The Greatest Show On Earth Presents The 16oz Party Cup Grow Off

Well, I am happy with the bronze medal in this competition. People have brought new levels of skill this round.

Congrats to everyone who finished, except the two cheaters who beat me, of course. Lol. Just kidding, germ, don't get mad at me!

I am very happy with Timber lights- I won a Timber last contest that is being used in my small 2x3 grow box. It is and has been performing awesomely.
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I wanted to try led bars for the longest time. I was actually going to build one but If the amare was bar technology I would have been fine. Was going to put it in the corner of my room. I hope its the bar one man. I hope hybrid responds with the answer. If its not. You can have the HLG.

Yeah, we will for sure find a way to both get happy. The bar design just fits better with my groom because for a 4x 2' I would need 2 or 3 smaller boards. I would also not use its full potential when its designed for a 4x 4'. Bars could be used as sidelights too to supplement my new HL boards.
We will soon know what lights it will be and then we can speak again. Hybridway2 has already send an email to victor ..
I’m sure it’s been talked about in this thread but to grow to flower in that cup y’all cut the roots so they aren’t rootbound or cut out the bottom of the cup?
My comp cup #1 re veg has new growth.
The growth is on a node where I surgically removed the bud.
I only left the buds on the lowest node.
I'm hoping for growth on the top node also.

@Randomblame any updates on your choice of light?

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Yeah, bro! I'll get a SolarBar-4 which is...drumroll... half a SolarBar-8.
It fits much better in my 4x 2,5' area because these SolarBars are 48"/110w each and I have 4 of them.

Nice to see your girl revegging. Well done..