The Green Mile - Lansing, MI


New Member
Have you guys been down here on the green mile? I love livin in Lansing.. Ive only lived down here for a few months, but I was in saginaw before that. Now I understand why there is no dispensaries in Saginaw, because it would just get robbed every day. LOL... yeah but Holla


Well-Known Member
I feel as if the green mile is to in your face for non marijuana users and eventually I think non users will see it as a bad problem because every dispensary when driven by is pretty much in your face. Now in a perfect world there would be no problems but I feel like everyone is kinda pushing there luck a little to hard in that area and sometime down the road the city might change some of their policies when it comes to dispensaries. Hopefully not though and everything is successful and continues to be.


New Member
I agree, for non-smokers it is very in your face. I guess i didnt think about that. I think that the laws are going to be going through some big changes, hopefully they are reasonable and make sense for everyone.


Well-Known Member
i go to School at LCC in Lansing and i couldnt believe how many dispensarys are down that road. there are some right some i saw that are right across from each other. it dont bother me none of course, but just like what thatguy said it could be a little to much for the non user and we have to respect the non users a little to make sure that MMJ stays legal.


Well-Known Member
Do you think the Illegality is NOT in your face? The point is this, its all ridiculous. So was prohibition, and now so is big alcohol and tobaccos political power pull. That's what happens. I hate Booze and Cig's in my face. So what? Its rights to advertise whats legal and not my problem unless I make it.


Well-Known Member
Do you think the Illegality is NOT in your face? The point is this, its all ridiculous. So was prohibition, and now so is big alcohol and tobaccos political power pull. That's what happens. I hate Booze and Cig's in my face. So what? Its rights to advertise whats legal and not my problem unless I make it.
Yes but the best way to get someone or a group to be ok with something is to slowly ease the community into it not have 10+ dispensaries within a 3 mile radius that is literally on the main road going into the capitol. It would take 3 minutes because of stop lights to get from the beginning of the green mile to where it dead ends to the capitol building. A more dispersed med community would also decline the chances of any attention that is not wanted in the area (DEA and such). What says this wont push the non smoker community to approve any ordinances that could take some institutions out of business just like we have seen in California. We achieved what we wanted let the ground work get laid and the whole community to be accustomed to it before we push even more.
But woodsmantoker i gotta give it to you ive been flying through a lot of 400 hps threads today and your awesome just thought id let you know lol.


Well-Known Member
"Yes but the best way to get someone or a group to be ok with something is to slowly ease the community into it not have 10+ dispensaries within a 3 mile radius that is literally on the main road going into the capitol."
Really? Funny I thought California LEAD the way....Then Alaska etc. Compare California and Alaska....Who moved what?

I would be pressed to say you have not made your point, just simply stated it. Prove it. No one has legalized cannabis, yet. You are well aware of the federal standing. Are you trying? I am a patient, caregiver, cultivator, business owner, father, and educator. I find it all ridiculous including the need for my card and the hoops I had to jump to obtain it. I also find the green mile the inevitable outcome of a society fighting for rights. I have not agreed that each business owner on the "green mile" is a good one. Nor, will you ever find mine in comparable conflict. I would however say that there is something to be said about the copy cats. They are a copy of what already worked; numbers to fight. Fights by the numbers. Its not society we are fighting, or gaining acceptance from...and there is a bigger picture.


Well-Known Member
:clap:"But woodsmantoker i gotta give it to you ive been flying through a lot of 400 hps threads today and your awesome just thought id let you know lol."

Sorry we cannot say the same. Sarcasm paints the picture we see, the offended slap you in the mouth for having to view it. I am simply an artist with no name.


Well-Known Member
"ease the community into it"...LOL

Ok Mr Fed, I would like to introduce you to bootlegger brown, who is using USDA approved hopps, he uses his brew in church to do good. Its obviously a good thing, everyone should be allowed to brew....

Ok Mr Fed, I would like to introduce you to all of the bootleggers......The good, the bad, the ugly. Do we really want them up and down the street to the capital, that was your idea...?


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is especially with the questions about the legalities of dispensaries the community does not need to burn any bridges right now that could possibly become helpful in the future. I also think the way the system is set up where like you said people have to jump though hoops is wrong but it is what we have for now. There is a big distinction between alcohol,tobacco and weed. At this current time and place as we both know both alcohol and tabacco have had years and years to establish there money and power. These indusries also enjoyed a childhood that was started in a minum regulation enviroment 100+ years ago ( I am talking about government supported industries which would exclude marijuana) The fact is marijuana does not have that kind of power... Yet. I would rather work with the community to go the path with least resistance when it comes to having the luxury of a place where you can safely buy medicine.

I am not saying anything about anyone's business or business practices all im trying to say is people don't like change so to succeed in a community you need to have more then just yourself and a niche group on board. We are also talking about the main road most people take into the Capitol. This market has a chance to be different and less in your face then other industries. Just because alcohol and tabacco are everywhere does not mean that the this industry should do the same just in spite.

Just to be clear also I was being whole hearted when mentioning the threads you have been in.


All I'm saying is especially with the questions about the legalities of dispensaries the community does not need to burn any bridges right now that could possibly become helpful in the future. I also think the way the system is set up where like you said people have to jump though hoops is wrong but it is what we have for now. There is a big distinction between alcohol,tobacco and weed. At this current time and place as we both know both alcohol and tabacco have had years and years to establish there money and power. These indusries also enjoyed a childhood that was started in a minum regulation enviroment 100+ years ago ( I am talking about government supported industries which would exclude marijuana) The fact is marijuana does not have that kind of power... Yet. I would rather work with the community to go the path with least resistance when it comes to having the luxury of a place where you can safely buy medicine.

I am not saying anything about anyone's business or business practices all im trying to say is people don't like change so to succeed in a community you need to have more then just yourself and a niche group on board. We are also talking about the main road most people take into the Capitol. This market has a chance to be different and less in your face then other industries. Just because alcohol and tabacco are everywhere does not mean that the this industry should do the same just in spite.

Just to be clear also I was being whole hearted when mentioning the threads you have been in.
If cannabis didn't have the power of alcohol or tobacco, then millions wouldn't be spent ever year to brainwash the sheeple and keep it that way.
Alcohol has not had even close to 100 years in a minimum regulation enviroment. Prohibition on it wasn't even repealed until 1933.
And I think Big Pharm has more than a small stake in this matter, whereas alcohol's major contenders were small splinter family and church groups with little to no money to throw at it's prohibition.

I don't think people should go around telling everyone to demolish all the churches since there are about a 5 to 10 on some roads. Or destroy the trees since they don't like looking at them.
Maybe the answer is to just take all these businesses and segregate them all into one area like the ghetto. I am sure that will keep crime down, and allow a safe environment to purchase medicine. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If cannabis didn't have the power of alcohol or tobacco, then millions wouldn't be spent ever year to brainwash the sheeple and keep it that way.
Alcohol has not had even close to 100 years in a minimum regulation enviroment. Prohibition on it wasn't even repealed until 1933.
And I think Big Pharm has more than a small stake in this matter, whereas alcohol's major contenders were small splinter family and church groups with little to no money to throw at it's prohibition.

I don't think people should go around telling everyone to demolish all the churches since there are about a 5 to 10 on some roads. Or destroy the trees since they don't like looking at them.
Maybe the answer is to just take all these businesses and segregate them all into one area like the ghetto. I am sure that will keep crime down, and allow a safe environment to purchase medicine. bongsmilie
Youve misinterpreted a bit of stuff that i said.

By saying Marijuana doesn't have the power like alcohol and tobacco i mean politically it does not have the power or else on the federal level policies would be changing in regard to pot. Alcohol has been supported by many businesses for hundreds of years. Pot was always grown and could be cultivated by anyone who tried especially since botany in general was the main source of food besides meat. People were good at growing plants. Alcohol on the other hand has had a stable line of tradition of being served within a business that would be a bar or tavern. That infrastructure in itself has been around for hundreds of years starting from very home brew type alcohol supporting one bar at a time to the next level of companies making their own brand and distributing to multiple bars and taverns. Pot has never had that kind of widespread infrastructure because more people were able to grow it but you can run your own business on your own without a store front. Yes people can brew there own beer but in limited amounts until they do get to the point where they become a business because they are good at it and need to make massive amounts for public consumption. Tell me when pot has had that any time in history that ran even half as widespread as bars and taverns.

Look in the Oregon medical thread right now there is a thread talking about the subject that all of the dispensaries(or most) have been shut down because they have abused the system and now the industry gets to fall back into the hands of the real growers not people who are there to profit and not do anything positive for the community.

California is kind of the key example here plain and simple because certain cities are limiting the number of dispensaries allowed to operate. This was caused because dispensaries have turned into Starbucks, one on every corner and that pushed people over the edge just like i have been arguing. I tend to believe that California is a touch more liberal then Michigan when it comes to pot because of the many years it has been medically available there. So why should we force other peoples hands about a industry they dont deal with but is put in there hands because dispensaries are everywhere and non smokers feel like they are being invaded by the stereotypes of this whole subject. The bad will always outweigh the good for some people. If you want to fight it then fight ignorance on the subject and expect a little more level of standards when we are dealing with people who smoke pot. Some parts of society see pot only 1 way but that 1 way is similar to 1 of 2 ways they view alcohol. 1 side of alcohol, people like to drink to relax or be with friends. 2nd side of alcohol, being a drunk is not acceptable it has gone to far. For pot there is only a view that resembles the 2nd option, POTHEAD STEREOTYPES!!!!,its a drug there getting all wacked out on, omg gateways 'n stuff. So when i think we could agree that most people are severely ignorant about the realities of pot how else are we supposed to get them on board rather then take it slowly and ease the community into it. Cause obviously when we shove things in peoples faces that can be a little controversial it can cause severe problems.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I think the biggest problem with the cannabis retail fronts in Michigan is the flaunting attitude of the shops that open. It's MEDICAL , it can't be compared to alcohol or cigs. Name a medical provider that isn't discreet. Most shops I've visited have the feeling of a headshop..I also would agree that the vast majority are abusing possession limit laws, not set up to record tax issues (are they all NPO's? do they have THAT paperwork?) and basically acting like punks that can deal in the open.

The best way to ensure the longevity of this new found freedom, is to stay low key, look and act professional, and stop acting like "ha,ha,ha man..pot is legal nw what ya gonna do".

The current level of behavior from most shops, is just pissing off the people in power, pissing off people in power will get them to try and tighten regulations.

A law was passed..quickly and vaguely.. as most laws are when they first go through. There will be clarifications, challenges and inevitably changes.

The best thing everyone could do right now is quietly enjoy the freedom we've been granted.
hopefully they will see it as a relible source of taxes and income for them, i can promise you that when it became legal more buissness started to pop up along with vacent lotts getting purchaced and electric bills rise in alot more homes lol. which means all thoughs politicans with gas stock are happy. if you think about prohibition on liquor back then and now theres a liquor store on every corner, they obviosly start to lean towrds what makes them money more the morals.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
hopefully they will see it as a relible source of taxes and income for them, i can promise you that when it became legal more buissness started to pop up along with vacent lotts getting purchaced and electric bills rise in alot more homes lol. which means all thoughs politicans with gas stock are happy. if you think about prohibition on liquor back then and now theres a liquor store on every corner, they obviosly start to lean towrds what makes them money more the morals.

Thing is, prohibition was about alcohol being legal/illegal as a "party material", not a medicine.
Cannabis IS NOT legal in Michigan...the MEDICINAL USE of cannabis is legal.....