The Impact of Whiny Bernie Babies

Again, you missed the point. Most delegates had their minds made up long before the primary was held in their state. Clinton was hand picked before Obama even left office. But no comments on that huh? The only thing I am claiming is THAT THERE WAS NEVER ANY OTHER CHOICE BUT CLINTON FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. You can't disprove that with you rants and misconceptions.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote among Democrats. By a lot. Clinton gained about 30% more votes than Bernie. Super delegates weren't a factor in her winning the popular vote. I mean, how does that work? Super delegates have never voted against the popular vote of the Democratic Party. They have never been a factor in a primary, including this one.

If you want to discuss the validity of the super delegate vote in primaries, I'll be glad to discuss but can't discuss a fiction that they caused the primary to go to Bernie because they didn't.
I believe he had more votes than her going into the convention until the superdelegates voted.

You believe incorrectly sir.
Delegate counts under various scenarios


Without superdelegates


With unbound superdelegates
(current system)
...............................................2,771 (571)........................................................................1,875 (44)

With proportional allocation
of superdelegates

...............................................2,590 (390).........................................................................2,150 (319)

Numbers in parentheses ( ) represent superdelegates. Numbers without parentheses represent popular vote plus superdelegates

Under no scenario would Sanders have won. He simply didn't get enough votes. He lost because African Americans, Hispanics AND women didn't give him enough support. Nobody can win the Democratic nomination without strong support from African Americans, Hispanics and women. Bernie won the guys. From what I've seen, he won the really dumb guys. Apparently dumb guys don't need facts to claim rigged. Trumps guys have the same problem.
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actually, they did in 2008 against hillary, and she didn;t whine or cry at all, unlike these bernie babies.
Wikipedia has Obama winning the majority of "pledged delegates" as well as superdelegates against Clinton
........................pledged delegates........................superdelegates..................Total


I'd be glad to see a link to your information.
Wikipedia has Obama winning the majority of "pledged delegates" as well as superdelegates against Clinton
........................pledged delegates........................superdelegates..................Total


I'd be glad to see a link to your information.

i was talking about raw vote total.
i was talking about raw vote total.
I wouldn't mind seeing a link. But still, the time to change the rules is now. We can't change them just before the next primary.

I hate this state by state shit. Also hate superdelegate BS too. The superdelegate BS came about because old school Democrats in the 60's didn't trust the electorate to decide on a good candidate. It's time to scrub that. Also just tally votes. The current system is too much like the archaic EC in the national election. It's the president of The United States, not the president of mostly small states.
You posted a fucking long obtuse diatribe filled with fictional garbage and expected everybody to just go ooh and ahh? Now you are all depressed because you got called out on your bullshit ideas?

what a weakling.

Nope I have better things to do with my life like put my children to bed. You sound like a loser that sits on the computer all day long trolling like a little bitch. Have fun troll bitch!
You are right. I should have said pledged delegates. Superdelelgates had no effect on the primary.

That said, I'd love to see the Democratic party do away with that undemocratic process.

I believe delegates are awarded proportionately to vote count, where as super delegates can cast their vote however they wish.

Agreed on getting rid of them. Doesn't seem very democratic...although they would have come in handy to thwart the nomination of someone like Trump.