the ghetto grow..


hey bud how are ya hope yur turkey day was good..

yu think the one with the crazy stem needs a lil help?? how so? am i LSTing right? lol i wood much prefer yu guide me the way to go! do yu think its time to do some topping?? im ready when they are or were ready when yu are which ever happens first


Well-Known Member
Yea, Turkey day was good thanks. Got to see my sister.

"When your ready" Ha! I was born ready but I think your plants need a couple more weeks. Its good to have five sets of branches before you take off the top. Looks like you are almost there.

That twisted one, yea your LSTing alright. I have never actually seen one done like that but looks like low stress training to me. Might be a good idea to get that one a stick and tie it up. as long as the stalk doesn't fold your ok.

BTW, I got new respect for fluorescent lighting. I did a test and got 4 OZs out of the cabinet. I use T5 and CFL's you can see the grow in my dual cabinet journal.

Here is a link

Or heres a pic,



well first hello how are yu love your shoes and your hair.. my grow is going good (knock on wood) hope everyones is doing the same!

heres a lil update on whats been goin on..
ive put a wall to make there be 2 diff sides. one side is not up and running yet i plan on putting a 400 watt hps n there but as of now i have
2 150watt cfl
3 100 watt 2700k
2 100 watt 6500k
1 t5 cool light floruo tube but its propped up on its side

im using schultz 10-15-10 for the nutes and right now im on an18/6 light scedule i have 4 lovely ladies i believe one grew 2 tops on its own

ill add pics tomorw:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Hi Emily,

Well, it looks like you are at about a month since you started this journal. I have to assume the plants where a couple weeks old at that point. What I am getting at is your strain dosent seem to want to grow much and I dont think topping would be a good idea.

It may be best to just flip to flower as is.
Sure you could do it now.
You will probably end up with plants about 2 feet tall full of buds in about two months.


well cruzer thank yu for all your knowledge.. i never wood have put it into consideration that the strain had something to do with the size... of course i dont need monsterous plants for my cfls ill be switching to 12-12 saturday

so in reality the pots they are in they can stay in?? and i need to get a flowering nute right?? what wood yu recommend?

thank yu again!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good idea.

My experiences in hydroponics when it comes to root size is the roots are about as big as the plant. I think you have room, besides the plant could be about twice the size of the pot before you get root bound.

What I would do at this point is flush the plants. Basically thats just over watering them then leave them for a few extra days to dry up again. But I would see the reaction from doing it. Maybe they could use more water. Maybe less. But it helps clear off unwanted salts in the soil.

There is no real difference in what brand of bloom nutrient you use. Just dont over do it. I would say mix it at half strength and use it every other time you water.

If all the leaf ever turns yellow (not just a couple on the bottom) then use more nutrients. Otherwise thats all you need.

Hey, if you get a chance, could you post a nice individual pic of the one with the twisted stem? I think that looks cool.
Like a twisted palm tree on an island kinda thing.


Hey, if you get a chance, could you post a nice individual pic of the one with the twisted stem? I think that looks cool.
Like a twisted palm tree on an island kinda thing.

yes i can totally do that! i started bending it cause it was so stretched when it was a young seedling ill send pics from beginning :bigjoint:


good morning weed farmers n smot pokers

just a quick update.. yesterday was my familys "christmas" shindig my cousin went n got the cannabis grow bible second addition i am so freakin stoked... he also showed me is 400 w hps/mh ballast set up n a grow tent his plants were younger than mine but were huge gorgeous mine are just like a little miniature version lets just say i cannot wait to order a sweet light!!! im also thinking of going soil less in the future.. but who knows until next times peace//

p.s i switched my lil ladies to 12/12 yesterday, we will see what the future brings


yeah so i went to 12-12 on saturday we will see what happens nothing much has changed but its only been a few days..

def been reading my grow bible actually i carry it around the house all day taking notes on my "dream closet grow" lol

n the mean time my experiments will continue.. besides after christmas i have to start planning my outdoor garden n i kno somewhere n there i can squeeze a plant or two!?

heres some pics enjoy:joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
hey emily, i just caught up on your thread, your plants are looking really good and healthy. i definitely like your curved ones. so have you decided on what nutrients to use? i used super bloom from lowes, it was inexpensive and it did a pretty good job.


how was everyones holiday good i hope i cant believe its almost 2010! sh!t

on another note.. i peeked into my cabinet the other day and yet to my surprise i caught 3 young maturing males surrounding my blossoming beauty.. i had no choice but to eliminate the problem.. beings i do not have the means to make the "hash" i just discarded properly// as harsh as it may seem\\ we kno what has to be done!

im getting excited i kno going from 4 plants to 1 is a minor set back but shes lovin it.. ive just been watering reg no nutes..

igrowdro i think im gonna have to go with that from lowes... any pics of the end result??

finally i have a few pics of my lonely lady her leaves are pointed upwards and such shes really lovin the cab to herself. im thinkin to re veg after a few more weeks of flowering then im sure shell be all the way around this pink pot

im pretty sure shes busty and curvey.. my kinda woman;) lol




they look scrumpcious!! i cant wait
other pictures give me hope lol what kind
of set up do yu have if yu dont mind me asking


Well-Known Member
i dont mind at all. i have a 600w mh/hps switchable. the plant, in the above pics, is flowering under hps. she is very close to harvest. when she's done, i am going to put her back in veg under the metal halide. the light and the AC is on the same timer. when shi reverts and has new branches about 8 nodes, i will top 3 branches every 2 weeks for clones. i am getting a 250w cfl to put them under for 2 weeks(1 week to root, 1 week to veg) 3 clones every 2 weeks after 12 weeks of flowering i will have 18 plants. and try to have 3 plants harvesting every 2 weeks with a continuous rotation. still trying to figure out what i am going to put my mother plant under while i have the 600 for flowering. i will let you know


Well-Known Member
Cool shot,

Well at least you got one girl. Kinda stalky ant she. Thats cool, it makes for big buds.