Really heavy topic mate. But I am not scared of it. When it comes to destruction, the wreaking of havoc and causing of deep and severe pain, I have dealt out my fair share. And I am sure I have a lot more to come, many more disasters that will affect many I love. In my case, it is not physical destruction, but I have savagely and remorselessly destroyed the peace of mind of many. Did they deserve it? Who knows, that is not for me to decide. Was it done on purpose? Not at all, but does that matter? Indeed it matters not if the harm I caused was a choice, deliberate, or not.
How and why did I do this is probably the first question you might have. How is easy to answer: Myself, just like everybody else, I have a set of moral codes I live by. These codes are not shared by the world man, they are MINE. So in many cases where OTHER people live outside MY moral code system, I have savagely attacked their transgression of this code. Words when coming from my lips of my fingertips are like kitana blades wielded by samurai, sharp as fuck and aimed at the main vein in order to take out the opposition.
So many times I have managed to get at the jugular. There are people here that can testify to this being true. I made my apologies but an apology does not heal. Once the cut is made, it is made. There is no turning back from pulling a trigger.
The WHY I am still pondering. Perhaps I have an infinite capacity for love, but strangely not tolerance. And as we all know, polar opposites exist within every human being, so my capacity to love and hate are exactly equal. So thinking about your posed question, I would say that most of the destruction from humans stems from that, a finite capability for understanding and patience. A finite capacity for tolerance.
I have travelled to where Buddhism was born, in order to learn peace form the most peaceful philosophy on this planet. You know what? Monks bore the fuck out of me. I realized that in order to do no harm, I have to do NOTHING. They are soooo passive. And personally I feel the world is better served by me if I accept my capability for destruction, BUT try to have a higher capacity for creativity. Because without the destructive ME, there is NO CREATIVE ME. A man that sits in a cave saying a fuktonne of mantras over and over serves nobody but himself. He has no purpose on this world. He contributes nothing to the ill nor well-being of his fellow man.
So my conclusion is, we are destructive to learn to be creative. As long as we are conscious of the effect we have on the world around, this amounts to moving the human race forwards.
My 2 cents on that one.