The healing power of Cannabis..


Well-Known Member
Quick story... My dad is 75, a diabetic with an A1C of 10.4, but pretty active. 2 years ago he hurt is neck and asked me about RSO drops that we make for his pain. I cut it 3:1 with CMT oil, and he started taking it for about a year. He went for his yearly check up, and after being on the drops for a year, his A1C had come down to 6.4 (normal)... He went back to AZ for the Winter and had fallen into such a deep sleep on the drops that he pissed the bed.... no big deal, but he quit taking the drops. He got back in April and went to have his bloodwork done... A1C back up to 10.2. Out of curiosity, we both wanted him to start taking the drops again to see if it would bring it back down. He just busted through my door a few min ago after going for bloodwork, and his A1C is back down to 6.2! His Dr. said "that's almost miraculous!"
Quick story... My dad is 75, a diabetic with an A1C of 10.4, but pretty active. 2 years ago he hurt is neck and asked me about RSO drops that we make for his pain. I cut it 3:1 with CMT oil, and he started taking it for about a year. He went for his yearly check up, and after being on the drops for a year, his A1C had come down to 6.4 (normal)... He went back to AZ for the Winter and had fallen into such a deep sleep on the drops that he pissed the bed.... no big deal, but he quit taking the drops. He got back in April and went to have his bloodwork done... A1C back up to 10.2. Out of curiosity, we both wanted him to start taking the drops again to see if it would bring it back down. He just busted through my door a few min ago after going for bloodwork, and his A1C is back down to 6.2! His Dr. said "that's almost miraculous!"
That is so awesome! You do understand that for future reference you will be referred to as Dr. Love. Did he let the doctor know of the benefit of THC? This is the kind of benefit/uses that people need to understand and it is my bet what we are only on the tip of the iceberg. Nice work!
That is so awesome! You do understand that for future reference you will be referred to as Dr. Love. Did he let the doctor know of the benefit of THC? This is the kind of benefit/uses that people need to understand and it is my bet what we are only on the tip of the iceberg. Nice work!
Yes, his Dr. knows he's taking THC drops, and saw the before, after, before and after. He's all for more research in the medical field.
I don't reduce my tincture down all the way to RSO but I take very strong tincture in heavy doses every day. Since I started about a year ago my A1C has come down from 7.7, which was where they wanted to put me on diabetes meds, to 6.2, which is fine. My VA doctor won't discuss cannabis as a medicine as she's not allowed to by the VA but she's blown away by the change in less than a year. I didn't expect any health changes other than pain relief and better sleep when I started but the blood sugar improvement should really be studied along with the other health benefits.
I don't reduce my tincture down all the way to RSO but I take very strong tincture in heavy doses every day. Since I started about a year ago my A1C has come down from 7.7, which was where they wanted to put me on diabetes meds, to 6.2, which is fine. My VA doctor won't discuss cannabis as a medicine as she's not allowed to by the VA but she's blown away by the change in less than a year. I didn't expect any health changes other than pain relief and better sleep when I started but the blood sugar improvement should really be studied along with the other health benefits.
That's awesome man!
That's fucking incredible, then. Even if it were dietary those are SUBSTANTIAL changes. Good for him
Indeed!... we wanted to know exactly what was dropping his A1C, so he didn't do anything different from April till today. He goes back to AZ at the end of Oct, and asked if my outdoor would be done in time to make some more drops, and im like "Hell yeah!"
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If he keeps this up, he can slowly come off of Trulicity, which even with Medicare and insurance costs him $600 a month. I just need to keep him high enough to keep that A1C low, and he can keep mowing my place a little high during the day LOL!.. I think he's on 4 drops in the am, and 8 before bedtime. I personally think everybody should take a "maintenance" dose every day.. even if you don't have any medical problems... it very well could prevent future problems.
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If he keeps this up, he can slowly come off of Trulicity, which even with Medicare and insurance costs him $600 a month. I just need to keep him high enough to keep that A1C low, and he can keep mowing my place a little high during the day LOL!.. I think he's on 4 drops in the am, and 8 before bedtime. I personally think everybody should take a "maintenance" dose every day.. even if you don't have any medical problems... it very well could prevent future problems.
Really incredible news which obviously supports medical marijuana. Now if we could just compound this study with about 50,000 other patients in a clinical study. Just wondering here but let's question how much good is Medicare doing if it offers no solutions? Then again, why has no study been done yet to offer this medicine to the ever growing number patients who need it? Plainly obvious, the Federal Government does not represent the people but only their agenda. It also explains why I thwart diabetes at every blood work and my brother suffers that and more. Thank you Lord for giving us undeniable truth that mother nature can provide. :joint:
Really incredible news which obviously supports medical marijuana. Now if we could just compound this study with about 50,000 other patients in a clinical study. Just wondering here but let's question how much good is Medicare doing if it offers no solutions? Then again, why has no study been done yet to offer this medicine to the ever growing number patients who need it? Plainly obvious, the Federal Government does not represent the people but only their agenda. It also explains why I thwart diabetes at every blood work and my brother suffers that and more. Thank you Lord for giving us undeniable truth that mother nature can provide. :joint:
The retail price of Trulicity is $1600 for 2 cc's..... you read that right. 2 cc's. Does are 1/2 cc every week. But even after Medicare and Insurance, it still costs him $600 a month. AAND!!!... even on Trulicity, his A1C was over 10. It only came down during those 2 periods of taking the RSO drops. He told me last night "well, I guess I'll be on Cannabis the rest of my life, or lose 50 lbs".... I said "Which one sounds easier?" LOL!
He's gonna start backing off the Trulicity, but not tell his Dr. till his next labs in Oct. If his A1C is still in the 6's after no Trulicity, his Dr.'s jaw is prob gonna hit the floor.