Entry #14 Weird Plant Issue
So there is a problem with one of my plants, but I've run out of ideas on what the issue might be. This is mainly due to the fact that 2 of my 3 plants are doing fairly well. I'm still working on some nutrient issues, but they are mostly green, plenty of new leaf and root growth, etc. However, as you can see in the pictures, the leaves on the third (middle) plant look absolutely awful. The roots are looking pretty good, but I'm not seeing as much new growth as in the other plants.
The reason I am perplexed is that all of my plants are getting the exact same "inputs". They all share a reservoir, so the nutrient level, temp, dissolved oxygen, pH etc. is all the same. I've pretty much eliminated my root rot problem with h2o2, so I don't think it's that. As well, the air temp, light, and air circulation is all the same. But, for some reason, one of the plants is dying, while the other two seem to be growing reasonably well, given the prior neglect.
The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the middle plant is a different strain. I grow multiple strains at my other site, and my friend was the one who made the clones, not me. So, if he gave me 2 big bud clones, and accidentally a sour diesel or matanuska clone, this would explain why the one plant is reacting so differently. The middle plant does look different from the other two; I initially just chalked this up to differences in early plant growth, but the larger it gets, the more I suspect it might be a different strain. I'll be having a friend who is much more experienced than myself stop by and check it out, and hopefully he'll help me diagnose the problem. Check out the photos, and see for yourselves: