The Game is over Trump

so which is trump ? left or right ?

Also how many support trump in this thread ? and how many support biden ?

or does anyone give 2 flea shits ?
Trump is a con man, it really doesn't matter what Trump is IMO.

He says everything and anything so doesn't really fit in a box. He does surround himself with far right fucktards though, so his administration is far right.
The real problem is right in the title to your thread. trump thinks it's a game.
this is how i see trump and i don't even know him really, only what iv'e seen on tv news etc etc

he's like a child with toy money playing monopoly for kids ... he said it in an interview he only bought the largest retail auctioned property in the state's history to look bigger than the rest, he even admitted doing nothing to the property he bought for about 4 years after which is beyond childish behavior for an adult in business.

bizarre behaviour imho

then he become president after casino rat tv personalty which his tv show didn't get emmy awards and claimed rigged, he tweeted like a baby weeks after not getting the emmy ..... you couldn't write this sort of shit

lolz haha
this is how i see trump and i don't even know him really, only what iv'e seen on tv news etc etc

he's like a child with toy money playing monopoly for kids ... he said it in an interview he only bought the largest retail auctioned property in the state's history to look bigger than the rest, he even admitted doing nothing to the property he bought for about 4 years after which is beyond childish behavior for an adult in business.

bizarre behaviour imho

then he become president after casino rat tv personalty which his tv show didn't get emmy awards and claimed rigged, he tweeted like a baby weeks after not getting the emmy ..... you couldn't write this sort of shit

lolz haha
Book by Trump's niece claims he has psychological disorders. We asked psychologists

"In Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man, Mary Trump describes the president's father — her grandfather — as a high-functioning sociopath and blames him for instilling in his children the value of aggression and the notion that kindness is weakness.

She suggests the most damaged of the siblings is Donald Trump, who, she said, has a variety of psychological impairments: definitely narcissism, for which she says he meets all nine criteria, but probably other conditions. She lists as possibilities antisocial personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, a learning disorder and sleep disorder.

In Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man, Mary Trump describes the president's father — her grandfather — as a high-functioning sociopath and blames him for instilling in his children the value of aggression and the notion that kindness is weakness.

She suggests the most damaged of the siblings is Donald Trump, who, she said, has a variety of psychological impairments: definitely narcissism, for which she says he meets all nine criteria, but probably other conditions. She lists as possibilities antisocial personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, a learning disorder and sleep disorder.

"Donald's pathologies are so complex and his behaviours so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neuropsychological tests that he'll never sit for."

She wrote that she hoped her book would put to rest the idea that Trump deploys strategies or has a tangible agenda — when his only aim is to protect his own fragile ego and have others see him as strong and smart.

Do you agree with what she's written about the president?

Miller: "[On narcissism] I agree entirely. 'Prototypical' doesn't describe the degree to which [Trump] meets the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Many of us who study it say that if we [described a character like his in a paper] other peer reviewers would say, 'You've made up too cartoonish of a case.' They wouldn't believe it would be possible. That's how incredibly well he fits those symptoms. I've viewed Donald Trump as an example of narcissism going back 15 years. Long before he was running for president, long before he was associated with the Republican Party. Literally, going back into the mid-2000s … at academic talks he was one of the pictures I would put up. This is hardly new.… Narcissism is associated with aggression, in general, and specifically under an ego-threat. When someone has criticized you, we're going to see lashing out.… An inability to accept blame — it's always someone else's fault.… To not admit one's mistakes ...that inability to admit that one has ever been wrong is a really huge problem…. I agree that we should not be distracted by his narcissism from his psychopathy…. Search for the criteria for psychopathy. Look at traits and behaviours in the psychopathy checklist written by Hare. Grapple with how many would he not fit there. And psychopathy is associated much more strongly than narcissism with behaviours that are particularly scary.… It's the callousness, irresponsibility, impulse-control problems, lack of remorse or shame."

Lynam: "I agree that Trump meets most, if not all, of the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.... He certainly meets more than enough to deserve the diagnosis. I am not sure that I would say he has other pathologies, but I would say that he appears to have some additional traits outside of the ones included in NPD that make him more 'disturbed.' I think he is reckless, impulsive, unreliable and dishonest. There are some stories that suggest a tendency towards antisocial behaviour.... I am hesitant to say this, but I think the other diagnosis that should be considered is psychopathy... I have seen some commentators refer to a similar construct to psychopathy with the term 'malignant narcissism.' The only part with which I might disagree with Mary Trump (based on reported details of the book) is that I am not sure it is possible to pinpoint causes for these traits. It could be due to his father's treatment of him. It could be due to the genes he shares with his father. It could be due to a host of factors. I would not speculate on that."

The real problem is that Trump is a sociopath, supported and protected by republicans.
He's a fucking madman, adored/adulated though by every other fucking insane/mentally challenged/impaired individual in this country & there are ten's of millions of them.
Scary thought right?
But you know what is really, really scary?
It's that the fucking majority of Republicans in Congress kowtows to him & supports this lunatic.
I know that this country is a multi-party system, that there are Libertarians/Greens/Communist/Independent, but when you cut to the chase, it's really only a 2 party system, Republican or Democrat.
So, what I see is that a very large proportion of this society, like all the Republicans actually, are mesmerized by & willing to do anything at all to appease/support a fucking lunatic.
Fuck COVID-19, that will be conquered by vaccines & eventually regress, but the real threat to the stability of this Nation is the mindset of your average Trump supporter.
The head of the Texas Republican Party, Allen West, yesterday suggested that maybe like minded states should secede and form a new "Union"
Texas GOP Chair Allen West says SCOTUS setback may call for new 'union' of 'law-abiding states' | Fox News
That, my friends is a fucking sobering/frightening thought, that the leader of the Republican party in one of the largest states in this country can even contemplate that.
So, what I see is a world of shit laying ahead as long as Trump exists.
He'll never stop being a curse until he takes his last breath.
Bet on it
He's a fucking madman, adored/adulated though by every other fucking insane/mentally challenged/impaired individual in this country & there are ten's of millions of them.
Scary thought right?
But you know what is really, really scary?
It's that the fucking majority of Republicans in Congress kowtows to him & supports this lunatic.
I know that this country is a multi-party system, that there are Libertarians/Greens/Communist/Independent, but when you cut to the chase, it's really only a 2 party system, Republican or Democrat.
So, what I see is that a very large proportion of this society, like all the Republicans actually, are mesmerized by & willing to do anything at all to appease/support a fucking lunatic.
Fuck COVID-19, that will be conquered by vaccines & eventually regress, but the real threat to the stability of this Nation is the mindset of your average Trump supporter.
The head of the Texas Republican Party, Allen West, yesterday suggested that maybe like minded states should secede and form a new "Union"
Texas GOP Chair Allen West says SCOTUS setback may call for new 'union' of 'law-abiding states' | Fox News
That, my friends is a fucking sobering/frightening thought, that the leader of the Republican party in one of the largest states in this country can even contemplate that.
So, what I see is a world of shit laying ahead as long as Trump exists.
He'll never stop being a curse until he takes his last breath.
Bet on it
With the election results in Texas, they would have to settle their own internal civil war first and it's not clear they would win it either! Hard to go to war or succeed, with half the population against it. Perhaps they might wanna dip a toe in the water first and have their equalization payments cut off:

"Texans sent the federal government $261 billion in taxes in 2016, and the state government received $39.5 billion in grants in return, or about 15 percent of our total federal tax tab. Those grants were the state's second-largest revenue source, providing more than a third of its net revenue in that year".

Win the senate and end equalization payments to red states, the rich blue states can then decide what programs to finance in those red states, education programs with civics and mindfulness training for instance. Stop paying them, then if they want the money they dance to the blue states tune, cut the feds out of the picture, let them tax their residents like the blue states do. Fund black schools and healthcare in the red states as reparations etc, if the fucks wanna play hardball, hit em with a few fast balls between the eyes. They wanna divide the country, show them the pain of that division by telling them what they have to do to get some cash while their congressmen and senators are side lined, they sidelined the federal government, so it's only fair. Remember what that last tax bill did to blue states who deduct state income tax from federal income tax? The one that was targeted at you? Remember that they didn't want to pay for the hurricane damage to NY, but eagerly take their annual share of disaster relief? They are at war with you, that's why they try to fuck you every chance they get.

Lindsey's state of SC receives $7 of every $1 it pays in, tell them if they send him back they won't get another dime for a hundred years! :lol:
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Tomorrow, December 14, 2020, the Electors in all 50 states & DC will meet & certify their ballots confirming that Joe Biden will be the 46th POTUS.
All your whining/crying/screaming/lying was too no avail, you fucking lost, you scourge/blight on Civilization/Humanity.
Now we'll just wait and see what the judicial systems in NY can accomplish, because a pound of flesh is owed by you.
It's payback time :)

so now it's certified..what does Magic 8-Ball say?

now the militia comes out..previously no one supported Trump slowly but surely he's getting lawmakers to back him when they once said nothing.
He's a fucking madman, adored/adulated though by every other fucking insane/mentally challenged/impaired individual in this country & there are ten's of millions of them.
Scary thought right?
But you know what is really, really scary?
It's that the fucking majority of Republicans in Congress kowtows to him & supports this lunatic.
I know that this country is a multi-party system, that there are Libertarians/Greens/Communist/Independent, but when you cut to the chase, it's really only a 2 party system, Republican or Democrat.
So, what I see is that a very large proportion of this society, like all the Republicans actually, are mesmerized by & willing to do anything at all to appease/support a fucking lunatic.
Fuck COVID-19, that will be conquered by vaccines & eventually regress, but the real threat to the stability of this Nation is the mindset of your average Trump supporter.
The head of the Texas Republican Party, Allen West, yesterday suggested that maybe like minded states should secede and form a new "Union"
Texas GOP Chair Allen West says SCOTUS setback may call for new 'union' of 'law-abiding states' | Fox News
That, my friends is a fucking sobering/frightening thought, that the leader of the Republican party in one of the largest states in this country can even contemplate that.
So, what I see is a world of shit laying ahead as long as Trump exists.
He'll never stop being a curse until he takes his last breath.
Bet on it

sadly we have a huge mental health issue in this country uncle ronnie decided the cops would multitask. those kinds of beds at hospitals are short so they go to jail or a shelter or stay at their double-wide and think about kidnapping people.