he is their for the views and the $, he is upfront about that.
Not saying he is the best person in the world to listen to but if u watch his you tube vids you do pick up allot of basic growing skills. And thats what the majority of new indoor growers want and need. Its what anyone lacks when they start something or are getting back into after a long break.
He isnt a Kevin Jodrey but the Grow Boss does side by sides, talks about the 3 tent rotation with numbers, tells u Nutrients are all the same (and he sells them) And he is easier to listen to than that Jorge and is more informative.
I asked way less silly questions on this forum after i watched his vids. I've never bought anything off him. 1/2 his luck if he turns over some $ for it.
Pick any grower and all of us will disagree with something they do, however small.