Yesterday I officially pollinated my Senora Ampero with PennyWise, If I wasnt so lazy I would use the pollen on my Pennywise #2 pheno but she is in the corner of the room looking great right now... we'll see...
So room2 looks pretty good, starting to fill up nicely again.
SpaceGrin Day 73, this cutting is funny it seems like not much difference between day 55 and day 73 .. I guess I ll see how is the smoke this time. She is looking nice anyway, the usual SpaceGrin small yield. The one I placed in room2 recently is going to be much bigger (she is against the left wall in the upper picture)

Room1 looking ok...
the Fuckup PennyWise, she is pretty anyway, and very frosty only not happy lol. She still has a month to go ... woops! I am going to let the soil dry for 4-5 days before next watering and I will just give her water to the end ,... she wont have a single fan leaf come harvest time.

I received some seeds in the mail a few days ago... I will wait for this summer to start the Sativas but I am tempted to put the 2 Ancient OG seeds in a glass of water!!