The happening..

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Shit... I was confused for a second... I thought this thread was announcing The quickening... I was just about to go grab my 17th century sword and go looking for the others like me...


Ursus marijanus
can reason happen to happen, if no reason exists, exists?
It happens that there are those who insist on reason to exist, while others quite unreasonaingly insist on just happening to exist. I happen to believe that reason exists whether or not I exist, insist or reason. Happily existence happens all around me without the existence of insistence on rhyme or reason. That's how I happen to reason it all out as it exists .. but I don't insist. cn

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
it happens that there are those who insist on reason to exist, while others quite unreasonaingly insist on just happening to exist. I happen to believe that reason exists whether or not i exist, insist or reason. Happily existence happens all around me without the existence of insistence on rhyme or reason. That's how i happen to reason it all out as it exists .. But i don't insist. Cn
mind= blown

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
That's weird, you would think if god created itself, it would know itself. Plus, why do you guy always reference god as a him, instead of a her, or it?
...they do refer to God as It, and as Her. Depends on each persons' upbringing / learning curve. The universe is seen as a womb. Concentrated awareness, which is consciousness expressing as positive energy, permeates that universe in what is known as 'continuous creation'. That is why sex is the basis of every single religion - and should be respected. "Honor thy Father and Mother".


Ursus marijanus
So is it possible that "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" is a more sonorous and imposing rewrite of "Tag ... you're It!"?? cn