So i went ahead and used orca film to line my hobby chamber and added a circulation fan. Now all thats left is adding an air deflector or two and adding a legit drain pan.
I had checked the lux beforehand, it was at around 8000. after lining it went down to 6000
I have dialed it down to 5000 lux and the light is about 3' away from the seedlings
perhaps it is reflecting light differently now or something but that seems a bit odd
the only thing I can think of is, that its the tape that I used wasnt actually orca tape so perhaps its absorbing a bunch of light.
Regardless, the orca liner feels really nice and I am happy I will now have a cleanable chamber
On a further note, when I was putting things back in I noticed a slug on one of my little seedlings!
I tried to carefully grab the slug but half the seedling came with it.. Oh well lesson learned don't leave soil outside in a bag keep it inside and dry..
Soo i put down some sluggo-plus in the damp drain tray and am going to be closely monitoring the soil for new activity. I am thinking of putting little copper rings around the plant lol but they're so tiny I have already found a second slug ... yikes