The "ignore" challenge....

I used to not use ignore...until the sockpuppets epidemic.

Me neither.

On most forums, it's pretty easy to simply skim past the truly lost, so there's never really a "need".

Here, however, between the mods not modding their buddies when they post disgusting images, being blatantly biased, and the psychotic need for some mentally unhealthy members to spam threads and posts with lunatic ramblings, I have altered my position on ye olde ignore feature.

I would urge those that feel the same to do so as well.

It's just a week, after all...
in order to make this a less hate filled place.

why not lead by example and leave, wanksey?

I'll continue to practice self-segregation and stay away from the "black community" as much as possible, and I'd encourage all my fellow citizens to do the same.

Single mothers can't raise kids for shit, especially the ghetto black single mothers.

Instead of paying these dumb bitches to breed, they should be sterilized, as their demon spawn either end up being criminals, or breeding more demon spawn.

Travel to Africa.

You'll get your pride back.

you belong on a white supremacy site anyway, princess.