The Greatest Heist In History


Well-Known Member
Good link..

I do think they are lieing/ That Gov. cut 100 million in taxes for the most wealthy in Wisconsin before he started going after the poor.


Well-Known Member
You are a democrat? You still subscribe to the Left VS. Right, The Republican VS. Democrat. The Red VS. Blue???????

WAKE UP my friend! Its Only the RICH VS. the POOR. and guess what my friend. we are the POOR. Those with real money DONT give a shit about you.

You need to escape the bullshit paradigm that enslaves us.


Active Member
You are a democrat? You still subscribe to the Left VS. Right, The Republican VS. Democrat. The Red VS. Blue???????

WAKE UP my friend! Its Only the RICH VS. the POOR. and guess what my friend. we are the POOR. Those with real money DONT give a shit about you.

You need to escape the bullshit paradigm that enslaves us.
i totally agree with you but this is very unlikely to happen in our society anytime soon. If this is what we have then I'm going to go with what is for the people, if you can help yourself why not help others?

Besides i really don't agree with anything the reds and the tea baggers have on the table at the moment.


Well-Known Member
We will be lucky to get people to pay attention let alone form an independent opinion.
If left right works it provides a frame work we can all reference.

green bean

Well-Known Member
Cool video +rep. Zeitgeist movie is also moving and thought provoking. It seems like the wealthy elite and their front groups (The Club for Growth, US Chamber of Commerce and Americans for Prosperity-among others) have a plan to completely snuff out what little remains of organized labor. The Citizens United decision has given great power to corporations and the special interest groups that they fund. It appears that we have virtually no voice left. The fact that they called it "Citizens United" is such a farce-it is Corporations United. It is disappointing that no one seems to be aware of or care about the corruption of the democratic process in America. It is like people are brainwashed or something. I am afraid the elected representitives in future cycles will be so beholden to the money that got them to Capitol Hill they could be capable of anything (more Iraqs, bank bailouts, trade agreements that outsource jobs etc.). Sorry for the rant.