The Grow III - Vanilla Kush - 400W HiD - DWC


Well-Known Member
I'm back in with another push. this time I'm going Vanilla Kush. The Shining Silver Haze is still really good medication. But it's time to change things up a bit

The first grow was Early Girl in soil with 400W HiD
The Second was Shining Silver Haze - Started in soil, with a LED, and ended in DWC, with a 400W HiD!!
This one will be the third and will be Vanilla Kush in a DWC with a 400W all the way.

I placed one bean into my germination process on the 3rd, and it popped!!

Pics of the germinating bean attached: The Grow III (25).jpgThe Grow III (27).jpgThe Grow III (28).jpgThe Grow III (30).jpg


Well-Known Member
Day 2 in germination phase still. Even though I had a successful seed popping period, this adaptation period is critical also. Judging from the looks of this it should be coming through in about a day or so... I'll keep you all posted...



Well-Known Member
hey *,

I can officially say "Houston we have a liftoff" The Grow II is officially underway. The bean has popped and the cotyledons are out and running.. This pic is from germination on sunday and today is wed.

The Grow III (3).jpgThe Grow III (2).jpg

@ pwizzle,

Thanks for subin dude. i think I keep a pretty good journal. This one should be better. I made all my mistakes in my first 2 pushes. This one I'm looking for fucking perfection!



Well-Known Member
The first set of fan leaves are out so I put the LED back in action!!! I'm going to run a week or so of LED power at about 12 inches from the plant, i guess that's about what 30 CM?? (google it if u wanna know) :lol: I'm hoping to really spark some growth and get it ready for the HiD initiation she will undergo in about 14 days or so.

The Grow III (4) - Copy.jpgThe Grow III (12).jpg


Well-Known Member
For those of you that are wondering why i'm only pushing one plant. There are a number of reasons.
1st It's for person consumption. No sale. The only profit I see is the money i save from not buying bullshit grass on the street!
2nd Since it is for me, i'd rather smoke total quality, so I really am focusing on that one plant, I tried two in Grow II, as soon as 1 thing went wrong my "plan" was all fucked up. Having one plant eliminates that extra focus factor.
3rd I have enough space but lungs aren't big enough to smoke all the harvest candy, from the Honey Oil I made which is just sitting, to the hash I've made, to the buds. I mean I have close to 200G on the last grow.
My next grows wont be that long, nor that large but still even 50G every 2-3 months should be enough for me.

So in a nutshell it's just to grow as close to perfectly as I can one plant at a time.

My next endeavor will be to grow one of the strains i like most then start cloning...



Well-Known Member
Well of course here goes my never ending FUCKING drama of a grow!! Dude I swear i am tested at every corner in every grow. Every fucking month. :(
So things are cruising along and suddenly I blow a fuse on the entire floor in my house. Strangely enough it was around midnight which is when the HiD comes on. Ironically we were having an espresso so that machine was turning also. So I decided that since the light was blinking alot before coming on maybe it was drawing unnecessarily on the line. So i went out and bought an electronic ballast. ;-) totally cool saving money adjustable light 50% 75% 100% & Super Bright!!!!!! I was stoked!!! I even bought a cool tube! ey? eyyyyy? not bad eh for a 1 plant grow.

Old ballast:The Grow III (23).jpg
old reflector: The Grow III (21).jpg

New Ballast:The Grow III (28).jpg

The Plant - Was doing great until i bought the cool tube and the ballast. Unfortunately, I didn't know that when I put the light in the cool tube I was obligated to cool the tube. SO I ran it with no air circulation and THANK GOODNESS the bulb didn't explode, nor die on me. My girl had forgotten that I started another grow, so she didn't check until I asked her. When she finally goes to check things look cool. She sends me a pic from her iPhone so i can see the root system. All look good until I notice that there is a layer of ??? SOOT or residue on the bottom of the reservoir and covering the air stone which by the way had no air coming out of it!! When i see this I'm thinking "Can't i get a fucking break??"
i text her and she finds the airhouse outside the tank on the floor and reattaches it but the residue is a mystery.
For some reason the light was very inconsistent. it would work sometimes by itself but most times i had to go and fiddle with it before it came on. I cound out that when running a cool tube you must "cool the tube" or funny things start to happen with the bulb/ballast. Since the room was getting a bit crispy at times, and my bulb was burning up, I figured there was one way to get rid of a lot of heat, not only from the light but from the room itself. So i connected the cool tube to the VMC (air circulation thingy). The Grow III (18).jpg
I put a long tubing on it so as to lower the temperature of the air before it reached the VMC. Yeah i know I'm compromising on efficiency but i think it's better than compromising my VMC with the heat.

Worked like a charm. Light comes on with consistency room is about 7 degrees cooler.

Now one small issue. Plant is dying!!!! Just Dying dude!! I changed the reservoir last week as usual found the residue, so this time i paid more attention to the nutrients as I was mixing. i found that one of my base nutes (which happens to be clear) had some fungus (black stuff) floating inside of it.

To make a long story short i 'm sure my nutrients are bad, they probably got too hot up there and have spoiled and now the plant is suffering.

I've switched nutes all together. Still Adv Nutrients except now I'm on the 3-part system, instead of the 2-part; And i'll keep them out of the attic.

Here is how she looked on the 25th.
Cool Tube housing a 400WHiDThe Grow III (26).jpg and this is today. The Grow III (2).jpg

I'm cleaning the reservoir today lets see if i get that film again...




Well-Known Member
Hi people,

So here is the latest. I've decided to change the Nutes as you read earlier. but before doing a complete change out I decided to do some investigative work. I changed the Nutes and bought a new syringe for each bottle of nutes. I figure that maybe I contaminated my old batch ??(fat chance) or it was the heat (probable), or I have a bad batch of something (also probable).:cuss:

One day after the res Change and new shoots already coming up. The plant is orienting towards the light, so i think a recovery is in process. :weed:

I'm not sure if i should continue with the current cocktail of new base nutrients, and old supplements (B-52 and VooDoo) it seems the B-52 and VooDoo are not the culprits since the plant is doing ok with just the base nute change. If all continues to go well i chuck the old base nutes into a bucket and feed it to the bamboo in the yard...

No pics till tomorrow, the growth should be more evident.
just for you to know i had originally given 2 weeks for vegging, when i changed the light housing to the cool tube and changed the ballast. Is the weekend i was supposed to kick over into flowering, but the light didn't come on, at all some day, i had gone out of town again. So this plant is probably very near unbearable stress factor levels... But we'll pull her through

Ohhh RAH!!!!



Well-Known Member
Sup Dudes,

Don't rag on me man.. I've been out of town so the lady has been taking care of our girl.. Checking the nute level and the light distance from the top.; I should have taught her how to place the SCROG in place. Vanilla Kush almost grew to high for a successful scrog in my llimited space.

Changing the Nutes and taking pics now....



Well-Known Member
Almost a month since last post. Hmmm didn't seem that long.

Almost missed the maximum height I could support the plant in a scrog. Since I have limited headroom. My girl didn't remember to tell me that she was doing a great job in raising the light so that the plant didn't touch! :) It's great that she did it but if she'd have told me I'd have known the plant was getting to tall. But after some careful bending! (Real careful I was sweating since this is my only plant!) But we got her under the scrog and she has started to fan out some.
Root system is nice and healthy, this 3 part Advanced Nutrient system (Grow, Micro, Bloom) :leaf: seem to be more stable than the 2 part system (Sensi Grow & Sensi Bloom).
Here is shot of my electronic ballast, I was talking to a friend of mine up there and explaining my setup. He told me to put the ballast on full even for 1 plant. I had it set to 50 % thinking since it was so close it didn't need 100% in order to obtain all that it could from a HiD.

My extraction system is working really cool, as you can see in the photo I have the 400W pretty damn close.
I'm going to raise it tonight so that i can get some "SPRAWL" going on with this Vanilla Kush during the flowering push..

I was in AMsterdam for a convention, and picked up a Bluelab Combo Meter!
pffffff Fuckin great thing to have man. It's like a BMW of meters. And I feel i was driving a Ford PINTO before, when I compared to this Combo meter..



Well-Known Member
If your only using a 400 watt with a cool tube you should almost have the light on the plant depending on how fast of a fan is moving the heat i would think no higher then 6 inches but maybe im wrong any one????


Well-Known Member
If your only using a 400 watt with a cool tube you should almost have the light on the plant depending on how fast of a fan is moving the heat i would think no higher then 6 inches but maybe im wrong any one????
how ya doin' dmwk1822,

From my experience with this light, albeit without the cool tube. I can get an pretty nice yield with 70-100cm between this HiD and the top of the plant. I'm normally not one to outright disagree but on this one I'd have to say no I don't need the light right on the plant. If i test the lumens between where the light is today and maybe 10-15 cm higher I'm not sure there'd be much of a difference.
Secondly placing the light closer effectively reduces my coverage area! Why would I want to do that? Since I'm looking for the best coverage to Lumen ratio i think the method i use is the most efficient without running actual tests..

Thanks for the feedback though



Well-Known Member
how ya doin' dmwk1822,

From my experience with this light, albeit without the cool tube. I can get an pretty nice yield with 70-100cm between this HiD and the top of the plant. I'm normally not one to outright disagree but on this one I'd have to say no I don't need the light right on the plant. If i test the lumens between where the light is today and maybe 10-15 cm higher I'm not sure there'd be much of a difference.
Secondly placing the light closer effectively reduces my coverage area! Why would I want to do that? Since I'm looking for the best coverage to Lumen ratio i think the method i use is the most efficient without running actual tests..

Thanks for the feedback though

Ya your probably right i guess i didnt think about the fact you are only using one light and need to get as much surface area as you can from it point well taken ive learned something today i hope your grow is going alright i just germed a seed yesterday and tomorrow morning it should be ready to plant so im exstatic


Well-Known Member
W8 70 cm is like 25 inches isnt it???? there is no way you need a 400 watt that high to get the coverage you need for one plant maybe when it got bigger that might be a problem but from looking at that picture i think you could have it at highest 10inches and still get the same coverage on your plant ive never grown before but ive done enough resaerch to say at least that moch plus i have a light hanging right now so i know that if its six inches away from the plant it would still cover the whole plant with light


Well-Known Member
W8 70 cm is like 25 inches isnt it???? there is no way you need a 400 watt that high to get the coverage you need for one plant maybe when it got bigger that might be a problem but from looking at that picture i think you could have it at highest 10inches and still get the same coverage on your plant ive never grown before but ive done enough resaerch to say at least that moch plus i have a light hanging right now so i know that if its six inches away from the plant it would still cover the whole plant with light
No No my friend i'm not saying that i need that distance now. as you can see today there is much less than 20CM (18 inches) between the lamp and canopy.

Difference also this time is the heat containment thanks to the cool tube. Before i couldn't think to get the light this close.....

I may have gone a bit far with a 70-100cm estimation.
The Grow II (Shining Silver Haze) W/LED Illuminator- Soil to DWC grow
had a maximum 40cm clearance. so I'd revise my statement and say a maximum 50Cm for my 400 HiD with eBallast.




Well-Known Member
Ya your probably right i guess i didnt think about the fact you are only using one light and need to get as much surface area as you can from it point well taken ive learned something today i hope your grow is going alright i just germed a seed yesterday and tomorrow morning it should be ready to plant so im exstatic
Pics dude Pics!!!!!!
1 pic is worth 1K words!



Well-Known Member
lol ill post a pic as soon as it looks like more than dirt lol i just planted it this morning i also have a super critical from GHS germinating right now so ill get some pics of that i plan on doing a grow vid on youtube after a couple of grows lol


Well-Known Member
ya dude so im growing with a 400 watt right now and if the weather permits (as long as it stays under 80 degrees) i can get my bulb 7 inches away easily with a 440 cfm fan sucking through the cooling tube your weather must be HOT!!


Well-Known Member
And were back...

Vanilla Kush is pushing along nicely, really resinous. Much more than that haze was. More odor. Almost ready for a harvest which puts it in a acceptable range a garage grower like me.....

Push started early April Germination!


My roots really like this nute mix... not one issue with them.. Unlike last push!!

This girl drinks a bunch. This loss of water is done after 2 days without a refill.

Here she is a bit scrogged up^!
