The Greatest Family Guy Quote

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
i'm a huge family guy fan, i like the eviel monkey in chris's closet pulls out a bag and rolls up a j when the fam left on a vacation or something.

onother one was one they flash back to when stewie was at a greatful dead concert,his pupulls were huge,and he was trying to sell his shirt.

then theres peter smoking crack in the living room, stewie and brain in amsterdam, peter and louis smokeing weed and getting the old band together, chris and his friends eating shrooms and freaking out. lolol, god i love that show. sorry i didnt post any links to the video clips but im sure u can find them on you tube


Well-Known Member
Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth(in this case typing) and remove all doubt!!:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger: