The G13 truth comes out Doc wins

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Active Member
Looks like Doc is right, and he is a man of his word for NOT givin up his source.

"Hello my Brothers,
I am here to back a real bro for not disclosing me as his source in obtaining his G13 strain. It is a great pleasure knowing this person for being true to his word.
Dr. Greenthumb has been taking alot of crap for the nickname D/D that I labled some clones that I sold him. It has caused a shit storm at a couple of forums.
I owe Dr. Greenthumb a huge apology for the stress he is probably going thru.
I am apologizing to Dr. Greenthumb here since I have quite a few friends here that know a little about my history growing mj. As most of you who know me can vouch that I have had the G13 strain since the mid 80's. Nevil can also verify that. And also that I had sold the strain for $25g's to a "canadian breeder" a while back. Btw, the 25g's were distributed to our group who had previously agreed to keep the strain locked down. Had the economy not gone to shit it would have never been sold.
Dr. Greenthumb bought the strain and not just the clone. He decided to make it available to the public in pure form and is basically selling the strain at around 1% of what he paid for it, which is quite a deal.
I would also like to extend my apology to Double D a moderator at another forum for stress he must have for the confusion about my labeling methods.

I also want all my bro's who have sent me pm's that I am answering each and everyone within the next couple of days. The Skunk that you all are after will be available as soon as Nevil decides what he wants to do with the strain as I am leaving it up to him.

Take care my brothers!

Dogless has been a member for almost 2 years at Mr. Nice, read his past posts he seems to know Nevil and Shanti.

Wonder what Stonedheadgiver will say to this, LOL!


RIU Bulldog
Im really sick of this g13 crap. Weed can't be stronger than 25-29% in plant form. Its impossible. There have been 25% thc strains around for decades and there still are. Nothing really special about g13 anymore.


Active Member
I think anyone who reads this will be skeptical. First of all, who is "Jim"? And you act as if this "Jim" has credibility because of being a member for almost 2 years at Mr. Nice. Yet, he has only 13 posts.....not very good credibility. By that logic, I have great credibility then too- more than Jim, so I must be right.

Anyone with an old account could have written that, including you. Kind of pathetic, but I could be wrong. Maybe if there was something more tangible presented then this would mean something. Right now, that proves nothing.

Besides, Dr. Greenthumb did already hint that he may not have the actual "g13" from this DD guy. Because he got it from some "guy" who can't be revealed. What would said guy, the source of Greenthumbs cut, have to lose by being revealed anyway? Not like he would be forced to give back anything and he doesn't have to deal with DD anymore anyway, considering the g13 cut seems to be the only thing he has of value. If it is the real cut then Greenthumb could have already settled the score, but I don't think he can; that's why he hasn't already. Personally, I think Greenthumb is in the wrong because he could just reveal his source and settle the score and no harm no foul done to anyone.

And to everyone saying the price is so high because he has to make back his money. I bet he has more than doubled already what he paid, especially at $100 a seed. So, yeah, seriously it's greed driven. Like most of MJ industry. Besides his seeds aren't that special anyway. It's not like his genetics are inaccessible to anyone else. So, why the price? This whole, ford<maserati argument is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
How does he win? DD said it wasn't his cut and he was right.

At least he changed his site:

" Now Available " G13
Product Code- G13F- (Feminized) &#9792;

[The Original Neville's Cut- First Pure G13 Seed EVER!!!]


I personally have a strain of "the oracle" it has been professionally tested, and resulted in 33%THC. Just so you know the difference between fact and fiction. Maybe you should lay off the shwag?


Well-Known Member
I personally have a strain of "the oracle" it has been professionally tested, and resulted in 33%THC. Just so you know the difference between fact and fiction. Maybe you should lay off the shwag?
LOL fantastic great post you must have not read the thread as it is talking about creditability and you apparently have none. So why should we think your not just full of shit?


Well-Known Member
I believe the docs got the REAL g13, an he aint out ripping people off selling em a fake....:clap:

Good find Fletchman..


RIU Bulldog
LOL fantastic great post you must have not read the thread as it is talking about creditability and you apparently have none. So why should we think your not just full of shit?
Even if your not lying, that's could be true. Scientists say that 25% is the maximum but I think with all the nutrients and chemicals out there that it's not impossible to manipulate the plant structure so that it might raise that by a few points, so I say 29% is possible but so is 33%. Much more though and I would say that you were lying.


Well-Known Member
I think anyone who reads this will be skeptical. First of all, who is "Jim"? And you act as if this "Jim" has credibility because of being a member for almost 2 years at Mr. Nice. Yet, he has only 13 posts.....not very good credibility. By that logic, I have great credibility then too- more than Jim, so I must be right.

Anyone with an old account could have written that, including you. Kind of pathetic, but I could be wrong. Maybe if there was something more tangible presented than this would mean something. Right now, that proves nothing.

Besides, Dr. Greenthumb did already hint that he may not have the actual "g13" from this DD guy. Because he got it from some "guy" who can't be revealed. What would said guy, the source of Greenthumbs cut, have to lose by being revealed anyway? Not like he would be forced to give back anything and he doesn't have to deal with DD anymore anyway, considering the g13 cut seems to be the only thing he has of value. If it is the real cut then Greenthumb could have already settled the score, but I don't think he can; that's why he hasn't already. Personally, I think Greenthumb is in the wrong because he could just reveal his source and settle the score and no harm no foul done to anyone.

And to everyone saying the price is so high because he has to make back his money. I bet he has more than doubled already what he paid, especially at $100 a seed. So, yeah, seriously it's greed driven. Like most of MJ industry. Besides his seeds aren't that special anyway. It's not like his genetics are inaccessible to anyone else. So, why the price? This whole, ford<maserati argument is ridiculous.
Spammer...his genetics are got real femmed g13 from Neville at your seed bank? by the way you get 3 to a pack so it's $67 a seed not $100 get your facts right (might help to read the posts) spammers before you start spewin' off.
If you got any friends (which I somehow doubt), do what i did. Split on a pack 3 ways, $67 each and if someone's seed die's, doesn't sprout or gets a better cut we'll share it amongst ourselves.
I got G13 for $67 and it is rockin' compared to the shit Timewarp from Next Gen....5 seeds...5 pieces of crap.
Most neysayers on here are obviously spamming for other breeder's/seed banks who are jealous A-they don't have it B-the truth is out.
Cheers out to the Doc for not revealing his source (likely a promise he made) while dickheads like whyte berry and metal fuckhead spew poison.
No doubt DD so pissed and denying everything. Can't you all see????...his baby is OUR baby now...hahaaha


Active Member
How am I being a spammer if my post has actual thought in it? You obviously do not know the definition of a spammer, anyway...

If he has it from Neville, then doesn't Neville have it as well? In addition to anyone who has also received it from Neville? Whose to say no one else has it then? I don't care if you're trying to defend your BF, but I'm not trying to get into your circle-jerk. So all in all, no his genetics are not inaccessible, just realize he obtained his genes from other people who also use the same strains.

I didn't mention any other breeder, so your argument about spamming for other seedbanks who are "jealous" is COMPLETELY irrelevant. You have no point there. Also, trying to compare "g13" to your "Timewarp" is like trying to compare a sativa with an indica, different strokes for different folks, again; you have no point there.

If you want Greenthumb to be right, that is different to if he actually proves he his right. Personally, I won't buy from him. No truth is out and honestly, he took DD's name off from the strains description. That does suggest it may not be DD's, and even if you don't like DD, the "g13" you're getting a hard on over is the very one that DD had been keeping for so many years- apparently.

Why anyone would think Dr. Greenthumb is doing a service for the "community", by charging so much for seeds and making a KILLING off of "us", you, is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
I love the people with 20 posts all about Dr greenthumb calling other people spammers. Pot meet kettle.


Well-Known Member
I'm tired of all these gayass pointless threads. Nobody gives a fuck. If you all want people to buys seeds put out genuine grow and smoke reports it's that simple. I don't care what breeder you like put out a report if the shit looks good people will buy it plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
The ONLY spammer now is you. Doc has been prooved a man of his word. Get used to it and for God's sake GROW UP!

haha this dude is a riot. Look at his profile then select find all posts...I went back 10 pages and only found 1 post not about Dr. Greenthumb, and it was a troll post on stonedmetalhead.

Haha in one thread he suggests iranian autoflower as one of the most potent strains available. ROFL

How do people like this even exist on this site? The guy is obviously a shill and a troll...Be nice if the mods around here spent time weeding out the obvious trolls like this guy instead of closing threads with useful info in them.


Well-Known Member
I have old internet forum accounts all over the fucking place on many many forums going back over 10 years. Each name is different and some of them only have a few posts.

Who's to say I didn't post that shit just to shut people up? There is only one person who knows the truth and that's the man you need to speak to.

haha this dude is a riot. Look at his profile then select find all posts...I went back 10 pages and only found 1 post not about Dr. Greenthumb, and it was a troll post on stonedmetalhead.

Haha in one thread he suggests iranian autoflower as one of the most potent strains available. ROFL

How do people like this even exist on this site? The guy is obviously a shill and a troll...Be nice if the mods around here spent time weeding out the obvious trolls like this guy instead of closing threads with useful info in them.
My point exactly..This guy says he grew everything from dr greenthumb but only shows pics of the autoflower which is not even a autoflower..When i asked him how its a autoflower he has no answer,when i ask him to show the clones he compared to the seeds from dr greenthumbs grows he has no answer he is a spammer and a fibber i dont believe nothing from him,biggy buds or fagboy
I have old internet forum accounts all over the fucking place on many many forums going back over 10 years. Each name is different and some of them only have a few posts.

Who's to say I didn't post that shit just to shut people up? There is only one person who knows the truth and that's the man you need to speak to.
Thank you because just the 13 post is suspect enough and lets see how long that shit last

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
looks like there might be another guy on Breedbay about to spill the beans on DD...cant wait to see how that one comes out for him.
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