The great flushing experiment: An objective and in depth look at the final weeks

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member

Intro: When I first started growing years ago in my early teens, I grew only outdoors. I used common know-how from my parents garden and achieved great results. My friend and I swore ourselves to secrecy about the perfect spot on a sunny hillside that we had found to grow our plants. We added lime to the soil beneath the raised beds we had made with rocks from the nearby stream. We used compost from our houses, and chicken manure,years old, gathered from the coop at my friends house, and a little book on herbal medicine that had a one paragraph write up on growing cannabis. On it's advice we removed our males when they became apparent, and examined our resin glands with a cheap low power microscope ordered from the school's book club. The resulting herb was better than anything we had come across in our town. People began to learn that there were two ninth graders with the best herb in the area and lots of it. When we had gotten rid of all but what we needed for ourselves for the year, we found a good stash spot for our personals and vowed to go about things more intelligently. We loved growing outdoors, but the bored small town police force had been asking about us, and older stronger scarier kids had started giving us attention that seemed dangerous. We announced to everyone that we had been forced to stop.
We continued to ride our bikes into the hills and grow enough for just ourselves until I moved to the nearest city and lived in an appartment. I found overgrow and started my own SOG grow in a wardrobe with cfls, until T5s came on the scene. Overgrow got hunted down by Babylon, and I ended my serious forum activity, becoming mostly an observer on RIU. I also got myself a bigger room and a piece of paper that allows me to legally grow for a good friend of mine with crippling anxiety issues.

The Problem:
I am now growing medicine. I have always grown organic outside and could not flush, and with The Empire (AN) chemical nutrients inside which I always flush for two weeks. Now I have a plant limit, but I'm allowed produce quite a bit. Also it must be medicine, as have a personal interest in the well being of my friend and patient. How do I balance health and production.

The Challenge:
Determine what produces the best smelling, cleanest tasting, easiest burning, most healthy product while retaining as heavy or more heavy yield using different nutrients, water sources, flushing techniques and finishing products (Molasses, Bud Candy Etc...)

Plant Number:

  1. Will be fed with AN chemical nutrients from start to finish, starting with 800ppm of nutes for veg, and 1400ppm for flowering with extra flowering nutrient products right up until harvest
  2. Will be fed with AN chemical nutrients same as plant one, but will be flushed for two weeks before harvest
  3. Will be fed with AN chemical nutrients same as plant one, but will be thoroughly flushed and fed only molasses during the last two weeks
  4. Will be fed with AN chemical nutrients same as plant one, but will be fed half nutrients two weeks before harvest, and only distilled water during last week
  5. Will be fed with AN chemical nutrients same as plant one, but will be thoroughly flushed and fed only low strength organic nutrients for the last two weeks
  6. Will be fed only liquid organic nutrients in, no flushing, at 600ppm during vegetative growth and 1200ppm during flowering
  7. Will be fed only liquid organic nutrients, no flushing, at 600ppm during vegetative growth and 1200ppm during flowering with the ppm lowered to half during last two weeks
  8. Will be fed only liquid organic nutrients, at 600ppm during vegetative growth and 1200ppm during flowering with only molasses for last two weeks
  9. Will be fed only liquid organic nutrients, at 600ppm during vegetative growth and 1200ppm during flowering with a full 2 week flush
  10. Will be fed only liquid organic nutrients, at 600ppm during vegetative growth and 1200ppm during flowering with half strength chemical nutrients for last two weeks

The Setup: The plants will be grown in sunshine #4 soil in three gallon round pots and hand watered with ample runoff. I know already that most hydroponic and especially aeroponic methods definitely increase growth, there are too many power outages around here, and the soil gives us an even playing field. They are under 4 600W lamps with adjust-a-wing style reflectors, with a powerful fan that keeps temps around 25-27 degrees Celcius during the day. The veg room is under eight T5 flouros, six 6400K and two 2700k. We live in a dry climate and humidity is not an issue. All nutrient solutions will be made with distilled water from the supermarket. It isn't that expensive, and it makes for way better herb. The plants will be clones of DJ Shorts Flo. Great for turning anxiety into creativity.

PART I: Vegetative Growth

All plants show healthy normal growth. The plants grown in chemical fertilizers are slightly bushier. They are all flushed at three weeks and then moved into the flowering tent. That was easy.


All plants show healthy normal growth early on.
At week two, plants grown with AN start to pack on more weight and this is consistent until the end.

Plants 1 and 6 begin to lag behind in bud thickness during last two weeks. Density is good. This indicates toxic buildup due to plants decreased nutrient uptake. I am now confident that there is benefit to reducing nutrients late in flowering
Plants 2 and 9 show even less bud growth than 1 and 6, and low density and thickness. This indicates that the plants are starving. I am now confident that growth is decreased significantly in final weeks by flushing.
All other plants are so similar that I can't tell the difference other than by the numbered tag on each pot.


YAYYYY! Harvest time. All plants look tasty. Here's a plant by plant description after 10 days drying and three weeks curing. Taste tests are blind and done independently in separate places with written testimonies returned to yours truly in exchange for the nugs.

Plant Number:

  1. Weighed 71 grams. Tastes worst of all buds and that's unanimous. Harvest is decent and high knocks you on your ass. Smell is boring and skunky. Not very fruity. Makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, and all but two other people feel the same way.
  2. Weighed 63 grams. Tastes great and has a motivational high. Smells fruity. Harvest is low.
  3. Weighed 77.5 grams. Tastes great and smells fruity. Harvest is quite good.
  4. Weighed 79 grams. Tastes as good and weighs about the same as plant 3.
  5. Weighed most of any plant at 86 grams! Taste was very complex with hints of rosemary in the aroma both burned and fresh. It burned clean and everyone agreed it tasted best of all the AN grown plants.
  6. Weighed 68 grams. Tastes clean enough and herbal, pretty unimpressive.
  7. Weighed 78 grams. Tastes clean with hints of fruit and still very herbal.
  8. Weighed 72.5 grams. Tastes very clean with lots of fruity aromas and flavours. Rosemary coming out in this one again. Everyone found this to be the tastiest of them all.
  9. Weighed least of all at just 60.5 grams. Tasted great but not very complex. Sweet and fruity with the most calming high and cleanest ash. Patient liked this one the most.
  10. Weighed 78 grams. Taste is least complex and fruity of all organic plants. Yield is good, and high is again fairly uncomfortable compared to other plants.


Medicinally the best most calming plant had the lowest yield and was grown organically with a full two week flush.

The most flavourful and stinkiest was of average weight and was grown organically with molasses to finish.

The highest yielding (5) was grown in chemical nutrients with half strength organic nutrients to finish. It also had excellent flavour and aroma. We will be going with this nutrient plan for the bulk of our grow from here on in.

We learned that flushing does decrease yield significantly. It decreases complexity of flavour, and aroma, but is preferred by our patient as it has the best effect on anxiety.

We learned that heavy nutrients until harvest can cause a buildup of toxic salts that make the plant taste a bit funny, but a small amount of nutrients is not harmful, but beneficial to smell, yield, and taste.

SO THAT'S IT! I say let the debate be damned. Polarized views do nothing for anyone.

Those who say to flush absolutely, enjoy your bud-lite flavorless nuggets and low yield.

Those who say not to flush at all, you'd better dial in your nutes perfectly or else you'll have an uncomfortable, funny tasting smoking experience, and may anyways.

I stand with those in the middle. Use the positives of all styles of growing and craft them into what works best for you! For me it was the powerhouse of chemical ferts, paired with the subtleties of organic ferts to grow a high-yielding, great tasting plant!

We will also be growing several of the low-yielding super flushed organic buds for the days when my friend is really scared of life and all of it's slings and arrows. Which of these plants would work best for you?

I encourage others to try their own experiments with similar clones as an alternative to taking my word for it, or the word of others who may not like to read, or believe the first thing they do read. I was frustrated by conflicting information, and all the completely unscientific heresay that is posted regarding flushing. Now I have a basis for further experimentation to eliminate all of the holes and variables within this experiment.

Thanks for reading and remember,


Ya Don' Know Abote Jah Rascal, Rascality is Afoot...​
I should also mention that all plants were very potent, but flo is good like that. Also, If all of my plants were as high yielding as the 85 gram beast, I would have about 1.2 gram per watt ratio! Imagine what that would do with a high yield indica!
We also did another experiment with dark period. Herb that was harvested after a 48 hour dark period was more uplifting, whereas bud harvested with lights on was more couchlock. Both were very potent.
great thread !! I do the expriment about this flushing vs non flushing myself, I found the unflushing is the best thing for me...I hope everyone do that expriment by themselve to see the result. Good job, sir.

Happy growing and peace
I've been at this for a couple years. From the many results of blind taste tests I have observed there is no correlation to the taste of bud from getting a pre-harvest flush. Not only do plants not work like that, it's not healthy for the plant. Although as you have noted overfeeding builds up salts that can have detrimental effects on a plant and flushing may be necessary.

The one thing everyone forgets while arguing over the botany of the plant is that Taste is subjective to the person. If I make a bowl of chili what I taste in it may not be what you taste in it. I like the taste of mushrooms while my girlfriend struggles to eat them down with other food... taste is subjective.

Check my signature for lots of info if you care.
Nice job though keep it up, What's best for me isn't best for everyone else.
A buddy swears by drownibg the plant with grape juice before harvest. I'm scared to try it.
Let's keep it simple Have you every heard of anyone in agriculture flushing plants that are in soil, vegetable or fruit to improve taste? no why is Marijuana so magically different? doesn't make sense.
Let's keep it simple Have you every heard of anyone in agriculture flushing plants that are in soil, vegetable or fruit to improve taste? no why is Marijuana so magically different? doesn't make sense.

well put. most flushing will do is lower yeild from what i can tell. ive read that harvesting in the last hour of dark is good as all the nutes sink down to root zone.
Let's keep it simple Have you every heard of anyone in agriculture flushing plants that are in soil, vegetable or fruit to improve taste? no why is Marijuana so magically different? doesn't make sense.

same argument i make all of the time sir.. i have a veggie garden in the back yard, and have never not once flushed a tomato, cucumber nor pepper plant and not a one of them tastes of chems or w/e else the flushing crew likes to say..
and i'll never understand on a biological level what pouring tons of water through a medium such as water will do to the taste of buds ...

nice thread, but i have my own theories on the subject, which i try to back up with science and biology.. :)
Shap3less, I dry for seven to ten days in cedar crates, and then cure in mason jars for three to four weeks, opening the jars periodically. By the time I finish a batch the last jar has been curing for two months.
dabumps, find out for yourself! Depends on what you want. For some people the answer is don't add any nutes, for some it's all in. Use this as a basis for your own experimentation! Sorry it's so long...

Those who say to flush absolutely, enjoy your bud-lite flavorless nuggets and low yield.

Those who say not to flush at all, you'd better dial in your nutes perfectly or else you'll have an uncomfortable, funny tasting smoking experience, and may anyways.

I stand with those in the middle. Use the positives of all styles of growing and craft them into what works best for you! For me it was the powerhouse of chemical ferts, paired with the subtleties of organic ferts to grow a high-yielding, great tasting plant!

We will also be growing several of the low-yielding super flushed organic buds for the days when my friend is really scared of life and all of it's slings and arrows. Which of these plants would work best for you?


you dont get a low yield and flavorless nugs from flushing. it works like this if you grow with chemical ferts then you have the option to flush and take that chemically taste and feel out if you like and you definately dont lose alot of yield in fact two back to back comments of yours directly contradicted one another you say over ferting toward the end slows growth yet a plant taken care of identically aside from the feeding which was replaced with flushing is starving and that durastic difference happened that quick? so over ferting and removing ferts both harms the plant why dont you just suggest doing nothing the last two weeks!! also the quote above has a coupe big flaws, one is where you say you use organic ferts in the same soil as chemical. well that is actually impossible, the chemical ferts do not allow the microorganisms necesary for organic nute uptake to survive not to mention it takes a few weeks for an organic system to get going as it is most of the organic ferts are just heating your soil and going down the drain. the second thing is the other half of what i said above, if your growing organically you actually cannot flush! its impossible, if youve done it right, to flush out the ferts because the microorganisms allowing the ferts to become mobile will continue to do their job. also all in all their are just way to many variables to assume you've come out with anything other than an example of possibility. not trying to be a buzz kill but just being honest def correct me if you know any of that to be wrong but i no my shit so....all in all looks like a good grow not trying to stomp on your skills lol i dont claim to be a pro but someone has to question your experiment or its no fun :D

you dont get a low yield and flavorless nugs from flushing. it works like this if you grow with chemical ferts then you have the option to flush and take that chemically taste and feel out if you like and you definately dont lose alot of yield in fact two back to back comments of yours directly contradicted one another you say over ferting toward the end slows growth yet a plant taken care of identically aside from the feeding which was replaced with flushing is starving and that durastic difference happened that quick? so over ferting and removing ferts both harms the plant why dont you just suggest doing nothing the last two weeks!! also the quote above has a coupe big flaws, one is where you say you use organic ferts in the same soil as chemical. well that is actually impossible, the chemical ferts do not allow the microorganisms necesary for organic nute uptake to survive not to mention it takes a few weeks for an organic system to get going as it is most of the organic ferts are just heating your soil and going down the drain. the second thing is the other half of what i said above, if your growing organically you actually cannot flush! its impossible, if youve done it right, to flush out the ferts because the microorganisms allowing the ferts to become mobile will continue to do their job. also all in all their are just way to many variables to assume you've come out with anything other than an example of possibility. not trying to be a buzz kill but just being honest def correct me if you know any of that to be wrong but i no my shit so....all in all looks like a good grow not trying to stomp on your skills lol i dont claim to be a pro but someone has to question your experiment or its no fun :D[/QUOTE]


No offence taken man. This is an important discussion that has not been addressed in the MJ forum circle in an objective, collected manner, and so I appreciate your feedback and sportsmanlike conduct.

It's true that the SOME organisms that have a degree of symbiosis with the plant cannot survive, but many can and you can inoculate your soil with them.
Effects of micro-organisms on the absorption of inorganic nutrients by plants[SUP]†[/SUP]

  1. David A. Barber


Micro-organisms concentrated in the rhizosphere can influence the absorption of inorganic nutrients by plants. The effects were investigated by comparing uptake of nutrients in plants grown in the presence and absence of micro-organisms in both water culture and soil.

In water culture, at phosphate concentrations below about 1.0 part/million competition occurs between barley plants and a microflora of casual laboratory contaminants resulting in reduced absorption and translocation of phosphate. In the presence of micro-organisms nitrogen uptake from nitrate was increased and from ammonium ions decreased; uptake of metal from solutions of ferric, zinc and manganous salts and EDTA chelates was enhanced.

The results for plants grown in specific soils confirmed that competition from micro-organisms can reduce uptake of phosphate and molybdenum by the plants. The direct effect of rhizosphere micro-organisms can be demonstrated only in special circumstances but such studies aid our understanding of plant nutrition."

Yes, we now have access to highly effective microbial cultures that are resistant to chlorine and bang seven gram rocks of salty nutrients all day. These are indeed dark times.

For the record, I prefer to grow outside, all compost from my house, swamp tubes. I'm stuck inside now in a really big city, so thats not an option. Now I experiment with my small closet.

My favorite herb in the world is grown outdoors in a pit so big it would take a water truck to flush it out. It is VERY flavourful and easy smoking. No flushing.

I understand you're disbelief, but I'm working with a phenotype of Flo that really fills out in the last two weeks before harvest. That was actually what partly prompted me to write this. I have a plant where the final two weeks is really critical, therefore it's perfect for this experiment.

YES the difference between the over-fertilized and underfertilized was that huge. This is not a contradiction so I'm not sure what you mean by that. Remember some clones are more vigerous than others, and so this may have been a factor, but the result was nonetheless striking. I do not suggest doing nothing in the last two weeks either. I suggest that there are several different paths you can take to achieve different results to match different desires. Read what method we decided we were going to go with.

There are alot of variables, but this is the basis for other people to build on and eliminate those variables for all our benefit.

It's a pretty rinky-dink experiment, but it was done objectively with blind taste tests, several test subjects over several days, and was done with clones from the same mother, same day, selected for their uniformity. It is also all fact, unless I made a typo or some shit.

So, basicly I'm correcting you because I know alot of that to be wrong. You asked for it!

We also did another experiment with dark period. Herb that was harvested after a 48 hour dark period was more uplifting, whereas bud harvested with lights on was more couchlock. Both were very potent.

are you SURE? I've been wanting to grow some uplifting bud for someone in my family, I have a plant.. and this would be the best option for me, to give her, if you're serious!
Nice test man, very appreciated. So organic grow with molasses for last two weeks is the way to go. I am personally not a believer in chem ferts for medical use.
lol...well def. a good insight just too much to decipher to really come out with an effective conclusion..growing is just too expansive to master it totally..the thing about a contradiction was basically a thought in my head i didnt write out lol i was saying that two plants with only one small difference not trending together and instead doing the exact opposite of eachother seems like a bit of a contradiction. though i agree with the guy above 100 percent, i dont have cancer or anything where i would be worried about a small amount of chemical ferts....that said since its your experiment what is your personal overall favorite method only taking yield potency and smell/taste into account and if you had to choose one fully organic or chemical..ive never been that impressed with organics compared to the chemical ferts just doesnt seem to add a benefit other than possibly cleanliness which idk.