The Game is over Trump


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow, December 14, 2020, the Electors in all 50 states & DC will meet & certify their ballots confirming that Joe Biden will be the 46th POTUS.
All your whining/crying/screaming/lying was too no avail, you fucking lost, you scourge/blight on Civilization/Humanity.
Now we'll just wait and see what the judicial systems in NY can accomplish, because a pound of flesh is owed by you.
It's payback time :)
The real problem is right in the title to your thread. trump thinks it's a game. It isn't. He can go hide behind the walls at Mar A Lago and keep stirring crap up while everyone else has to deal with the consequences caused by the despicable traitor.
The real problem is right in the title to your thread. trump thinks it's a game. It isn't. He can go hide behind the walls at Mar A Lago and keep stirring crap up while everyone else has to deal with the consequences caused by the despicable traitor.
Hopefully he will be charged and convicted on any one of the many crimes he has committed. If all goes well,.... his whining will go away for the duration of the sentence
Crazy how biden wins from his basement. 70 million votes for red. The country will suffer with the other halfs choices.
Trump has a month to wreck the place, he is still president. He has been firing people and putting his loyalists in place to mess up the system and ultimatly walk out with Biden's people to figure out what should be there. He has small grass fire court cases to keep the unwashed hopeful. Once the day is done in January he will move out and take a broadcasting gig for the money (we all know he needs the money) and it gives him an worshiping audience. He can still shill them sor dollars. He still has his hooks in the GOP although hopefully they see him as old news. The court cases waiting for him, he can delay well enough and finally leave the country rather than putting on the color orange. Then from outside he can still preach to his chior that he is being framed, he is always the victim.

Did I forget anything?
Dumpy has found a soft spot. The tea potty evangelicals pull the strings. All the churches around me are praying and marching. These people are nuts. Amen.

Another reason I'm not religious. How anyone that supposedly believes in God can support a disgusting sinner like trump makes no sense. He's against everything Jesus supposedly stood for. Bunch of hypocrites hiding behind a bible just like the traitors hiding behind a flag.
A guy from usa got released from prison today after 32 years locked up for weed so i read earlier, i forgot the news link sorry.

Is this because of biden and his gang ?

A guy from usa got released from prison today after 32 years locked up for weed so i read earlier, i forgot the news link sorry.

Is this because of biden and his gang ?

Looks like before Biden really had any say in it since he was arrested in the 80's.
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After spending 31 years in prison for a nonviolent marijuana crime, the man thought to be the longest-serving inmate convicted on cannabis charges in the US has been released.

Richard DeLisi, 71, was released Tuesday from the South Bay Correctional Facility in Palm Beach County, the Florida Department of Corrections confirmed to CNN.

He'd been incarcerated since 1989, when he was convicted on charges of racketeering, trafficking in cannabis and conspiracy, and sentenced to 90 years in prison for smuggling more than 100 pounds of marijuana from Colombia into Florida.

His release marks the first time in 32 years he hasn't been behind bars, according to the Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit that advocates for releasing prisoners convicted on marijuana charges.
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The Last Prisoner Project partnered with attorneys to push for the early release of DeLisi, whom they say is the country's longest-serving nonviolent cannabis prisoner. The group said the pandemic made his release even more urgent, citing his health and chronic health issues like asthma, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as factors that heighten his risk for severe illness or death from Covid-19. Attorneys with the group also stressed the nonviolent nature of his crime. Moreover, since his conviction, laws governing marijuana use in many states have changed dramatically, in some cases decriminalizing it for recreational use.

Despite pressure from the Last Prisoner Project, Florida Department of Corrections press secretary Kayla McLaughlin told CNN that the decision to move up DeLisi's release date was not "related to any action by an outside party."

DeLisi's release date was initially moved up from summer 2022 to May 2021 after an error was discovered on his record, McLaughlin said, which restored 390 days of provisional release credits he was owed upon the start of his sentence in 1989.

Good behavior also earned him "gain time," or a reduction in his sentence. DeLisi had previously forfeited 120 days of "gain time" due to disciplinary infractions. But because DeLisi's last disciplinary report was from July 2005 and because he was 120 days from his new release date of May 2021, he was eligible to have his "gain time" restored, which moved up his release date, McLaughlin said.

DeLisi's family met him when he was released Tuesday, said Mary Bailey, managing director of the Last Prisoner Project, who attended DeLisi's release. He met two of his five grandchildren for the first time and enjoyed a seafood meal with his family after getting tested for Covid-19. Bailey said.

DeLisi's release was preceded by the House of Representatives' vote to decriminalize marijuana nationally, a move legislators said was meant to "address the devastating injustices caused by the War on Drugs." It's not expected to pass the Republican-controlled Senate, however.