The green in the closet


Well-Known Member
Hey there TOKE,
I have read your thread. WOW.. what a PLANT. I have never really grown before, I have set 8 seeds in the germinateing peat pods. And right now I have two plants growing in 3 gallon containers for 4 days. They are already so tall it is starting to scare me. They are both about 3" tall. I am useing Sylvania Spot-Gro 120 watt lights, two of them. Do not like the amount of heat they put out. But the cost to start was a factor. After seeing what your plants look like I am already thinking of cutting my coin bag open a little. Those are some Great looking Buds.

I wanted to put my plants in a bigger pot right from the start so I would not have to stress them at all while transplanting them.

I need to ask.... what does CFL stand for.

The seeds I sprouted were for a 1/4 lb of some kick ass weed I had bought. I was shocked to find the eight seeds in it. I figured they placed some polinated weed in with the good stuff to make more money.

TOKE!!!! More pictures.. it has been for a while... It is like watching 80% of a great movie and the power going out. It is driving me nuts.

I am so glad I found this site. You have given me knowledge and drive to try even harder to succeed with my plants.

Has anyone tried these Sylvania Spot-Grow 120 watt lights.. there is no info on them, on the box.. they do have a blue color to the bulb.. I am sure that does not matter much.

Good Tokeing to you all.....


Well-Known Member

I am a newbie also. But I would think if you want to grow even just one plant. you should start off with maybe 3-5 plants and choose the one that is healthiest at flowering. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member

Please don't double post. Your questions have already been answered in your other thread.


Active Member
so have you had any problems with the cfl's being that close for flowering...any browning of leaves or anything? im contemplating getting like ten or so to flower a few plants and just have them around on all sized like you did, but with more lights but im worried about any heat that they kick out. any thoughts?


Active Member
nice plant man keep us informed! after this thread i am definitely thinking of using CFL's throught the whole process.


Well-Known Member
Yo MajorToke, just read your entire journal. Very impressive mate :cool: Not too long till harvest now eh! Can't wait to see the end result.


Well-Known Member
that bud looks better using cfls than i see from experienced growers using hps bulbs, good shit to bad its only 1 plant. i wish i had used some better seeds cause ur plant looks dank as fuck


Well-Known Member
Hey major! I dont want to step on any toes in here, so I'll tread lightly with this statement, but I think it may be because of the lighting is concentrated on the cola, as it well should be too.
Having said that, it looks pretty nice too! I bet you cant wait to taste it huh?

I'm not 100% sure, but i think it's like that because i didn't top her, and the positioning of the cfl lights, also could be genetics.


Well-Known Member

I just red a site that says that you have either a.. Molybedum deficiency -
use any plant food with a
bit of molybdenum in it. or a Nitrogen deficiency.

But I am new to all this, they did not have picture just descriptions


Well-Known Member
After i chpped her down i did a rough manicure and i hung her upside down in my grow room(lights off of course) for 48 hours. After that I cut off the buds and gave them a better manicure and put them into glass jars for 8 hours. They went onto a screen for about 16 hours. Then i put the bud back into the jars and sealed them up. Every second day i opened the jars and give them a shake, leave the cap off for 15-20 mins. I did this for about 1 week and the buds were great! Not too wet, not too dry, it burned nice without any runs or burning out.

The bud turned out better then i thought it would. I gave my buddy a few nuggs to sample and didnt tell him where it came from.. hehe. He loved it said it smelled great too! The number of days from seed to harvest was 93 and the final yeild was 47 grams. Here are some pics of what's left. .... not much hey?.bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
damn U couldnt get the HPS, U had to get the "Super HPS" lol...nice job bruh!..almost 2oz off of 5 CFL's that aint bad!..too bad U sold out to the HID's but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?... I look forward to your next one bcuz I know that what you have left aint gonna last very long lol....will you have any on 4/20?