The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
Well, I took a close look at one of my outdoor plants today has very definitive balls. It's the bushiest one in the orange pot in the above pics. Alas...but hey, at this point I'm getting a bit paranoid that my plants are too obvious, so it won't bother me to kill one of them. Adios, amigo!


Well-Known Member
My boys' balls are growing. I will not simply toss them out. Not after spending 20 minutes this morning watching a small aircraft flying back, and forth, working its way upcountry. Gosh, am I the only one who sees that it's not some civilian, that it's likely the DEA? As harvest nears they're ramping up, those motherfucking SONS OF BITCHES!! (I haven't had any in two weeks, I had a terrible night last night because of my fucking hips and I am in a rare mood today, I can't even walk normally. :evil: ) I want to find one of the old-timers who knows what to do with the menfolk, and I can't remember who it was. I am not too proud to smoke leaf! I am not too proud, but I am SUPERPISSED. I'm so pissed I could commit Ninja seppuku. If there was a Frisbee here....


Well-Known Member
That is such a fucking funny site seamaiden how did you find it???When i was a kid i was a ninja nut still have all the books and my sword..Crazy fuckin site.



Well-Known Member
that is hilarious girl....that whole site is like a giant chuck norris joke...I love it...ha ha time a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window...lmfao:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It has been so long that I don't even remember how I found it. But I've been referring to REALULTIMATEPOWER for over eight years now, and people know better than to fuck with me if I've got a Frisbee around. :lol: And, I figured it would be oh-so-apropos given littlebat's most excellent avatar.


Well-Known Member
hey seamaiden...did you get that link about packaging clones?....I have a nay sayer on there so I used one of my clones to show you guys today...check it out. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
No problem...BTW...I forgot to add that you put plastic over the bottom cut side before duct taping but you know...I just kinda figured it was a given so.


Well-Known Member
I saw the guy who wrote MNFTIU, David Rees, do a reading one time. It was hilarious. He made the comic out of clip art while bored at a temp job. He didn't really talk about the book at all at the "reading," instead, he brought an overhead projector and made complicated diagrams explaining the history of hip-hop.

And now I'm off for what is basically my perfect day: watching Olympic gymnastics with friends, complete with bonghits, brunch, and knitting. Wish me luck that I get this stupid afghan finished some damn day!! But more importantly, GO TEAM USA! Our women's gymnastics team this year is the bizzomb. Nastia Liukin FTW!! :D
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Well-Known Member
I hope you get that gymnastics LB. Im supprised you havent seen sexes of the ones in the cab. Great grows bot outdoor and indoor. Where is the squirril?

hydro - I use to live in houston and I dont envy you this time of year with both the heat and humidity. I was LMFAO when you thought someone stole your 2 plants lol.

Seamaiden - WHen you were talking about the planes I was thinking of FDD and his video. Hope he is OK as we havent heard from him in awhile. Fukin DEA bastards. You do live in a nice spot from the pictures off your balcony

Grows are all looking nice group Connie.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Mr. Greenthumb. :D You're right, I hadn't realized that Mr. fdd hasn't been around, but then again I've had to take a little time off as well. But, I think he's probably alright.. I hope he's alright.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
"Stupid Afghan"?? I am distraught ! She won't fucking finish for a long time, she just keeps on going & going! My last harvest should have been around April 1st. July was when I decided the bitch wasn't going to quit, ended up taking the ready buds, leaving more light & growth for the smaller buds, which then flourished. That's when I termed them "Don Kings", because the white hairs grew fast & stood straight up! Whatever you do, don't give them Earth juice-Bloom, or they WILL come out of the closet! Tell me about the germ rate, and all points thereafter, if you would. Papa is interested in how his babies done in the great north.



Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ST...I meant that I am *crocheting* an afghan! For a bed! That's what I was working on while watching the Olympics with my friends! I've been working on it FOREVER, and I want to finish it. Nothing to do with my plants whatsoever. :D
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Well-Known Member
Also, why the hell aren't my cab plants showing sex yet?!? It's driving me nuts. I realized today that they've sucked up over half the water in the res just in the past few days. I was going to change it and the light turned off before I had a chance, so I'll do it tomorrow.

How long does it take?? And what am I going to do when they start to flower? They're already touching the light! Since I switched the lights and the nutes, they've had a crazy growth spurt. How am I going to get them to fit when they start getting those huge colas? (Assuming all three are girls...)

Oh, and one more question. I'm trying to figure out what to do about drying. Is it going to be really smelly if I just hang it in the closet? Can you put some kind of odor absorber in there with it, or a desiccant to make it dry faster?
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