The difference is that I wouldn't claim anyone is a liberal until they do something bad, like murder someone. If they claim they're a liberal who believes in liberal or progressive policy, then they go shoot up a school or something, they're still a liberal. You guys disown the clowns as soon as they do something bad regardless of motive (even if it's conservative) and refuse to acknowledge the belief system that breeds them (Christianity). Meanwhile, Islam takes the blame for everything bad a Muslim extremist does.
The double standard should be very clear to anyone looking at this issue
Overall I think you're still missing the point. The problem with defining someone under any label is you then also have to define what policies are "liberal" and "conservative". Some self-proclaimed conservatives believe helping the poor through social safety net programs is the conservative thing to do, others think taxing people to pay for the poor is progressive. Some conservatives believe protecting the environment is the conservative thing to do, others, like you I'm sure, don't. Some conservatives believe increasing the military budget every year isn't fiscally conservative, many others do.. So as you can see, the definition throughout your party of what it means to be "conservative" isn't very clear, even among other conservatives. Therein lies the problem with labeling others what you believe them to be.