The History of Northern Lights

I was just given a couple cuts of an apparent old Aussie NL.
It’s from a mate who knows his stuff so hopefully it’s nice.
He said it’s done the rounds for years.

I’ll get her in shape and flowering then post up some pictures for somewhat of a verdict from the old NL growers with more experience.
Can't wait to see this one come out, nice. Please keep us posted.
Was that when they made the switch or after to the nl1 x nl2 x nl5 made by breeder steve for sensi if you know i know they used to sell nl5 till a certain point then swapped to that in the late 90s or early 00s i cant remember tbh

There is a very extensive thread on the forum from a nym JessE on NL that began in 2009 and ended in 2015, with participation from both Nevil and NL Seattle Greg, that will answer most all questions about NL. If I understand your post, the NL that Sensi has _always_ sold from the late 90's on, was a NL2XNL5 cross. Whether it was NL Seattle Greg's #5 or Nevil's that he got from "The Indian" (NL Seattle Greg identifies him, since he's dead) will never be known, afaic. Look for posts from the nym Archivist to read one of the most brutal fucking (and best written) bitch slaps on a cannabis forum I've ever read, and I've been doing this a while. I'm pretty sure this was Ben Dronker's son, but I could be wrong. :confused:

Here's a IBL of my 20+ years of experience with Sensi Seeds Northern Lights, which I've earned the right to call SouthEast Lights

There is a very extensive thread on the forum from a nym JessE on NL that began in 2009 and ended in 2015, with participation from both Nevil and NL Seattle Greg, that will answer most all questions about NL. If I understand your post, the NL that Sensi has _always_ sold from the late 90's on, was a NL2XNL5 cross. Whether it was NL Seattle Greg's #5 or Nevil's that he got from "The Indian" (NL Seattle Greg identifies him, since he's dead) will never be known, afaic. Look for posts from the nym Archivist to read one of the most brutal fucking (and best written) bitch slaps on a cannabis forum I've ever read, and I've been doing this a while. I'm pretty sure this was Ben Dronker's son, but I could be wrong. :confused:

Here's a IBL of my 20+ years of experience with Sensi Seeds Northern Lights, which I've earned the right to call SouthEast Lights

View attachment 5156966
Huge heads up thanks, just registered on their forums. :)
There is a very extensive thread on the forum from a nym JessE on NL that began in 2009 and ended in 2015, with participation from both Nevil and NL Seattle Greg, that will answer most all questions about NL. If I understand your post, the NL that Sensi has _always_ sold from the late 90's on, was a NL2XNL5 cross. Whether it was NL Seattle Greg's #5 or Nevil's that he got from "The Indian" (NL Seattle Greg identifies him, since he's dead) will never be known, afaic. Look for posts from the nym Archivist to read one of the most brutal fucking (and best written) bitch slaps on a cannabis forum I've ever read, and I've been doing this a while. I'm pretty sure this was Ben Dronker's son, but I could be wrong. :confused:

Here's a IBL of my 20+ years of experience with Sensi Seeds Northern Lights, which I've earned the right to call SouthEast Lights

View attachment 5156966
What happened? Why is Nev banned from the forum.. :D
Shanti and Nevil had a "falling out". And Nevil's dead now. :sad:

Btw, Shanti is fucking awesome, afaic.
Aww man, I honestly don't know where to start there lol, thanks for the heads up again, I'm gonna take a strong look first thing n the morning with a large cup of black coffee. I'll look for Shanti threads the same.
Smells piney and dank, not any sweet to it. The NL5 is a little boring compared to the #2, but she is a heavy producer with a very sedative high. The tops are more square than Christmas tree shaped which is how I always remembered her from the ‘90s. Good for making hash, but if I was to choose one to smoke permanently it would be the #2
Smells piney and dank, not any sweet to it. The NL5 is a little boring compared to the #2, but she is a heavy producer with a very sedative high. The tops are more square than Christmas tree shaped which is how I always remembered her from the ‘90s. Good for making hash, but if I was to choose one to smoke permanently it would be the #2
Sweet, thanks for that mate! Looking forward to popping mine very soon!
Smells piney and dank, not any sweet to it. The NL5 is a little boring compared to the #2, but she is a heavy producer with a very sedative high. The tops are more square than Christmas tree shaped which is how I always remembered her from the ‘90s. Good for making hash, but if I was to choose one to smoke permanently it would be the #2
If its anything like the seedbanks nl5 it should have great resin production as well
When I see him next I’ll try and get some more info on its origin/breeder.
Easiest to discount straight off the bat would be the #1 its a short stout ghani type ideal sog plant cos it dont have loads of side branches pretty much and isnt the highest yielder either the effects are why thats still around the nl2 was more kush like and smells different to the 1 its mostly indica too the nl5xnl2 the best nevil could do in his opinion with what he had smelled like juniper berries almost with phenos varying from either parent or inbetween and if its a later sensi one it could be the nl1xnl2xnl5 mix
Seedmans version of the story... same?

One of many stories that are incorrect, imo. When I read this:

The original Northern Lights plants were pure indicas

From personal experience, I know this to be totally incorrect. All it takes is one bullshit story/lie to make me question everything an author states.

There are so many things in this post that light up my Bullshit Detector, here's one:

The current, unnumbered version of the Northern Lights that Sensi Seeds offers today is, according to their description, a mix of the three pure variants of Northern Lights that were at their disposal in the past

This would be totally, fucking incorrect. This thread I referenced earlier at mrnice (and I think it's tacky as shit to link to another cannabis forum from RIU, so you'll just have to Google it), from someone very high in Sensi with the nym Archivist, who I think was Ben Dronkers son:

"In the Nineties, NL#1 was sold as the Sensi Northern Lights seed-strain.
It was changed to NL 5x2 before the end of the Nineties, and this, to the best of my knowledge and according to the people who actually work with it, is what it remains.

It was partly those words "to the best of my knowledge" that caused the little storm-in-a-teacup further up in this thread. I suppose I should just be more definite and (potentially) less accurate in my answers, as certain sections of the community don't want the slightly ambiguous truth, they want collectible factoids.

If I wanted a more peaceful life, I would be better off presenting what I know as the cold, hard Truth. Working on the inside of the industry for half my life does give a good picture, but I've been here long enough and talked to enough of the original breeders to know that almost nothing in the canna-breeding world is 100% hard fact. It depends who you talk to.

The veteran breeders I have asked about NL over the years give the same answer - Sensi Northern Lights was NL#1 for a time, but was changed to NL 5x2 years ago."

I think this might be a more accurate synopsis, and I have absolutely no idea who the beardbros are:

After working with Northern Lights for more than 20 years, the only seed I would actually fucking buy to invigorate SouthEast Lights is no longer available but it was from this guy:

Like me, he's retired. :cool:

For those interested, there's a thread at ICmag from 12/20 from a nym sbeanonamello that has additional nfo.
One of many stories that are incorrect, imo. When I read this:

From personal experience, I know this to be totally incorrect. All it takes is one bullshit story/lie to make me question everything an author states.

There are so many things in this post that light up my Bullshit Detector, here's one:

This would be totally, fucking incorrect. This thread I referenced earlier at mrnice (and I think it's tacky as shit to link to another cannabis forum from RIU, so you'll just have to Google it), from someone very high in Sensi with the nym Archivist, who I think was Ben Dronkers son:

"In the Nineties, NL#1 was sold as the Sensi Northern Lights seed-strain.
It was changed to NL 5x2 before the end of the Nineties, and this, to the best of my knowledge and according to the people who actually work with it, is what it remains.

It was partly those words "to the best of my knowledge" that caused the little storm-in-a-teacup further up in this thread. I suppose I should just be more definite and (potentially) less accurate in my answers, as certain sections of the community don't want the slightly ambiguous truth, they want collectible factoids.

If I wanted a more peaceful life, I would be better off presenting what I know as the cold, hard Truth. Working on the inside of the industry for half my life does give a good picture, but I've been here long enough and talked to enough of the original breeders to know that almost nothing in the canna-breeding world is 100% hard fact. It depends who you talk to.

The veteran breeders I have asked about NL over the years give the same answer - Sensi Northern Lights was NL#1 for a time, but was changed to NL 5x2 years ago."

I think this might be a more accurate synopsis, and I have absolutely no idea who the beardbros are:

After working with Northern Lights for more than 20 years, the only seed I would actually fucking buy to invigorate SouthEast Lights is no longer available but it was from this guy:

Like me, he's retired. :cool:

For those interested, there's a thread at ICmag from 12/20 from a nym sbeanonamello that has additional nfo.
Sad one has the original Northern Lights anymore. :( I got some beans labeled Northern Lights from Royal Queens... wonder what it really is. PXL_20220723_225353284.jpg