The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

How well do you think Gilfman's grow season will turn out?

  • Awesome! BIG yields with grade-A buds!

    Votes: 42 16.0%
  • Good season .. Great for a begginner

    Votes: 102 38.9%
  • Ehh.. Average

    Votes: 54 20.6%

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Gets busted and has no harvest time to enjoy.. Poor Gilfman... :(

    Votes: 43 16.4%

  • Total voters

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I would have thought that piss & hair would have done the trick 4 deer. Blood meal is good for your plants & scares the deer..., but may attract other bad things. I have deer all over, but the cows & deer don't bother the plants. Rule is when there isn't enough food that they like, they will eat anything. #6 plant looks like a cut-worm, grasshopper, ants or caterpillar. You'll have to protect them for a few more weeks. Moles, etc. doesn't like vibration. Pinwheels on a stick, stuck in the ground works, plus it may help scare the deer. If you could leave the plants in a pot until they got a ft. tall would help greatly. Them babies are a little small to throw to the wolves. Good luck Gilman

quote=shroomyshroom;1006308]I f i had the money and was aloud to leave the country id come up there and help bag a few mate..[/quote]


Well-Known Member
I would have thought that piss & hair would have done the trick 4 deer. Blood meal is good for your plants & scares the deer..., but may attract other bad things. I have deer all over, but the cows & deer don't bother the plants. Rule is when there isn't enough food that they like, they will eat anything. #6 plant looks like a cut-worm, grasshopper, ants or caterpillar. You'll have to protect them for a few more weeks. Moles, etc. doesn't like vibration. Pinwheels on a stick, stuck in the ground works, plus it may help scare the deer. If you could leave the plants in a pot until they got a ft. tall would help greatly. Them babies are a little small to throw to the wolves. Good luck Gilman

quote=shroomyshroom;1006308]I f i had the money and was aloud to leave the country id come up there and help bag a few mate..
[/quote] yeah there had to been nearly a gallon of piss up there and two whole head shavings .. but idk .. like i said not concerned about moles ... i noticed a grasshopper on one of my plants .. i killled him .. well thanks texas


Active Member
hey man what kind of insecticide did you use? me and my friend had terrible bug problems then put a neem oil solution on the plants then came back the next day and misted them with some water with a drop of dish soap in it. they both

seem to be working great.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
liquid sevin GardenTech™ .. like that but in liquid concentrate .. i sprayed them again lightly .. i know that stuff wont hurt my plants so i'll be using more of it now .. i misted under and above the leaves this time .. hope it doesnt rain again .. i also gave my plants a mixture of grow big , big bloom , and molasses today .. like to see how this turns out in next couple days ..


Well-Known Member
oh and update on the ground hog ... the vultures ate it ... ew... but yeah there were like 10 vultures on the one little thing when i went back...


Well-Known Member
might have to chekc out that GardenTech shit.

and hopefully tonight i will go get that cow manure.

so i will keep you poste don how that goes by saoking it in water.


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to try this Manure. i have a feeling its going to work rlly well.

you think thiers any household foods / items you could but in water to make like a feeding nuet.?


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to try this Manure. i have a feeling its going to work rlly well.

you think thiers any household foods / items you could but in water to make like a feeding nuet.?
molasses and carbonated water ... also hydrogen peroxide .. thats all i really know


Well-Known Member
but ive been told by like 12389782193 people that Molasses is just for flowering.

and what does the peroxide do?


Well-Known Member
hmm im gunna use some mollasses with the manure. and some peroxide.

and see how that works. maybe just keeping adding things.

i wana make a mini compost pile and then saok that dirt in water, filter it out then see how that works too.