Great news!! My Pennywise appears to be very high in CBD! So is my ZionEaze #1 and perhaps a few others!
I love the new pipettor, much more accurate! I still have a few things that I want to improve upon but all in all I am getting decent results with my current setup. It was the last time I test the same strains so many times but I had to make sure I can really trust my testings.
I ran 3 plates today, I wasnt very happy with the first 2 and decided to re-run zioneaze and pennywise, so the third plate goes like this: zioneaze, zioneaze, penny, penny, penny.
So first things first, look at the plates seconds after I spray the dye.

As it dries out, I can usually start to see a little better.
About 20 minutes later, I could clearly see the CBD dots above the THC dots on most of my strain but I had already started testing the third plates, so, from what I am seeing, every sample tested had CBD in them.
My buddy started moving the plates around and they got a bit uglier afterward ... good thing I had already snapped a few pics!!
Here is the beauty though, as the first 2 plates were drying out, I could see clearly that my zioneaze and the pennywise had cbd, so I thought I would try to re-run those 2 strains but letting them just a bit longer with the extraction solvent and shake em a little harder. Immediately after spraying the dye, I could see clearly the CBD dot above the THC dot nearly as big as the THC dot... GREAT NEWS!! what it tells me is that I probably scored one of the 12% thc 12% cbd pennywise phenotype. Other great news was that my zion eaze also clearly scored well on CBD ... not quite as high but the strain has a much stronger smell, great for breeding. The only thing about the ZionEaze is that I am hoping she will reveg but I have no cutting of here if she doesnt, only seeds.
Here I finally snapped all plates together, the one in the middle being zioneaze,zioneaze,penny,penny,penny ... as you can see they all came out very similar which tells me that I can trust my results. The cross contamination on the first and last plate occurred afterward ... at this point though I could see that all samples had CBD in them.
I am still waiting for Joseph to get back to me regarding I few questions I have, like I have been keeping the developing solution in the developing chamber for 5 plates now and it looks like I could run more test before replacing it but I am not sure that I am supposed to do that.
Also the kit doesnt come with a lot of extraction solution, keep that in mind when running tests for the first time, you will have plenty of developing solution but do not use more than 1ml per .1gram because you will run out of extraction solution before everything else.
I will be growing my PennyWise #1 for quite some time

I can't wait to test PennyWise#2 but I will have to reveg that one because I do not have a copy.