The house voted to repeal Obamacare will it pass the senate?

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
either it will be radically changed and sent back to the house, or they will change the senate rules to a simple majority. or maybe trump will abolish the senate and increase executive branch powers, you can do shit like that when you are a dictator
Then they would have to change the constitution 2/3 majority is required to pass laws in the senate (60 votes) they're not there yet.
This is not going anywhere, wait till the CBO report comes out they haven't even scored this bill they just rushed this through. Cancer, pregnancies, drug treatment, diabetes, autism, arthritis and asthma are preexisting conditions. When the Fuck are American voters going to realize that the pukes don't give a fuck about the poor can't wait for the reaction from all them states that voted Republican just to realize their Representatives voted to take their healthcare away. If it weren't for the fact that most of the country is going to get hurt if this bill ever passed the Senate I would be jumping for joy just to see them squirm. Dumb fucking deplorables.



Well-Known Member
Please pardon the profanity laced comments that will follow, so all you squeamish motherfuckers that are sensitive to fucking curse words, stop reading now.

So, the Republicans in the House of Representatives, or should I say the representatives of the insurance industry, finally got their way.
Now, over 20 million Americans, who could not afford to pay the exorbitant costs to be insured by those cutthroat cocksuckers in the insurance industry, especially ones with pre-existing health issues, will have to do without any insurance at all, because those House cocksuckers have finally gotten their way to abolish Obamacare. After seven years of screaming and shouting about what an awful thing it is to have mandated health insurance for ALL Americans, they have finally gotten their way, the last hurdle being the Republican led Senate, and where do you think that will lead to, considering all those assholes that said they would not vote for Trump, are now lining up to kiss his ass?
That's the part I really love, how the majority of Republicans wouldn't touch Trump with a ten foot pole this time last year, and now they all suck his psychopathic dick, jumping on his train to hell, and thinking that is what the American people want.
It's just too bad that the MAJORITY of Americans that didn't vote for that mentally deranged asshole Trump are going to pay a steep price for their ability to stay alive.
I am so pissed off now, that a joint won't even help my state of mind.
Time to damage my liver


Well-Known Member
A very Small Victory For the Great Orange one. Smiling and Waving like he is in a freaking Parade, This Moron has no Idea what they just did, I mean what the fuck should they care they all have great insurance ever single one of them.
All them SOBs sitting there laughing and have a great time when they have no Idea wtf is going to happen, lets party in the Rose Garden now, He was like a Pig In Shit, "Oh Wait" he is a pig in shit. Can't wait until he gets impeached, it can't be soon enough for Us Real Americans.
Lets sign a new bill weeeeeeee I've seen children with more common sense.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Please pardon the profanity laced comments that will follow, so all you squeamish motherfuckers that are sensitive to fucking curse words, stop reading now.

So, the Republicans in the House of Representatives, or should I say the representatives of the insurance industry, finally got their way.
Now, over 20 million Americans, who could not afford to pay the exorbitant costs to be insured by those cutthroat cocksuckers in the insurance industry, especially ones with pre-existing health issues, will have to do without any insurance at all, because those House cocksuckers have finally gotten their way to abolish Obamacare. After seven years of screaming and shouting about what an awful thing it is to have mandated health insurance for ALL Americans, they have finally gotten their way, the last hurdle being the Republican led Senate, and where do you think that will lead to, considering all those assholes that said they would not vote for Trump, are now lining up to kiss his ass?
That's the part I really love, how the majority of Republicans wouldn't touch Trump with a ten foot pole this time last year, and now they all suck his psychopathic dick, jumping on his train to hell, and thinking that is what the American people want.
It's just too bad that the MAJORITY of Americans that didn't vote for that mentally deranged asshole Trump are going to pay a steep price for their ability to stay alive.
I am so pissed off now, that a joint won't even help my state of mind.
Time to damage my liver
This bill is not going to make it as it stands so all them cocksuckers in the Rose garden today will be looking for new jobs in 2018 resist, resist, resist.


Well-Known Member
I mean what the fuck should they care they all have great insurance ever single one of them
Congress exempted themselves from the changes the bill they passed would have represented for their healthcare. Even the teabaggers in Congress secretly love Obamacare and don't won't to lose it. Supposedly, this exemption is being dealt with separately, whatever th fuck that means. Life would be so much better if these Republican asswipes would stop fucking up our shit.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Congress exempted themselves from the changes the bill they passed would have represented for their healthcare. Even the teabaggers in Congress secretly love Obamacare and don't won't to lose it. Supposedly, this exemption is being dealt with separately, whatever th fuck that means. Life would be so much better if these Republican asswipes would stop fucking up our shit.
After they voted to exempt themselves from the changes last week they were embarrassed into rescinding those changes, at least that's what I heard.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
These pricks actually think they did something good for the American ppl, not only is preexisting conditions eliminated under this new proposed bill but those who also have employer based coverage.

The orange turd is still promising lower premiums:shock::(:roll:
It will not pass, but it is great to have these fucktards on record with their vote.
2018 should be a good year. 2020 even better