THE FUTURE - Audio Simulation of LIGHTWAVES....


Well-Known Member
Growing plants using SOUND instead of LIGHT.

Specific combinations of soundwave could affect the plant in the exact same way as LIGHT WAVES.
This would eliminate using bulbs and high energy. No heat signatures or sky high electricity bills would cause suspicion.

Just ultrasonic waves (beyond the audio capabilities of human beings to hear) aimed at the plants and played.
Different tones replicate different CCTs.
For a 6400Kelvin Blue (veg growth) maybe a certain ultrasonic tone would be a perfect alternative.
For a hot orange/red CCT....another tone.
Duel spectrum - ply BOTH TONES together.

MAYBE the experts of the future - probably known as PharmaMusicologists (or HortiMusicologists) will also discover that certain subsonic rhythms Stimulate ROOT growth by their rhythmic vibrations.
By having subsonic rhythmic vibrations AND ultrasonic tones the plants may perform better than ever!
And a new Academic area of Orchestral Stimulated Hoticulture will be the thing that makes NUCLEAR POWER and GM crops completely unnecessary.?


Active Member
I don't know son, sound waves and light waves are the same kind of waves, just that light waves are in a much higher frequency and a lower mass... (practically 0).
an ultrasonic tune is actually a lightwave....
that's as much as i know


Active Member
in fact you're a wave as well. just in a very low frequency and very high wave length. so high that you don't act like a wave.


Well-Known Member
Grow with sound waves and have every dog for miles barking like mad, waking the neighborhood at night


Active Member
speed of light = wavelength x frequency.
The higher the wavelength, the lower the frequency.
The human eye detects wavelengths between 450~800 nm i think. Sound waves are probable around 500cm long i think. not sure.