The Heavy Frutie Duty, The Nuken And JTR

Yup, I did hear about FDD, and I sent some money to help his cause. It's a pretty fucked up situation from what I hear.

Well as you know lad, wishing you all the luck with whatever you decide on. Hope the new diggs help you realise it![/QUOTE
Thanks D

Looks like its still very cold there stay warm Bro thanks for the well wishes
don't move before august bro!

yeah i heard bout Fdd. sad state of affairs. i cant believe they can put you in jail for talking about doing something. well I can but it sucks donkey nuts
you've got your style nailed down tight hem. 4-6 colas a girl short n stubby easy trimming fat nugs eh.

think doc got a new job in a desert somewhere buddy
You 3 are always in the know!!!

Don yeah I have several BR x SS going and have seen no color...

Now the Sour Cherry lots of color
I canny wait to move and try some of these. The princess rang the housing up today but we gotta ring back after the weekend.
You could call it BSL, Black Star Line, which is what Mos Def and Talib Kweli named their album Blackstar after, by all accounts!....check Wikipedia. It was Marcus Garvey who founded the shipping line......full of a load of old google guff today me! lol.