The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I was that kid. I know what it feels like, and I made sure my kids will never have to suffer or live the life I did, and they don't. Spoiled brats, I tell you. MY nieces and nephew too. I take care of my own, why is it hard to ask others to do what I do everyday?

I'm all for the kids, but how do we help the kids without enabling the parents?

Too lazy to work, food stamps, section 8, cash assistance. Now they don't want to get a job because they actually make more doing nothing? I see this first hand. Its amazing how people will work when they don't have any other choice, but give them a choice and you know what they will chose. People on government assistance eat better than i do.

In my opinion, issue the parents a warning, give them help for 6 months, if they cant do it then, they risk losing their kids.

In order to prosper, this country needs healthy, well educated, well adjusted kids. Punish the parents, punish the kids. Forcibly taking kids away from parents for the sole reason of being poor is not the best option available. The goal is to break the cycle of poverty, not sustain it. There are better ways to address the issues you bring up than government forcibly taking kids away from poor parents.

Man, what kind of society would do that?
If I cant provide my kids with food, then I fail as a parent and should be deemed unfit. If people cant take care of their own, they shouldn't be having kids. I would do anything to not watch a kid struggle, but letting their parents sit on their ass all day and taking my tax dollars to make up for their incompetence is what Im talking about.

And cat fishing and trolling you speak of is basically anyone who disagrees with the left? See how members are attacking me with their keyboards? I am not trolling for a reaction but I kinda knew what to expect. This just kind of proves the point I was trying to make. You don't have to agree with me, but when someone resorts to name calling when i was honestly trying to have a discussion or at least give my own opinion. I didn't like obama but would never react the way people do when I say I voted for trump. Honestly I think we all can agree that there are better candidates, I just with they were on the ballot.
There are places in Oregon where an Obama bumper sticker on the car parked for the day at a trail head ends with the hiker coming back to a broken windshield or worse. It was the Trump rallies where protesters were beaten by attendees with Trump cheering them on. Also, I'm one of the people who showed up to stand against Trump's fascists when they wanted to parade Nazi and KKK flags in our streets. They come here to fight and are a plague.

So, stop with the crybaby victimhood BS. Trump and his supporters celebrate violence like all good fascists do.
Not at all, it is actual paid foreign trolls that have infected every website forum/facebook/youtube comments, kids video game chat rooms, on and on that are just seeing what people react to and how they react, and recording the data so that their analytics keep constantly updating and they get a better and better picture of how to identify and attack our vulnerable citizens. They spam propaganda, pick fights so actual conversations get drowned out. They set up 'News' outlets (Like OANN) that won't cover any story that is not in their narrative, and slip in some false stories here and there, that are really just click bate to get cookies on your computer so they can see which websites you go to, on and on. It sucks.

Ignoring that you came into a political section 'to make a point'. Please understand people have been dealing with a nonstop spamming of this website for years, and are quick to escalate. I like to think you are a real person behind the keyboard, but I have no clue for real, and I could be wasting my time responding to you because this is exactly how the last 5 trolls started out before they showed their true colors.

Thats the ignore button thing.

It sucks that you represent Trump for people when you say that, I think a lot of it is Trump's constant trolling of people who take a stance to disagree with him. Obama never did that, and he got a lot of shit thrown at him.

The next 4 years just need someone stable that has a nice long resume of being a known quantity of not being a Russian tool. There is so much easy shit that needs to be cleaned up right off the bat, and hopefully avoiding a war with Russia/N Korea and China (trade or otherwise), Get election machines/counting for the nation a major overhaul to avoid any interference from any outside country, maybe get that last 8% of the American citizens that need it insured, get our alliances back in order maybe with some good bipartisan stuff that won't be erased by the next president, and right about the time that is all wrapping up it will be time for the next presidential election.

I think Biden would be a good 4 year president, and let everyone from both sides start out fresh after this Russian election mess is settled.

No I meant more do they go to a relative to be taken care of? Or do they become wards of the state which costs us all more money than keeping them with a family but giving some assistance. It's not hard to ask it, but it is just not reality, a small percent of people are just not going to be functional in society, who knows why that is.

A lot of these things are short term safety nets while people are between jobs who have families or people who have an actual need. Most people work though, it gets to a point that saying these things about how unfair it is for people to get help without any evidence other than I knew someone who said that someone stuff.
I think we are more alike than not. I don't represent trump, but like I said, Clinton comes with her own scandals, so does biden. I just want someone decent, and asking that of a politician. Someone that represents the middle class and doesn't appeal to strictly minorities. It burns my ass to see our own people living in poverty but an illegal getting all this assistance. I am firmly against open borders, life long welfare, high taxes, big government, people trying to do away with freedom of speech and the second amendment. These are "my issues". And I am going to vote for whoever feels the same about them. If someone who is level headed with similar beliefs that I have ran, they would get my vote. Tulsi is really shit hot but I see already they are labelling her as a russian. She has no connections with russia so the media will slander her in the hope that sheeple minded people don't vote for her. I voted for obama, twice. I thought his first term was great, IRS scandal, lois lerner, fast and furious with eric holder, I mean I can go on. Like I said, poloticians are all corrupt because of super pacs and big money, behind the back deals. How does someone who makes 420k a year work 4 terms and end up with millions? I know just as well as you. I am a libertarian. I hate both sides. I just vote for the lesser of two eveils. I hope we get someone good for 2020
Definitely more moderate but as you can see, the left is already labeling her as a "russian".

I think she is a smart woman with a great background. I'm just willing to bet that the left will silence her. I can see its already happening here. There is no way anyone like her would be on the ballot.
What!? That's crazy, yo. Just because and Stormfront can't stop saying she is awesome is no reason to say that.

Tyler digs her. Tyler is an influencer.
Did you go to college after you met your girl?

And life is weird, a slip up here and there and I would have been in real trouble as a kid, and who knows. I kind of think of it like a plant, sometimes shit happens and it is just never going to be healthy and thrive. But I just rip them out of the ground, we really don't have any easy options for people.
Yes, my girl saved my life. 20 years next summer. She was my saving grace. I wish it was easy, life is hard and never fair. And yes, we cant just toss people like plants.
What!? That's crazy, yo. Just because and Stormfront can't stop saying she is awesome is no reason to say that.
They wouldn't let her on the second debate because she didn't have enough donors. SHe threatened to boycott the third because she claims the DNC rigs the criteria. You remember what happened to bernie last year. Its a corrupt system. I really like her. I hope she can pull it off, but i doubt it.
They wouldn't let her on the second debate because she didn't have enough donors. SHe threatened to boycott the third because she claims the DNC rigs the criteria. You remember what happened to bernie last year. Its a corrupt system. I really like her. I hope she can pull it off, but i doubt it.
Totes rigged.

I dig your patter, baby. I digs it.

Tell me more about the fauxlocaust.
Definitely more moderate but as you can see, the left is already labeling her as a "russian".

I think she is a smart woman with a great background. I'm just willing to bet that the left will silence her. I can see its already happening here. There is no way anyone like her would be on the ballot.
Tulsi Gabbard cozies up to brutal dictators. I have a problem with that.
I notice he flashes the OK sign in all the reelection videos I see.. It must really be a white power sign after all. Never really considered that till now.... Maybe it just means don't worry, every thing is OK.. I've tried, but I can't get stoned enough to believe that...
Tulsi Gabbard cozies up to brutal dictators. I have a problem with that.
The same people who bitch about Russian interference is the same people who supported overthrowing other countries governments. Usa didn't meddle, they assassinated national leaders.
They wouldn't let her on the second debate because she didn't have enough donors. SHe threatened to boycott the third because she claims the DNC rigs the criteria. You remember what happened to bernie last year. Its a corrupt system. I really like her. I hope she can pull it off, but i doubt it.
Tulsi should know. She was once vice chair of the DNC after all.
That's the rabbithole, baby. Red pill now, man. Don't fight it. It's always better when they don't fight it.
The nerve of some people who called me a troll. Been "unplugged " for a while now. Swallow your advice. The real world is ugly and never fair. Forget banning guns. Its too bad we can't ban stupid.