The Impact of Whiny Bernie Babies

I don't understand is why Bernie's supporters talk as if Democrats are the problem when Republicans have the worst record on real legal standard corruption as well as the unsavory legal stuff like whopping large campaign contributions from big donors and super sized PACS that keep their side's propaganda organ playing. Every Democratic Party Senator who was seated in 2014 voted for repeal of Citizen's United. Why tear them down?
Establishment Democrats held up single payer in California. We all know Republicans are terrible, Democrats are held to a higher standard because I don't vote for Republicans, I already know they're bad at governing. Democrats are supposed to be the ones who represent my interests and they don't. Your argument falls flat because neither party is "better" when they don't represent voter interests.
When she wasn't in office, in 2015, when she was planning on running for president in 2016

Because you don't see anything wrong with that doesn't mean there isn't anything wrong with that or that saying as much is spreading "fake news"
It was all legal. If you don't like it, then change the laws. It was out in the open and you even got to read what was said.

Fat chance of that happening under GOP control. How about spewing more vitriol about the only party that will make the changes you want? The one with ever Senator who was seated in 2014 and voted in support of Bernie's legislation to roll back Citizen's United.

Tell me more about how that DNC smear campaign in West Virginia you howled about. You know, the one that never happened.
Establishment Democrats held up single payer in California. We all know Republicans are terrible, Democrats are held to a higher standard because I don't vote for Republicans, I already know they're bad at governing. Democrats are supposed to be the ones who represent my interests and they don't. Your argument falls flat because neither party is "better" when they don't represent voter interests.

That's a good point. Talking about an issue (or voting for an issue when you're in the minority) is one thing. Actually putting your money where your mouth is and voting for an issue when you're in the majority is another. See the Republicans and the repeal of Obamacare as an example. And, as you pointed out, see the California state legislature and the majority dem party not enacting single payer as a second example.
It was all legal. If you don't like it, then change the laws. It was out in the open and you even got to read what was said.
I didn't say it was illegal, I said it was unethical and that the optics of it were bad, that actions like accepting corporate donations from Wall Street would translate into less progressive votes being cast for Clinton, and I was right
How about spewing more vitriol
How is stating the details about it "spewing vitriol", especially since you don't think there was anything wrong with accepting corporate donations from Wall Street?
Also, can you link me to your posts where you rip her a new asshole for discussing the issue while having a net worth that's 20x, 30x, 40x Senator Sanders. I'm assuming you really tore in to her!
I haven't seen you say anything against the racist terrorists in Charlottesville yet. So, I guess I can only assume you support racism and terrorists now. Right? :dunce:.
Thanks, sweety. Glad you enjoyed it. Are you going to come by and post something or just sit in here and scream BUT, IT'S BERNIE'S TURN!!!!!!!!!! for the rest of the day?

I was on vacation in the middle of nowhere when that went down. Just catching up on the news today, and gave your thread a read. I think you guys covered my thoughts quite well. I can pop over and reiterate what's already been said by you and others though if you'd like. I wouldn't want to jeopardize my RIU cred!
I was on vacation in the middle of nowhere when that went down. Just catching up on the news today, and gave your thread a read. I think you guys covered my thoughts quite well. I can pop over and reiterate what's already been said by you and others though if you'd like. I wouldn't want to jeopardize my RIU cred!
RIU cred :rolleyes:. Hope your vacation went cool.
That's a good point. Talking about an issue (or voting for an issue when you're in the minority) is one thing. Actually putting your money where your mouth is and voting for an issue when you're in the majority is another. See the Republicans and the repeal of Obamacare as an example. And, as you pointed out, see the California state legislature and the majority dem party not enacting single payer as a second example.
That bill Pad is talking about was a train wreck. Even the people who wrote it said it was unfinished. It specified coverage for everybody but didn't cover the financial aspects of a 400 billion dollar expense. The people who wrote the bill said they wanted to get the conversation started and in that they were successful. The head of the house majority Democrats said they would take the issue up next term.

This idea that any vote against a bad bill is bad is what Padawan is positing.
I didn't say it was illegal, I said it was unethical and that the optics of it were bad, that actions like accepting corporate donations from Wall Street would translate into less progressive votes being cast for Clinton, and I was right

How is stating the details about it "spewing vitriol", especially since you don't think there was anything wrong with accepting corporate donations from Wall Street?
Spewing vitriol is what I said and spewing vitriol is what you do. Your endless rants against Democrats go on and on. Tell me more about how Democrats don't support universal healthcare coverage when they were successfully opposed by 100% of Republicans each and every time the initiative made it into legislation. Tell me more about how Democrats don't support repeal of CU when it's clearly written in the Congressional Record that 100% of Democratic Party Senators voted for it. Tell me more about how Bernie Sanders was cheated when it's clear that Bernie could not attract majorities in important coalitions within the Democratic Party. Tell me more about how Clinton was an awful campaigner when she won the popular vote and only missed winning the EC in the face of incredible international collusion by Republicans against US Democracy You spew lies in the green gooey vitriol that I describe.

Not that I blame you. You have been hoodwinked by a really really good propaganda machine.

I take it back. I blame you.
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RIU cred :rolleyes:. Hope your vacation went cool.

It was pretty cool! Up in @Bear420 's neck of the woods. Thanks for the recommendations on stuff to do up there btw Bear. Taquamenon (sp?) Falls was very cool! Ate at a really nice restaurant in Munising too called Tracey's (inside the Roam Inn hotel). Really good food that you should check out if you've never eaten there.

Went to Oswalds Bear ranch too. You're not the owner of that by chance? :lol:
That bill Pad is talking about was a train wreck. Even the people who wrote it said it was unfinished. It specified coverage for everybody but didn't cover the financial aspects of a 400 billion dollar expense. The people who wrote the bill said they wanted to get the conversation started and in that they were successful. The head of the house majority Democrats said they would take the issue up next term.

This idea that any vote against a bad bill is bad is what Padawan is positing.

I agree that they should definitely get it right before they pass it. I just can't understand why they couldn't get it right the first time though. It's not as if there aren't plenty of single payer systems around the world that they could emulate.
I agree that they should definitely get it right before they pass it. I just can't understand why they couldn't get it right the first time though. It's not as if there aren't plenty of single payer systems around the world that they could emulate.
So, lets hate on Democrats for that. It's not as if you know anything about why. And so let's just hate on Democrats for doing something you don't understand.

Healthcare is complex. That bill was insufficient. It shouldn't have made it into legislation. I'm not satisfied with the attempt either. Pad and his ilk of Bernie Supporters (henceforth referred to as BS) are using an incomplete bill as a wedge to split the party. It's a false narrative and propaganda by the right. Doesn't matter that a liberal is spewing that vitriol, it just matters that the vitriol is being spewed.
