The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

You appear to me as being confused and hypocritical as well as an egomaniac . You vote for Trump and will again ...You pick the lessor of 2 evils And Trump is your answer . Your brainwashed and believe his lies.
You prove my point exactly.

Your reply because I dont agree with you:
Confused, hypocritical, egomaniac, brainwashed, and a believer of lies.
Thank you for proving my point.

But unlike you, i will respect your right to have the opinions and beliefs you do. I would fight for your freedom of speech.
Dont let politics ruin your day, because you sure didn't ruin mine. Life is good.
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Its just sad that anyone in the middle, would never make the Dem or Rep dominee. I'm with you, brother. Just keep being positive and taking care of our own. Life is good, but if you watch too much of the news, it will try and drag you down. If we all just try to be decent people, the world would be good. But as you know, money and power are the route of all evil.
Why don’t you just speak for yourself. Midwestgorilla can make up his or her own mind about watching the news . The truth hurts you doesn’t it.
Trump wants you to believe all the news is fake. It’s not.
Why are you here? I took time to read your long resume of view point and gave mine. That’s what this is about.
Keep talking my friend, the tolerant left is very tolerant today I see.

I am here because i can be. Because its a discussion forum and I am simply adding my opinion, the same as you.
You prove my point exactly.

Your reply because I dont agree with you:
Confused, hypocritical, egomaniac, brainwashed, and a believer of lies.
Thank you for proving my point.

But unlike you, i will respect your right to have the opinions and beliefs you do. I would fight for your freedom of speech.
Dont let politics ruin your day, because you sure didn't ruin mine. Life is good.
Right, a reasonable person who thinks the sun shines outta Donald Trump's asshole, yep yer sure not displaying good judgement and common sense alright. This is not a difference between left and right, but between right and wrong, you don't care about that, or America. Not name calling, just stating obvious facts. You cannot back up your support for Trump with honest arguments, if ya think you can, here I am, you will be humiliated and I await your response. I'll bet yer just gonna be full of shit when confronted by the truth and facts, no one could win such an argument, you cannot defend the indefensible. Please try though, people are seeing Trump commit treason on TV and yer as good as any other fool who carries Donald's sewage for their spite.

Donald Trump is a traitor (literal now) and those who continue to support him now are considered to be traitors as well. The next democratic POTUS might call Vlad first, then just declare a phoney war with Russian (he would be a legal traitor then) and hang the lot of them for high treason. I would, in a heartbeat, any patriot would do the same, American troops are gonna die over this bullshit, Donald and a hundred other assholes should die as well. Everything can be easily proven in a court of law too, just a declaration of war is required, read some history, such wars were declared all the time. Such a war will make property confiscation possible and internment of enemy fifth columnist, remember the Japanese in WW2? Maybe you'll get some compensation in 30 or 40 years, but don't count on it. Racism is a national security threat now and you know how America deals with national security threats, don't you?
I don't usually dip into politics especially because people to the left of me resort to a lot of name calling and bashing. Nothing wrong with a debate though. I am not a big fan of trump but I did vote for him last election and and will probably pick him over the dems they have running. I don't think he is god and i do believe he behaves like a child on many levels. I just wish someone from either side would meet more in the middle. I know this is a weed growing forum so must probably lean left because of the push for legalization.

I am a white male, own my own legal business, and consider myself to be somewhat successful. I am a legal concealed pistol carrier and believe strongly in the first and second amendment. Even if I don't agree with you, I will fight for your right to do, and think however you lean. I am not here to say that anyone i disagree with is wrong, we are all entitled to our own opinion and should be able to speak our minds without fear of retaliation or backlash.

I take care of my family and friends of all races. However, I do not feel I should take care of strangers or illegal immigrants. My taxes are high. I work hard and have never asked for help or handouts. Call it white privilege, I really don't care. I have had very hard times and am not going to go into depth about my struggles or use it as an excuse.
Nice to meet you. There is a wide spectrum of people here, but please understand that the whole "Russia" trolling for Trump is a real thing and has been going on for years making people quick to troll online when people start off here with trolling right off the bat. I am not saying that you are doing that, but just giving a heads up, be quick with ignore if you feel like you are getting trolled.

The left seem to be pushing free, free, free. I hate that. I get some people need help to get on their feet but no one should be a welfare recipient for more than 6 months. Or get free health care, food, or housing assistance. I pay for everything i have and its because i work hard and have no choice.
I would point to "Seem to be", it is hard when anything not the Republican (which I call often the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male) agenda is called socialism. Feel free to post some links you have seen about this, I bet if we go through it, it will be a lot of smoke and statistical tricks to make things look a lot worse than they are.

I believe strongly that we need guns to defend ourselves against bad guys and corrupt government. It was a check and balance system that has worked well and will continue to work.
Most Democrats will agree with this too. It gets distorted that any but the small few people who are legitimately concerned about being murdered by a gun (even if wrongly in fear of the chances they are ever a target) wanting to tighten up mass killing weapons. Some good conversations on here about it.

I believe all immigrants should go through legal means, pay taxes, come with a skill or financial security where they will not be a burden to me or my country.
Agree here too, the problem is politicians wanting to make them the boogey man and making it impossible to get legal. And it is all of our country, but if you look at immigration numbers on how much they pay in taxes, it is far more than how much their fellow countries immigrants use in our social safety net. As far as having a skill, that is built over time, it should not stop them from being able to come here, we have plenty of room in our country for people to start a new life.

I personally think neo nazis, black panthers, or any other extremist are wrong, but like i said, they have the right to think, feel, and say whatever they want as long as they don't break the law or resort to violence. Punching a nazi because of his beliefs makes you worse than them in my opinion.
Just a thing to understand with this, a lot of propaganda is being pushed to make these protests seem a lot worse than they are. Anything to sow division in our citizens they are hammering it hard.

There is nothing a democrat candidate can offer me when i watch the debates or hear their plans.

I don't choose the candidate I like, I chose the candidate that supports more of my beliefs. I pick the lessor of two evils. I don't care about their personal lives, their language, or their past. I want what will continue to do me good, and support our constitution and fight for the rights that many have died to protect.
So you are ok with Trump selling out our country? Most of what is going on with these 'differences' is just being fully blown out of proportion. So really hopefully you are a real person and stick around for a while. Please understand you might indeed get trolled, but if you are a real person, it is because a lot of what you might have seen from POTUS and his troll army is just being spammed nonstop here and everywhere else and it gets hard to know a real person from a propaganda troll.
I don't usually dip into politics especially because people to the left of me resort to a lot of name calling and bashing. Nothing wrong with a debate though. I am not a big fan of trump but I did vote for him last election and and will probably pick him over the dems they have running. I don't think he is god and i do believe he behaves like a child on many levels. I just wish someone from either side would meet more in the middle. I know this is a weed growing forum so must probably lean left because of the push for legalization.

I am a white male, own my own legal business, and consider myself to be somewhat successful. I am a legal concealed pistol carrier and believe strongly in the first and second amendment. Even if I don't agree with you, I will fight for your right to do, and think however you lean. I am not here to say that anyone i disagree with is wrong, we are all entitled to our own opinion and should be able to speak our minds without fear of retaliation or backlash.

I take care of my family and friends of all races. However, I do not feel I should take care of strangers or illegal immigrants. My taxes are high. I work hard and have never asked for help or handouts. Call it white privilege, I really don't care. I have had very hard times and am not going to go into depth about my struggles or use it as an excuse.

The left seem to be pushing free, free, free. I hate that. I get some people need help to get on their feet but no one should be a welfare recipient for more than 6 months. Or get free health care, food, or housing assistance. I pay for everything i have and its because i work hard and have no choice.

I believe strongly that we need guns to defend ourselves against bad guys and corrupt government. It was a check and balance system that has worked well and will continue to work.

I believe all immigrants should go through legal means, pay taxes, come with a skill or financial security where they will not be a burden to me or my country.

I personally think neo nazis, black panthers, or any other extremist are wrong, but like i said, they have the right to think, feel, and say whatever they want as long as they don't break the law or resort to violence. Punching a nazi because of his beliefs makes you worse than them in my opinion.

There is nothing a democrat candidate can offer me when i watch the debates or hear their plans.

I don't choose the candidate I like, I chose the candidate that supports more of my beliefs. I pick the lessor of two evils. I don't care about their personal lives, their language, or their past. I want what will continue to do me good, and support our constitution and fight for the rights that many have died to protect.
Neo nazi: your family has no right to exist. Get in the oven, kike

me: punches nazi

you: [hugging the nazi] how dare he! He is such a bad person

Btw, the most likely use of your gun will be you blowing off your own skull with it

and trump bragged about walking in on unsuspecting, naked underage girls. You support a neo nazi praising pedophile
Right, a reasonable person who thinks the sun shines outta Donald Trump's asshole, yep yer sure not displaying good judgement and common sense alright. This is not a difference between left and right, but between right and wrong, you don't care about that, or America. Not name calling, just stating obvious facts. You cannot back up your support for Trump with honest arguments, if ya think you can, here I am, you will be humiliated and I await your response. I'll bet yer just gonna be full of shit when confronted by the truth and facts, no one could win such an argument, you cannot defend the indefensible. Please try though, people are seeing Trump commit treason on TV and yer as good as any other fool who carries Donald's sewage for their spite.

Donald Trump is a traitor (literal now) and those who continue to support him now are considered to be traitors as well. The next democratic POTUS might call Vlad first, then just declare a phoney war with Russian (he would be a legal traitor then) and hang the lot of them for high treason. I would, in a heartbeat, any patriot would do the same, American troops are gonna die over this bullshit, Donald and a hundred other assholes should die as well. Everything can be easily proven in a court of law too, just a declaration of war is required, read some history, such wars were declared all the time. Such a war will make property confiscation possible and internment of enemy fifth columnist, remember the Japanese in WW2? Maybe you'll get some compensation in 30 or 40 years, but don't count on it. Racism is a national security threat now and you know how America deals with national security threats, don't you?
I said in my first post I am not a trump supporter. Give me a democrat that fights for the issues that are important for me, and I would vote for them. Im sure racism exists, its just that me, my friends, and the people i work with of all races don't see it in our daily lives. Again, i'm not saying it doesn't exist and is not a problem, just not a problem for people who like me, treat everyone with respect.

I will repeat, I think both the left and right are as equally fucked up. I will just vote for issues that are important to me because there will never be perfect candidate.
Nice to meet you. There is a wide spectrum of people here, but please understand that the whole "Russia" trolling for Trump is a real thing and has been going on for years making people quick to troll online when people start off here with trolling right off the bat. I am not saying that you are doing that, but just giving a heads up, be quick with ignore if you feel like you are getting trolled.

I would point to "Seem to be", it is hard when anything not the Republican (which I call often the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male) agenda is called socialism. Feel free to post some links you have seen about this, I bet if we go through it, it will be a lot of smoke and statistical tricks to make things look a lot worse than they are.

Most Democrats will agree with this too. It gets distorted that any but the small few people who are legitimately concerned about being murdered by a gun (even if wrongly in fear of the chances they are ever a target) wanting to tighten up mass killing weapons. Some good conversations on here about it.

Agree here too, the problem is politicians wanting to make them the boogey man and making it impossible to get legal. And it is all of our country, but if you look at immigration numbers on how much they pay in taxes, it is far more than how much their fellow countries immigrants use in our social safety net. As far as having a skill, that is built over time, it should not stop them from being able to come here, we have plenty of room in our country for people to start a new life.

Just a thing to understand with this, a lot of propaganda is being pushed to make these protests seem a lot worse than they are. Anything to sow division in our citizens they are hammering it hard.

So you are ok with Trump selling out our country? Most of what is going on with these 'differences' is just being fully blown out of proportion. So really hopefully you are a real person and stick around for a while. Please understand you might indeed get trolled, but if you are a real person, it is because a lot of what you might have seen from POTUS and his troll army is just being spammed nonstop here and everywhere else and it gets hard to know a real person from a propaganda troll.
Thanks for the reasonable reply. Glad we can agree and disagree and remain cordial. And no I am not okay with trump selling out our country, I am just happy clinton didn't make it as POTUS. I would have voted for anyone other than her, so I dint have much of a choice.
I don't usually dip into politics especially because people to the left of me resort to a lot of name calling and bashing. Nothing wrong with a debate though. I am not a big fan of trump but I did vote for him last election and and will probably pick him over the dems they have running. I don't think he is god and i do believe he behaves like a child on many levels. I just wish someone from either side would meet more in the middle. I know this is a weed growing forum so must probably lean left because of the push for legalization.

I am a white male, own my own legal business, and consider myself to be somewhat successful. I am a legal concealed pistol carrier and believe strongly in the first and second amendment. Even if I don't agree with you, I will fight for your right to do, and think however you lean. I am not here to say that anyone i disagree with is wrong, we are all entitled to our own opinion and should be able to speak our minds without fear of retaliation or backlash.

I take care of my family and friends of all races. However, I do not feel I should take care of strangers or illegal immigrants. My taxes are high. I work hard and have never asked for help or handouts. Call it white privilege, I really don't care. I have had very hard times and am not going to go into depth about my struggles or use it as an excuse.

The left seem to be pushing free, free, free. I hate that. I get some people need help to get on their feet but no one should be a welfare recipient for more than 6 months. Or get free health care, food, or housing assistance. I pay for everything i have and its because i work hard and have no choice.

I believe strongly that we need guns to defend ourselves against bad guys and corrupt government. It was a check and balance system that has worked well and will continue to work.

I believe all immigrants should go through legal means, pay taxes, come with a skill or financial security where they will not be a burden to me or my country.

I personally think neo nazis, black panthers, or any other extremist are wrong, but like i said, they have the right to think, feel, and say whatever they want as long as they don't break the law or resort to violence. Punching a nazi because of his beliefs makes you worse than them in my opinion.

There is nothing a democrat candidate can offer me when i watch the debates or hear their plans.

I don't choose the candidate I like, I chose the candidate that supports more of my beliefs. I pick the lessor of two evils. I don't care about their personal lives, their language, or their past. I want what will continue to do me good, and support our constitution and fight for the rights that many have died to protect.
You took a lot of words to say you are a racist and tried to deny your base motives, I'm not buying it at all. I'll just make a couple of points here.
The toddlers in cages on the southern border are legal refugees who are being treated illegally and in humanely, you are OK with this and can ignore it, that's all I really need to say.

If punching Nazi's in the face makes you worse than them in your opinion. Then I guess you have no respect at all for WW2 veterans, many killed Nazi's and many died trying. You are a fool, not name calling, a sound judgement, based on your own words. "Fine people on both sides", where have I heard that before, from another fool.

If I wanted to, I could go through your entire post and refute each idiotic contention you make with ease, but this should make the point for those here with brains, not you though, or the usual bunch of racist traitors who give you likes. I consider you to be a traitor, not someone with a different political opinion, you are driven by greed, hate and fear, period. You are not a good person, or a good citizen and you sure as shit ain't a patriot.

TBS= Trump Blindness Syndrome, Donald can do no wrong, all the news is fake, only Donald speaks the truth to you.

It's all driven by fear, hate and greed, all antisocial acts are, yours too. Your entire post was an expression of fear, hate and greed
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Neo nazi: your family has no right to exist. Get in the oven, kike

me: punches nazi

you: [hugging the nazi] how dare he! He is such a bad person

Btw, the most likely use of your gun will be you blowing off your own skull with it

and trump bragged about walking in on unsuspecting, naked underage girls. You support a neo nazi praising pedophile
Did I say I would hug a neo nazi if they were punched? No.
Did I say that in the usa we have freedom of speech? Yes.
Do I support that right? Yes.

You missed the whole point. Humorous reply. Thanks for the laugh.
Keep talking my friend, the tolerant left is very tolerant today I see.

I am here because i can be. Because its a discussion forum and I am simply adding my opinion, the same as you.
Goddamn, how many of you mentally handicapped inbreds think this shitty act will work?

“woe is me, I am just ahapless centrist who is being forced to vote for the neo nazi praising pedophile. Also, here are some phrases I learned fromthe daily stormer you virtue signaling leftist! So much for the tolerant left!”

Riddle me this, ya phony bitch: why should me and my Jewish family be tolerant of anyone who praises neo nazis, like trump did, or anyone who supports neo nazi praisers, like you do?

thanks, phony
You took a lot of words to say you are a racist and tried to deny your base motives, I'm not buying it at all. I'll just make a couple of points here.
The toddlers in cages on the southern border are legal refugees who are being treated illegally and in humanely, you are OK with this and can ignore it, that's all I really need to say.

If punching Nazi's in the face make you worse than them in your opinion. Then I guess you have no respect at all for WW2 veterans, many killed Nazi's and many died trying. You are a fool, not name calling, a sound judgement, based on your own words. "Fine people on both sides", where have I heard that before, from another fool.

If I wanted to, I could go through your entire post and refute each idiotic contention you make with ease, but this should make the point for those here with brains, not you though, or the usual bunch of racist traitors who give you likes. I consider you to be a traitor, not someone with a different political opinion, you are driven by greed, hate and fear, period. You are not a good person, or a good citizen and you sure as shit ain't a patriot.

TBS= Trump Blindness Syndrome, Donald can do no wrong, all the news is fake, only Donald speaks the truth to you.

It's all driven by fear, hate and greed, all antisocial acts are, yours too. Your entire post was an expression of fear, hate and greed
I said neo nazi, black panther, muslim extremist, Or anyone that preaches hate.

You can preach hate. I dont agree with it. But its legal and they have the right to do so. You also have the right to disagree.

The moment you react with violence, you are the one breaking the law, you are worse than the one preaching hate.
I will repeat, I think both the left and right are as equally fucked up. I will just vote for issues that are important to me because there will never be perfect candidate.
Just because you might not understand the benefit to society in a certain program because it is not something that you have experience in, doesn't mean it is not a very effective program for our countries long run benefit. Like a food program. If the kids that would otherwise be hungry and unable to concentrate in school are fed a larger portion of those children will go on to graduate than if they did not. That means they will bring our society a far greater benefit and generally overtime will offset the money that goes into those programs.

Thanks for the reasonable reply. Glad we can agree and disagree and remain cordial. And no I am not okay with trump selling out our country, I am just happy clinton didn't make it as POTUS. I would have voted for anyone other than her, so I dint have much of a choice.
Yeah man, as long as people are actually people everyone here is pretty cool, it becomes really obvious quickly when they are just cat fishing us with trolling.

A lot of what was said about Clinton was just Russian trolling that they used to get Trump elected. When Trump gave the Russians our polling data, the Russians/Trump used Cambridge Analytica's stolen Facebook data with it to pump out the most effective propaganda effort ever in a very pinpointed way to play on what the data told them we would fall for the easiest.

It sucked, every topic is worth taking a look at that you have seen since really 2014 (if not 2006ish IMO).
Goddamn, how many of you mentally handicapped inbreds think this shitty act will work?

“woe is me, I am just ahapless centrist who is being forced to vote for the neo nazi praising pedophile. Also, here are some phrases I learned fromthe daily stormer you virtue signaling leftist! So much for the tolerant left!”

Riddle me this, ya phony bitch: why should me and my Jewish family be tolerant of anyone who praises neo nazis, like trump did, or anyone who supports neo nazi praisers, like you do?

thanks, phony
Have the democratic party put someone up for election that will beat him. Not Warren, Harris, Sanders, or the other yahoos. Put up someone with sense that will meet in the middle. Notice my reply doesn't insult you? Can you do the same?
Thanks for the reasonable reply. Glad we can agree and disagree and remain cordial. And no I am not okay with trump selling out our country, I am just happy clinton didn't make it as POTUS. I would have voted for anyone other than her, so I dint have much of a choice.
I see where you are coming from and I'm just glad Donald was right when he said if I vote for Hillary their would be an FBI investigation and impeachment
...Turns out he was right
Did I say I would hug a neo nazi if they were punched? No.
Did I say that in the usa we have freedom of speech? Yes.
Do I support that right? Yes.

You missed the whole point. Humorous reply. Thanks for the laugh.
You said people like me who would have no problem beating a nazi senseless, are worse than the nazis who want to exterminate my Jewish family

that is what you said

do you suck a lot of nazi dicks there, ya phony bitch?

hapless centrist my ass you dumbfuck nazi
I said in my first post I am not a trump supporter. Give me a democrat that fights for the issues that are important for me, and I would vote for them. Im sure racism exists, its just that me, my friends, and the people i work with of all races don't see it in our daily lives. Again, i'm not saying it doesn't exist and is not a problem, just not a problem for people who like me, treat everyone with respect.

I will repeat, I think both the left and right are as equally fucked up. I will just vote for issues that are important to me because there will never be perfect candidate.
Your dancing and bullshitting, you are a Trump supporter and a liar. Racism is a national security threat of the first order and will be treated as such. There is no middle ground, Trump removed it, no man's land is deadman's land and you just stumbled into the field of fire. Your stated position means you have no clue, as to what right and wrong is, Trumpers always go on about the left, like all the former republicans on TV who are anti Trump and anti GOP are not conservatives.

Get a clue, who do you think you are kidding here?

The difference between right and wrong could not be more stark and you can't see it at all, what is blinding you to the bright light of the truth shining directly into your face?
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