The Grow Spotlight Pineapple Chunk, Sweets Dark Devil, White Rhino X Mazar


Hi all

Grow Room: H 56inch (142cm) W 28inch(71cm) L 60inch(152)
Intake fan and exhaust fan with carbon filter
400Watt HPS
Light Cycle: 12/12
Growing Median: Soil Perlite Mix with sand on top

Sweets Dark Devil (Auto Feminised):leaf:
Veg: 3 Weeks then Auto Flowered
Days Flowering: 32 Days
High: 17 Inch (43cm)
Notes: So this streign was suppose to have a dark purple color 1 in 4 don't get the purple color.
I think mine might have been the 1 in 4 that is non changing color. How ever it dose look like it is trying to change color the inner part of the bud is purple how ever the rest is mostly green but its no problem.
It flowered a bit earlier then the others due to being an auto hence the smaller size but it all looks good so far.
Barny's Pineapple Chunk (Feminized):leaf:
Veg: 5 weeks Due to a PH problem stunted growth Flowered when it was 12inch Tall (30cm)
Days Flowering: 19 Days
High: 36inch (91cm)
Notes: I have been really excited to grow this one as its is suppose to be 25% THC and looks to be a big producer. From what I have read people are getting giant plants. I am expecting a longer then quoted flowering period as some other journals are quoting.
In the photo she looks a little wilted but she was just needing a little water and she will perk right up.


White Rhino X Mazar (Feminized)
Veg: 5 weeks Due to a PH problem stunted growth Flowered when it was 12inch Tall (30cm)
High: 34inch (86cm)
Notes: I got this free with my order and am pretty surprised about what I have read about it so far. Apparently it is a quality streign and gives high yields as well as good medical relaxation as well as frosty nuggs.
Plans: Are to finish the Dark Devil ASAP and make more room for the other 2 to expand. I have been training the lower branches with fishing line and sticky tape.

So Questions I have to any one reading this:

  • What kind of yield could I expect with the Rhino X Mazar and Pineapple Chunk?
  • Would you expect them to grow much bigger?
  • Any other questions or comments welcome.

I will Update as I go. If you would like any earlier pic's I can supply on request.




Well-Known Member
I just got done growing the PC strain. was not impressed at all. no huge buds, mediocre at best compared to the other 2 strains I grew with it. the finished product is great, actually awesome. she is still curing, so not fully ready for a true smoke and weigh in report. I will be growing only 1 PC my next cycle compared to the 2 I grew this round. I grow laughing buddah (highly recommended!!!!, and kyle kushman strawberry cream. the LB strain grows HUGE colas, and smokes just as good. the KKSC, even better. the yield on the LB and KKSC were great. I do SC, FIM, and lollipop all my plants and got 11 tops on my PC plant, 9 on the other PC plant. flower the PC to 9 weeks or longer after the initial flip date. id go 10 weeks if you can.


Thanks for the heads up with going for the 10 weeks. Apparently a few people are disappointed with the PC.

I am looking forward to seeing how she will weigh in but like you said buds might not be as big as I had hoped but we will see.
I have to say the PC has been the most sensitive out of the 3 showing right away if there is a problem with the PH or Nutes.

Let me know your total dry weight once fully dryed. Also how tall did yours get?


Well-Known Member
check out my journal in my signature. its a very detailed and sometimes boring journal from day 1 of popping the seed. i never had any growing issues, PH, or nute related, or otherwise. ill try and get a weigh in today after work and post it up. don't get me wrong, the smoke is great..... but not worth my time or plant space in my flower tent to grow 2 any more. i figured i would try for 2 more plants one last time before i thin her down to 1 in my rotation.


Active Member
Hi all

Grow Room: H 56inch (142cm) W 28inch(71cm) L 60inch(152)
Intake fan and exhaust fan with carbon filter
400Watt HPS
Light Cycle: 12/12
Growing Median: Soil Perlite Mix with sand on top

Sweets Dark Devil (Auto Feminised):leaf:
Veg: 3 Weeks then Auto Flowered
Days Flowering: 32 Days
High: 17 Inch (43cm)
Notes: So this streign was suppose to have a dark purple color 1 in 4 don't get the purple color.
I think mine might have been the 1 in 4 that is non changing color. How ever it dose look like it is trying to change color the inner part of the bud is purple how ever the rest is mostly green but its no problem.
It flowered a bit earlier then the others due to being an auto hence the smaller size but it all looks good so far.
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Barny's Pineapple Chunk (Feminized):leaf:
Veg: 5 weeks Due to a PH problem stunted growth Flowered when it was 12inch Tall (30cm)
Days Flowering: 19 Days
High: 36inch (91cm)
Notes: I have been really excited to grow this one as its is suppose to be 25% THC and looks to be a big producer. From what I have read people are getting giant plants. I am expecting a longer then quoted flowering period as some other journals are quoting.
In the photo she looks a little wilted but she was just needing a little water and she will perk right up.

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White Rhino X Mazar (Feminized)
Veg: 5 weeks Due to a PH problem stunted growth Flowered when it was 12inch Tall (30cm)
High: 34inch (86cm)
Notes: I got this free with my order and am pretty surprised about what I have read about it so far. Apparently it is a quality streign and gives high yields as well as good medical relaxation as well as frosty nuggs.
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Plans: Are to finish the Dark Devil ASAP and make more room for the other 2 to expand. I have been training the lower branches with fishing line and sticky tape.

So Questions I have to any one reading this:

  • What kind of yield could I expect with the Rhino X Mazar and Pineapple Chunk?
  • Would you expect them to grow much bigger?
  • Any other questions or comments welcome.

I will Update as I go. If you would like any earlier pic's I can supply on request.

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with two tall and one small plant how do you manage lighting?!?


Because the Sweets Dark Devil is almost finished I have it in the middle and the other 2 on the very edge of the lighting hood.
I did this because Dark Devil is in its final stages and the other 2 were 2 close to the globle and I hadn't had time to raise the light until today.

I am just hoping the Dark Devil will be done soon so I can bring the tall ones in and it gives them more space to spread out.
Currently I am only running the 400HPS.


Well-Known Member
put a brick or cinder block under the short plants to even out the canopy. I use 2x4's and cinder blocks frequently.

I did a weigh in of my finished pineapple chunk harvest. it was ok for 2 plants from seed im guessing. 4.73 ounces total. all the small popcorn buds went into the trim bag for hash making. after 10.5 hrs of trimming my harvest I was getting tired of cleaning small ass popcorn buds. lol definitely investing in a trimmer for next time. I did FIM, supercrop, and lollipop the PC strain and she liked it. no issues.


Cheers thanks for getting back to me. Thats not bad I mean its not great but I see what you were saying about it not being a big producer.

I will have to do the brick trick to prop the smaller one up.

I think I veged for to long these bad boys just keep growing taller and taller and I am almost out of room high wise


Active Member
Because the Sweets Dark Devil is almost finished I have it in the middle and the other 2 on the very edge of the lighting hood.
I did this because Dark Devil is in its final stages and the other 2 were 2 close to the globle and I hadn't had time to raise the light until today.

I am just hoping the Dark Devil will be done soon so I can bring the tall ones in and it gives them more space to spread out.
Currently I am only running the 400HPS.

Yes put something underneath the short plant, last thing you wanna do is to not give enought lumens on the last days where buds r putting on some serious weight. Also putting plants on the edge of the hood IS NOT GOOD(especially when you're only growing 3 and you can easily solve the prob). Buy a ight meter and you'll find out why. On mine you could be on 8-9 out of 10 right below the light about 1.5ft down and on 6-7 around the edges about 1.5 ft down, and it doesn't really matter the size of the hood as I got a big one. either way good luck and may your harvest be a Gr8 1.


Hey sheldonblack

Here is a photo of everything sence I modifyed it and proped up the plant that is finishing.

Any tips for how i should position the plants?

Photo Attached


Active Member
Hey sheldonblack

Here is a photo of everything sence I modifyed it and proped up the plant that is finishing.

Any tips for how i should position the plants?

Photo Attached
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Honestly there's a huge height difference between the short and the tall ones. I use Yoga block :) for my shorty bcs I have too many but again get that short guy as close as possible, of course as long as no heat issue. Every hood is different, light meters are about $10 at Homedepot or if you have local OSH stores. Some also measure the wetness of the soil and amount of fertilizer in it and those usually have 3 metal sticks coming out of the bottom of them. Buttom line is you want to make sure to get the most light, hood shouldn't be too far or too close however again since you only have 2 tall ladies, once the little one is done, stick the two, with enought space in between, closer to the center of the hood. Also I don't know about that kind of Myalr sheet you're using, looks like emergency blanket which works OK but when I used those years ago, I remember them being very very thin and even letting lights go through them, so you could see inside the room from outside. If you order a roll of some good thick German Mylar, you'll see the difference off the bat. Also your plants look like they've strechted much, maybe just being Sativas?!?! or not enough proper light, I can see where you have long stem and not many nodes around it. I don't wanna sound to negative about that bcs I've had super strechty plants where I was very disappointed but they ended up yielding pretty good.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on the height issue. I flipped mine 2 1/2 weeks later than I really wanted to. when I flipped, my new flower plants were 4" taller than my finished flowering plants. lol I have about another 1" to 1.5' of height I have left to work with in my tent (4x4x6.5) before I max out of adjustment. and my KKSC strains is already at hood level. I smoked a bit more of the PC and that strain is growing on me. and she smells better and better every day in the jars.


Hey Guys and Girls,

Here is an up date on everything that has been going on.

Dark Devil is in her final burst showing some clear purple colors witch is a wonderful surprise.
Pineapple Chunk and White Rhino X Mazar are taking off and going into over drive with production.

Here are some photos:

Pineapple Chunk:

White Rhino X Mazar


Dark Devil


So my question to you guys is does the Dark Devil look ready to harvest.
It has some amber tricombs on the very top but I cant see many if any on the lower of the plant.

Second question I usually put my plants as I will be with Dark Devil in darkness for 48 hours before harvest. What are your oppinions on this matter and will it really make that much of a difference?


Well-Known Member
I did 48 hrs of darkness on my first harvest. not sure if it yielded any better, but from what ive read it cant hurt either way. I would definitely invest in a 45 powered scope. i got mine on amazon for 10.00 shipped. really w/o one and its so hard to tell what stage the trichs are in. I also have a 60-100 scope again bought from amazon for 20.00. nice looking plants. the PC is looking good. I forgot, but did you do any training to her? that dark devil looks killer.


Oh and I forgot to add I have been training them both. So far so good the branches are nice and evenly spaced and light is getting to the lower buds.

The White Rhino is stacking on weight a lot faster then the PC.