The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
He may no longer have one.

The AG's office has already been distancing itself from all of this claiming that Barr never met, spoke with or heard from Trump, Giuliani or any Ukrainian at all.

Kind of an odd statement to issue when you're mentioned so prominently several times in a document kept on a secured server.
The shit is hitting the fan


Well-Known Member
He may no longer have one.

The AG's office has already been distancing itself from all of this claiming that Barr never met, spoke with or heard from Trump, Giuliani or any Ukrainian at all.

Kind of an odd statement to issue when you're mentioned so prominently several times in a document kept on a secured server.


Well-Known Member
Rolli already outed you, dumbass

You’ll never find any evidence of our conversations about it though. We keep all of those on a super secret server. It’s so common that it’s just become standard operating procedure

Do me a favor though

Your neo nazi coddling superhero is the stupidest fucking criminal of all time
Barr and Pence will resign. President Pelosi


Well-Known Member
You are turning RIU into a turn off, go kill buzz somewhere worse.
Ya know zed I've considered what you said after my kindness and support for you. You could PM your concerns, I would have shown you the respect, as I always have. You have yet to speak to me as a friend. I cannot take your words seriously. I'm a happy joyful person most of the time and when I make a promise I keep it. I spent last night watching over a poor man who's mind is shattering. Only to be meet by selfish egos in the morning too full of themselves to see his suffering, it disgusted me. Here I am a Canadian caring for this young man alone And you have the selfish motivation tell me to abandon my friend in his time of need, I'm still keeping an eye on him. What have you done for anybody here, Who are you to judge me, a better man than you. Foggy is a nice & intelligent man, you are not a wise one or a compassionate one.

You are a very unhappy man. Why?
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