The great flushing experiment: An objective and in depth look at the final weeks

well as i dont use calenders and go by dsates ect i be pushed to know wen 2 weeks was before harvest,,,i just flush wen i think ther nrly done if its a week its a week if its a fortnight its a fornight,if its 3 days its 3days
ihavealotofquestions, if you want uplifting herb then harvest earlier. Look up articles on Peak Harvest. Theres a tonne of info out there so I won't get into it. The dark period helps as well.

kermit, I would go with chem for commercial, organic for medicine. Always organic for outdoor. Organic nutes provide more building blocks for the plants to build crazier shit, put as simplisticly as possible. Different psychoactive compounds and stanky-piney-fruity-skunky terpenes really seem to come out from organic nutes, especially home compost and/or animal fertilizers (guano mafuckuh!). Sometimes frankenweed is just as fun though. For frankenweed I like chemy ferts. It's like a muscle car. A smart car would be more responsible, but WILL IT F@#%IN GO?!?

I have alot of experience with this clone, so I determined a harvest date that would work out ok, and from there it was easy to determine when two weeks before that would be!