The Grooveman's GroWW


Active Member
Hey whats up everybody. Check out the grow show. The strains consist of White Widow, Island Sweet Skunk, and The Purps.

White Widow


Small White Widow. This plant has been "sick' lookin for quite some time. Anybody got an idea as to what is wrong with her?





Anyone know whats wrong with her? I have a fungus gnat problem. Could those little f#ckers cause this?





Anyone know what this is? Should I worry?





Well-Known Member
hey that bug you asked about is not good kill it thay make a fuzzy white mess next to a node on a stem i dont know much about them this was my first year dealing with them thay kinda remind me of the ones that make a bunch of bubbles and sit in the middle. there also on the stem the bubbles can kill new groth. i would think bolth are bad for your plants. speaking of your plants thay look good. plant those ones in pots as soon as posible


Active Member
Yeah exactly! I noticed weird looking white web stuff. I also have white flys and those other bugs in the pic. Are white flys a bad thing? Should I just get a garden safe pesticide soap? Anyways heres some pics of the girls. Photos taken after a good rain and some good ol' molasses.



