the old school thinking, take care of yourself and your family and friends. Don't stand around waiting for a handout.

The line between needs and wants has gotten so cloudy and this is slowly destroying a great nation.

Everybody needs to do there part, whether or not you believe somebody else is doing there part.

Now about bread, can you afford it, if not go to the store buy some flour, yeast, and make a loaf for a few pennies. Or just buy frozen loafs, dam cheap.

Milk is a little harder, but maybe find some friend that will barter with you.

There is a million ways to combat the costs of things, but most people are just to lazy to do them. Once again the line of needs and wants.


Well-Known Member
so, if someone wants health care they can not afford, let them die from a treatable symptom?

some value system you employ there.
Who said anything about letting Americans die? Should people who never worked a day in their life get healthcare? Whom do think should pick up the bill? Maybe if the feds were not destro7ying the world with their industrial military complex we could afford to take care of the elders who worked all their lives.

Health insurance cost too much. People can no longer afford it unless of course, you are employed by government and fedgov.con and their legal, judicial complex are the main reason it cost so much.

Everything the gov gets involved with gets mismanaged and regulated to death. Now we will have obummercare in which faceless bureacrats will decide if mama gets an operation for breast cancer or if daddy is too old to waste money on for his dern prostate.


Well-Known Member
The feds exported all our jobs and they are importing civil strife

The people cannot afford rent, power and food let alone healthcare. What a F IN joke. All that time and money spent on obummercare and we dont have any dam jobs and cant afford the rent but we can rest easy knowing that the same idiots that got us into this mess are more worried about what we are stuffing in our gulletts and bombing the crap out of brown skinned people who cannot defend themselves then they are about our well being.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday a gallon of whole milk cost me $1.89 at a major grocery chain. The price varies from $1.85 to $2.19 per gallon.
Bread prices here are $1.89 to $2.28 depending on the chain. In LA bread prices are $2.88 to $4.00 per loaf.

Prices are way different depending on where you live - where I live gas has never been more than $3.69 per gallon, and is currently $3.42
California's gasoline average is $3.87, New York $3.98 average with some stations charging as much as $4.59, while Springfield, MO is at $3.28

Your reality is not always the same as someone else.


New Member
oh, i know all too well. it is astounding. just listen to michelle bachmann. horrifying, truly.
I have heard many Republicans threatening that they will create a new civil war, and secede from the union if they do not get power back. I have heard many Republicans constantly reminding us that they are the gun owners, and they know how to use them.

I grew up shooting. I just wanted to remind everyone that most of the time, we see these threats of violence coming from the RIGHT, not the left.

I feel that the right wing is getting pretty desperate. They are realizing that their political stance of the last 50 years or so is not in touch with the realities of today's people. This is why they are losing numbers....they seem out of touch.

I have a friend who is a staunch Republican. He wants to destroy unions these days. Funny thing to me.......his dad was a garbage man, and was a union worker. He was able to go to have a lot of the things he had as a young person BECAUSE of unions, etc. Now he votes against them. For some reason, I do not think someone that picks up garbage would have gotten paid enough to raise a family with one income without the unions. Seems like my friend wants all the other garbage men to get paid shit, even though he got to live the good life........


Well-Known Member

You are full of shit, and must believe everyone is stupid:

The Republicans are gaining support, not losing it as was demonstrated in the recent elections.

Do a little research and see who is doing the threatening these days ....... I will give you a hint it is not the Right.

Politicians on both sides spend more time trying to demonize each other than they do acting on our behalf.
As long as the country remains polarized by political party the politicians will keep us under their collective thumbs, and nothing will change.


Active Member
Come on, even here the whole Rep/Dem thing reals its head. Once our country fiqures out the chasm created by not working togethor, will thinks start to change.

Almost every career politician has by the time he has risen to the top, placed so many favors in place that they have no other alternitive.

And the ones that make it in without that are shunned by the powers to be. What we need is for statesmen to be brought back. People that were mandatory to serve a two year term only.

And yes we would end up with some radicals in there, but it would be a hell of a lot better then the corrupt system we have now.

jeff f

New Member
I have heard many Republicans threatening that they will create a new civil war, and secede from the union if they do not get power back. I have heard many Republicans constantly reminding us that they are the gun owners, and they know how to use them.

I grew up shooting. I just wanted to remind everyone that most of the time, we see these threats of violence coming from the RIGHT, not the left.

I feel that the right wing is getting pretty desperate. They are realizing that their political stance of the last 50 years or so is not in touch with the realities of today's people. This is why they are losing numbers....they seem out of touch.

I have a friend who is a staunch Republican. He wants to destroy unions these days. Funny thing to me.......his dad was a garbage man, and was a union worker. He was able to go to have a lot of the things he had as a young person BECAUSE of unions, etc. Now he votes against them. For some reason, I do not think someone that picks up garbage would have gotten paid enough to raise a family with one income without the unions. Seems like my friend wants all the other garbage men to get paid shit, even though he got to live the good life........
And the moon is made of green cheese!

Name one Republican in National politics that is called for revolution or violence to overthrow govt and get power back? Oh, you can't... thought so.

Apparently you have been asleep since last November.


Well-Known Member
Take into account that of the last 5 presidents 3 were republican and the last democrat before this one was impeached.


Well-Known Member
And the moon is made of green cheese!

Name one Republican in National politics that is called for revolution or violence to overthrow govt and get power back? Oh, you can't... thought so.

Apparently you have been asleep since last November.
apparently, you were asleep since before last november.

or perhaps you willfully ignored sharron angle and her "second amendment remedies".


Well-Known Member
And once again the entire point is lost on you.

Milk hasn't been below 3 bucks here in over a year. This is the first I've seen it over 4.but this isn't the point either.

Didn't you say you married into money? Now I understand your "bootstraps "theory. Funny that obama never uses that kind of talk....
yep, i married up. no, i do not use her money.

the bootstraps thing referred to me quitting a shitty job and becoming self-employed, which was not without its tough times.

franks and beans was a bit of an exaggeration. i was actually eating hot dogs on hamburger buns with a bit of ketchup for 3 days or so.

jeff f

New Member
yep, i married up. no, i do not use her money.

the bootstraps thing referred to me quitting a shitty job and becoming self-employed, which was not without its tough times.

franks and beans was a bit of an exaggeration. i was actually eating hot dogs on hamburger buns with a bit of ketchup for 3 days or so.
so she doesnt use her money either? interesting, you two love birds just getting by on franks and

when you say shit like, "and if anyone is REALLY struggling, they get food stamps. because our nation and its people understand that it is not right to let people die in the streets. food banks galore, too." you really let your ass show.

you have no clue. so milk is now about 4 bucks....did food stamps go up to fill the gap?

the unemployment rate is about 10 but 17 when including people who have quit looking. so basically you are saying that the rest of us can pay for thier milk? bread? cereal? meat? what else you want the ever fewer worker bees to pay for?

going way out on a limb here, you cheat on your taxes. you hide all you can so you dont have to pay for the milk that you so graciously tell the rest of us to pay for.

i suggest that you tell your wife to include an extra 5000 in her tax return so she can keep people from starving in the streets....i am sure she wont have a problem with that.
