The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Trump handed Vladimir Putin a string of victories on a plate, and now the Russian leader is on a roll
  • Vladimir Putin is on a roll.
  • This week, the Russian president replaced the US as chief power broker in Syria, and gained a closer ally in Europe's backyard.
  • President Donald Trump effectively handed him these victories by pulling out of Syria
And if it wasn't the case before, Russia now has either a NATO ally Turkey in a hard military border with Russians on the other side, just like the possible EU country Ukraine is now. I just hope Putin is not wanting to go to war, that would suck for everyone.
I am not a hoarder. Thanks
First of all sir, I have met anywhere between 10-12 preppers. Good or bad, not judging them. The one thing that I had noticed when I went over to their bunkers.,,, it had appeared to me that they had way too much shit down there. I’m not trying to say that all preppers or survivalists are all hoarders,, just the 10 to 12 I have seen had the same thing in common. If you, sir, what to make a minimalist comment about this go right ahead and shoot.
Real World Problems be Damned ......

Donald Trump takes to Twitter to express his displeasure over the lack of Home button on the iPhone ...... * yes seriously :|

Today the Orange Moron took Apple to task about his displeasure with the latest iPhone .... and took to Twitter of course.

What you need to know:
Donald Trump has called out Tim Cook over the lack of Home button on the iPhone .
Trump took to Twitter to say that "the button was FAR better than the swipe." he grumbled.


The internet reacted exactly as you'd expect.......

It seems that Donald Trump has got himself a new iPhone, and he does not like it.

Yesterday Trump took to Twitter to express his strongly held view that "the button" on the iPhone was much better than the current "swipe." "Swipe" presumably is a reference to Face ID and Swipe to Unlock.

Donald Trump is of course no stranger to calling out political opponents, other nations and companies on Twitter, often taking to the platform to discuss immigration, the wall, national security and more.

Despite their previously reported cordial relationship, Trump addressed his tweet directly to the Apple CEO. Whilst he may have referred to the Home button as "The Button" and spelt iPhone with a capital I, the message is clear. What isn't clear is whether Trump has recently got a new iPhone, or if he's only just noticed the feature on a device he's had for sometime.

Users were very quick to respond with their own "To Donald" tweets, almost none of which can be repeated here.

Speculation that Donald Trump may build a Home Button and make Apple pay for it remains unconfirmed. :grin:
Right after he balloons the deficit to a solid trillion .....

And you thought the president couldn’t get any kookier ....
Real World Problems be Damned ......

Donald Trump takes to Twitter to express his displeasure over the lack of Home button on the iPhone ...... * yes seriously :|

Today the Orange Moron took Apple to task about his displeasure with the latest iPhone .... and took to Twitter of course.

What you need to know:
Donald Trump has called out Tim Cook over the lack of Home button on the iPhone .
Trump took to Twitter to say that "the button was FAR better than the swipe." he grumbled.

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The internet reacted exactly as you'd expect.......

It seems that Donald Trump has got himself a new iPhone, and he does not like it.

Yesterday Trump took to Twitter to express his strongly held view that "the button" on the iPhone was much better than the current "swipe." "Swipe" presumably is a reference to Face ID and Swipe to Unlock.

Donald Trump is of course no stranger to calling out political opponents, other nations and companies on Twitter, often taking to the platform to discuss immigration, the wall, national security and more.

Despite their previously reported cordial relationship, Trump addressed his tweet directly to the Apple CEO. Whilst he may have referred to the Home button as "The Button" and spelt iPhone with a capital I, the message is clear. What isn't clear is whether Trump has recently got a new iPhone, or if he's only just noticed the feature on a device he's had for sometime.

Users were very quick to respond with their own "To Donald" tweets, almost none of which can be repeated here.

Speculation that Donald Trump may build a Home Button and make Apple pay for it remains unconfirmed. :grin:
Right after he balloons the deficit to a solid trillion .....

And you thought the president couldn’t get any kookier ....
First of all sir, I have met anywhere between 10-12 preppers. Good or bad, not judging them. The one thing that I had noticed when I went over to their bunkers.,,, it had appeared to me that they had way too much shit down there. I’m not trying to say that all preppers or survivalists are all hoarders,, just the 10 to 12 I have seen had the same thing in common. If you, sir, what to make a minimalist comment about this go right ahead and shoot.
Old men hiding in bunkers full of food with smug smiles while shooting hungry children, is not something to prep for. If it comes to that, eat the bullet and feed the kids, only Trumpers think they can eat in peace with starving relatives, friends, neighbors and children near by. Much of their time is spent in fantasy about how wise they are and how foolish everybody else is who does not have their "special insight" and how they would laugh at the starving while using them for target practice.

The death of community and the hollow victory of the lone wolf and fool, the survival not of the fittest, but of the biggest assholes, the human race would be doomed for sure. Such survivors would be quickly killed in the aftermath, soon as these social retards ran out of food and crawled out of their bunkers they would need to join a community of humans to survive. They could not function as part of such a community and would be slain or driven off, the socially retarded would be quickly filtered out.
Old men hiding in bunkers full of food with smug smiles while shooting hungry children, is not something to prep for. If it comes to that, eat the bullet and feed the kids, only Trumpers think they can eat in peace with starving relatives, friends, neighbors and children near by. Much of their time is spent in fantasy about how wise they are and how foolish everybody else is who does not have their "special insight" and how they would laugh at the starving while using them for target practice.

The death of community and the hollow victory of the lone wolf and fool, the survival not of the fittest, but of the biggest assholes, the human race would be doomed for sure. Such survivors would be quickly killed in the aftermath, soon as these social retards ran out of food and crawled out of their bunkers they would need to join a community of humans to survive. They could not function as part of such a community and would be slain or driven off, the socially retarded would be quickly filtered out.
This is why America is going down the drain. From coast to coast there are so many fucking idiots like this. And they keep multiplying over and over again and there is nothing you can do about it.
Here is but one small example of how Donald can be personally sued for every dime he never had as soon as he leaves office. There are lot's of companies and people lined up to collect whatever money he has left because of his illegal activities as POTUS. The average moron could figure this shit out, or listen to the wise enough to stay out of trouble, it appears to be beyond Donald's rather limited imagination though.

How fucking stupid does this make those who support Trump look? No wonder most of his fans here are weaseling around their support for this traitor. These are the actions not of morons and not even of imbeciles, but they far are worse than that, and dumber too. Donald has no clean up crew who can hide this shit and make go away, decent people don't forget treason. White trash do and can't even deal with everyday reality, much less treason thrown in their face by Trump daily, they are the very definition of suckers. Donald will end up crowd funding his legal defense, his base can contribute to it, and will I hope they put a third mortgage on their trailers, sell their pick ups and guns to do it.
Trump ordered Mattis to 'screw Amazon' on Pentagon contract, according to new book

(CNN)A new biography of former Defense Secretary James Mattis reports President Donald Trump personally got involved in who would win a major $10 billion contract to provide cloud computing services to the Pentagon, according to the website Task & Purpose, which writes about military issues.

That hotly contested contract was awarded to Microsoft on Friday evening over Amazon in a months-long battle.
Task & Purpose reports the new book, "Holding The Line: Inside Trump's Pentagon with Secretary Mattis" by former Mattis speechwriter and communications director Guy Snodgrass recounts that Mattis always tried to translate Trump's demands into ethical outcomes.
According to Snodgrass' book, Trump called Mattis during summer 2018 and directed him to "screw Amazon" out of the opportunity to bid on the contract.
Task & Purpose obtained an advanced copy of the book. CNN has not yet seen the book.
For several years Trump has voiced his displeasure with Amazon and Jeff Bezos, who also owns The Washington Post. He has accused Amazon of taking advantage of the Postal Service although independent investigations have disagreed with that contention. He also has linked his unfavorable view of Washington Post reporting to Amazon although the Post makes clear it is run separately.
"Relaying the story to us during Small Group, Mattis said, 'We're not going to do that. This will be done by the book, both legally and ethically,'" Snodgrass wrote according to Task & Purpose.
The White House did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment.
In response to the book and some of the other claims it contains, a spokeswoman for Mattis earlier this week released a statement saying Snodgrass was a "junior staffer" and "played no role in decision making." Snodgrass has responded to those claims by showing a citation he received in which he said he played a vital and influential role in the Pentagon's messaging.
Amazon and Microsoft react
In a statement, Amazon said it is surprised at the decision.
"(Amazon Web Services) is the clear leader in cloud computing, and a detailed assessment purely on the comparative offerings clearly lead to a different conclusion," the statement read. "We remain deeply committed to continuing to innovate for the new digital battlefield where security, efficiency, resiliency, and scalability of resources can be the difference between success and failure."
In a statement, Microsoft pointed reporters to the Defense Department's announcement.
"We are working on this right now. In the meantime for more information see the DOD's announcement," the statement read.
In July, Trump vowed that his administration would take a "strong look" at the Pentagon's contract plan, saying that "some of the greatest companies in the world" had complained including IBM, Oracle and Microsoft.
Oracle had pushed hard to scuttle Amazon's effort, going so far as to develop a document alleging that officials inside and outside the Pentagon had conspired to help Amazon win. CNN reported in July that the document had made its way to Trump's desk.
Multiple independent reviews of the process found little evidence of wrongdoing, however.
In a statement, the Defense Department's Office of the Inspector General said investigators are close to completing their work reviewing the awarding of the contract.
"To date, we have not found evidence that we believe would prevent the DoD from making a decision about the award of the contract," said Dwrena Allen, spokesperson for the inspector general's office. "We hope to have a completed report of our findings by the end of November, which we intend to release publicly, to the maximum extent possible."

CNN's Jason Seher contributed to this story
Here is but one small example of how Donald can be personally sued for every dime he never had as soon as he leaves office. There are lot's of companies and people lined up to collect whatever money he has left because of his illegal activities as POTUS. The average moron could figure this shit out, or listen to the wise enough to stay out of trouble, it appears to be beyond Donald's rather limited imagination though.

How fucking stupid does this make those who support Trump look? No wonder most of his fans here are weaseling around their support for this traitor. These are the actions not of morons and not even of imbeciles, but they far are worse than that, and dumber too. Donald has no clean up crew who can hide this shit and make go away, decent people don't forget treason. White trash do and can't even deal with everyday reality, much less treason thrown in their face by Trump daily, they are the very definition of suckers. Donald will end up crowd funding his legal defense, his base can contribute to it, and will I hope they put a third mortgage on their trailers, sell their pick ups and guns to do it.
Trump ordered Mattis to 'screw Amazon' on Pentagon contract, according to new book

(CNN)A new biography of former Defense Secretary James Mattis reports President Donald Trump personally got involved in who would win a major $10 billion contract to provide cloud computing services to the Pentagon, according to the website Task & Purpose, which writes about military issues.

That hotly contested contract was awarded to Microsoft on Friday evening over Amazon in a months-long battle.
Task & Purpose reports the new book, "Holding The Line: Inside Trump's Pentagon with Secretary Mattis" by former Mattis speechwriter and communications director Guy Snodgrass recounts that Mattis always tried to translate Trump's demands into ethical outcomes.
According to Snodgrass' book, Trump called Mattis during summer 2018 and directed him to "screw Amazon" out of the opportunity to bid on the contract.
Task & Purpose obtained an advanced copy of the book. CNN has not yet seen the book.
For several years Trump has voiced his displeasure with Amazon and Jeff Bezos, who also owns The Washington Post. He has accused Amazon of taking advantage of the Postal Service although independent investigations have disagreed with that contention. He also has linked his unfavorable view of Washington Post reporting to Amazon although the Post makes clear it is run separately.
"Relaying the story to us during Small Group, Mattis said, 'We're not going to do that. This will be done by the book, both legally and ethically,'" Snodgrass wrote according to Task & Purpose.
The White House did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment.
In response to the book and some of the other claims it contains, a spokeswoman for Mattis earlier this week released a statement saying Snodgrass was a "junior staffer" and "played no role in decision making." Snodgrass has responded to those claims by showing a citation he received in which he said he played a vital and influential role in the Pentagon's messaging.
Amazon and Microsoft react
In a statement, Amazon said it is surprised at the decision.
"(Amazon Web Services) is the clear leader in cloud computing, and a detailed assessment purely on the comparative offerings clearly lead to a different conclusion," the statement read. "We remain deeply committed to continuing to innovate for the new digital battlefield where security, efficiency, resiliency, and scalability of resources can be the difference between success and failure."
In a statement, Microsoft pointed reporters to the Defense Department's announcement.
"We are working on this right now. In the meantime for more information see the DOD's announcement," the statement read.
In July, Trump vowed that his administration would take a "strong look" at the Pentagon's contract plan, saying that "some of the greatest companies in the world" had complained including IBM, Oracle and Microsoft.
Oracle had pushed hard to scuttle Amazon's effort, going so far as to develop a document alleging that officials inside and outside the Pentagon had conspired to help Amazon win. CNN reported in July that the document had made its way to Trump's desk.
Multiple independent reviews of the process found little evidence of wrongdoing, however.
In a statement, the Defense Department's Office of the Inspector General said investigators are close to completing their work reviewing the awarding of the contract.
"To date, we have not found evidence that we believe would prevent the DoD from making a decision about the award of the contract," said Dwrena Allen, spokesperson for the inspector general's office. "We hope to have a completed report of our findings by the end of November, which we intend to release publicly, to the maximum extent possible."

CNN's Jason Seher contributed to this story
There's more than one reason to stay prepared and self reliant. Most of my prepping is centered around being self sufficient on my off grid farm...and detouring those that would try to invade it. Have you ever seen what happened in New York when the power went out for just 24hrs?....Being situational aware and prepared is not a bad thing. Unfortunately for many, Darwin will resolve things quite quickly. I doubt most will survive the first 30 days worl...
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This is why America is going down the drain. From coast to coast there are so many fucking idiots like this. And they keep multiplying over and over again and there is nothing you can do about it.
A consequence of the rural lifestyle for the socially retarded and the myth of the "independent individual", most of these fools grew up on westerns made by talented eastern European Jewish immigrants. They believe in myths not reality, in WW2 the Government made hording illegal for example, they would be by to collect the hoarded supplies before any armed hordes of the starving laid siege to their bunkers. That would be the reality of the situation, people would organize and form new governments or most likely use the existing one and act against the lone wolves. The police would be by to clean out the bunker and if they suspected anybody was holding out, they would be eating the food that the jail provided, if any. A 100 or 200 pound bomb dropped from a police helicopter at a thousand feet would take care of most bunkers. Human communities survive, individuals would join those communities, or die in such extreme circumstances. We would revert to survival mode and for humans that means communities, even dysfunctional ones.
There's more than one reason to stay prepared and self reliant. Most of my prepping is centered around being self sufficient on my off grid farm...and detouring those that would try to invade it. Have you ever seen what happened in New York when the power went out for just 24hrs?....Being situational aware and prepared is not a bad thing. Unfortunately for many, Darwin will resolve things quite quickly. I doubt most will survive the first 30 days worl...
I suppose you never wear your seatbelt either because your such a good drive & you will never need to prepare for a crash. I always wear a seatbelt because I'm prepping for a wreck I never no when it will happen....
You are living in fear and not really living at all but going through the motions. Nothing wrong with preparation for disaster that is reasonable, but thinking of detouring the starving around your farm means your wasting your life is useless activities and catastrophic thinking. Need has turned into greed driven by fear and has distorted the thinking of many. If push comes to shove the cops will be by to collect your supplies before the hordes of the hungry arrive, the state would take it first, you don't live that far in the sticks, unless your in Alaska and even then...

Now some people do this kind of self sufficient fantasy shit as a hobby and that's OK, but do not think it will help you to survive, it won't, it will get you killed quickly, if it all comes apart and you try to keep your horde from the larger community, even a rural one. Individualism is a myth, people are part of communities whether they like it or not, no man is an island. Strong communities are made up of strong individuals who do not live in fear, but with compassion. It is that compassion that binds them together and empowers them to kill the lone wolves to take their food and resources for the greater good. That is reality, not fantasy.
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You are living in fear and not really living at all but going through the motions. Nothing wrong with preparation for disaster that is reasonable, but thinking of detouring the starving around you farm means your wasting your life is useless activities and catastrophic thinking. Need has turned into greed driven by fear and has distorted the thinking of many. If push comes to shove the cops will be by to collect your supplies before the hordes of the hungry arrived, the state would take it first, you don't live that far in the sticks, unless your in Alaska and even then...
lol....there ain't enough cops up here......cops don't come out to where my farm is on a good day. Nothing but pot farms out here and we are all armed. We already have a loosely formed community keeping an eye out for each other. There's not a county road out here it's all private property for miles. The hordes & the cops will find it very difficult to reach us.
You are living in fear and not really living at all but going through the motions. Nothing wrong with preparation for disaster that is reasonable, but thinking of detouring the starving around your farm means your wasting your life is useless activities and catastrophic thinking. Need has turned into greed driven by fear and has distorted the thinking of many. If push comes to shove the cops will be by to collect your supplies before the hordes of the hungry arrive, the state would take it first, you don't live that far in the sticks, unless your in Alaska and even then...

Now some people do this kind of self sufficient fantasy shit as a hobby and that's OK, but do not think it will help you to survive, it won't, it will get you killed quickly, if it all comes apart and you try to keep your horde from the larger community, even a rural one. Individualism is a myth, people are part of communities whether they like it or not, no man is an island. Strong communities are made up of strong individuals who do not live in fear, but with compassion. It is that compassion that binds them together and empowers them to kill the lone wolves to take their food and resources for the greater good. That is reality, not fantasy.

You don't know jj.

I don't agree with him about foxholes but two people can disagree on something and both be right.
lol....there ain't enough cops up here......cops don't come out to where my farm is on a good day. Nothing but pot farms out here and we are all armed. We already have a loosely formed community keeping an eye out for each other. There's not a county road out here it's all private property for miles. The hordes & the cops will find it very difficult to reach us.
As long as there is an us, you might survive as part of an isolated community, just remember the community part and ya might just make it. If you are over 50 though, health issues will probably do you in, a doctor is of limited value with out the technology that stands behind him/her. Just remember, if food is scarce and helicopter fuel is available... You are a Vietnam vet...
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