The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Republicans have become the party of the most repugnant and vile human beings.

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the Navy decided he deserved them. he was injured 3 times by shrapnel. the first time was relatively minor, but the Navy still decided he deserved the purple heart. the second time he was injured in the thigh and still carries a piece of the shrapnel that was deemed to dangerous to remove at the time. the third time he was taking his boat back into enemy fire to rescue a lost crewman, and was injured again by shrapnel. i'm betting the lost crewman who he saved would agree with the Navy, and give him the purple heart again.
i'm just really curious how many of those wearing those bandaids ever went back into live enemy fire to save anyone?
It's already a shit show Baldrick, but your right, it's gonna get worse, everything is literally on the table including nukes, but the military will probably refuse orders (we hope). Donald would fly out of Washington and it might get suitcase nuked (with Vlad's help), Donald would do it if he could, it would end the impeachment business really quickly. A nerve gas attack on congress is another possibility (put nothing past Trump) to kill democrats and republicans alike, only the means to pull it off stand in the way, Donald would have complete control then.
that would be an open invitation for all the people who hate his guts to cut his throat. literally. he wouldn't survive to give one order. there have to be people working in the administration who hate him. people who are just waiting for an opportunity to cut his throat without getting caught. that much chaos would provide the perfect opportunity. someone would just find his fat old corpse in a pool of blood....and then the rebuilding begins.
Any body wanna give odds on Donald shutting down the government again? Impeachment in the middle of a government shutdown, that would be 4 for 4, four shutdowns in four years, it's a given that he will do it. That shutdown should be right in the middle of Donald's impeachment trial (Nancy will find it useful), this time there would be a way for congress to end a shutdown almost immediately. :D

I'll bet Trump has been constantly on Pence to sign a pardon for him before he leaves office so he can post date it. Pence would be Donald's only hope of weaseling out on federal charges, but I don't think he is that stupid. He will want a pardon himself from the next democratic POTUS and Nancy can help to provide it, for a price. Donald can't do anything for Pence other than fuck him (he already threw him under the bus), Pelosi and the democrats can however, he can also trust them to keep their word, about the pardon at least. He knows that after the Trump fiasco, the democrats will win it all in 2020
I actually think this might be why the Democrats are pushing this through so fast. They already passed the budget bill (I am pretty sure) and if they can force this into the senate right at the timing that Don will want to cry and pound his fists by shutting down the government, he is hung. As soon as those 800k government workers (from memory of last shutdown #'s) miss a paycheck because Trump is having a temper tantrum about getting caught trolling the Democrats and is getting impeached for it, the public will turn on him hard. You start seeing real people struggling on TV and it is a lot harder to ignore seeing Dear Leader for what he is.
You're not even american? Obsessed with american politics? You know security threats in america? Let me tell you something. There are millions of us who live and work together without any incident, peacefully. Everyday... Don't let the media control your thoughts.

Family over politics all day. Life is too short to destroy a family because of who they vote for. If you're against hate, practice what you preach.

As Michael Jackson once said "I'm starting with the man in the mirror, Im asking him to change his ways"
Bullshit, you put hate over family and country, with you hate comes first period, you are a racist traitor and the enemy of America and of my country too. Trump owns you and Putin owns Trump, it's real simple and most folks here know it. You are the one selling your country (and mine) down the toilet and that is the way history will record it because it's true. You are all over the map here running around like a chicken with your head cut off, peace and love one minute, while supporting racism, corruption and treason. You are a racist traitor and as a Canadian patriot, I can say with confidence, that I'm a better American patriot than you and I'm not even an American citizen, because you are a traitor who supports a traitor.

Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at your country, wake the fuck up! You are playing your stupid racist games at your country's expense, because you know you can't cut it in the free market of ideas, intelligence and merit. Hate come first with you, ahead of family, country and reason. Patriots look out for their families, communities and country, you are not a patriot, you are a traitor and so is Donald Trump and the entire republican party.

I hate treason like all patriots do, you are OK with treason and actively support it, as long as Trump gets the brown folks you fear and hate. My hate is justified, correct and motivated by the social harm such treason causes, your hate is racially directed, pure bullshit and motivated by your personal feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. You know in your heart you are a loser and are throwing your country under the bus because of it. Racism is a national security threat and that means you are a national security threat.
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Smoking a joint laughing my ass off. :bigjoint:

Enjoying my life as others run around crying the sky is falling. Enjoy your life and don't worry about things that are beyond your control. Or spend your life in anger and hate its called KARMA.
FYI you really do get what you give. And if all you have to give is anger and hate its the only things your going to get back.
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Smoking a joint laughing my ass off. :bigjoint:

Enjoying my life as others run around crying the sky is falling. Enjoy your life and don't worry about things that are beyond your control. Or spend your life in anger and hate its called KARMA.
FYI you really do get what you give. And if all you have to give is anger and hate its the only things your going to get back.

"Beyond your control"? at least you respect your considerable limitations

Smoking a joint laughing my ass off. :bigjoint:

Enjoying my life as others run around crying the sky is falling. Enjoy your life and don't worry about things that are beyond your control. Or spend your life in anger and hate its called KARMA.
FYI you really do get what you give. And if all you have to give is anger and hate its the only things your going to get back.
Preach! These people are probably going to die of heart attacks and they worry about nukes? FIlled with anger and hate. Hate and resist anyone who has a different opinion. The canadian obsessed with US politics who would hate their own family because of how they vote. Very humorous. Pass one over here.
Preach! These people are probably going to die of heart attacks and they worry about nukes? FIlled with anger and hate. Hate and resist anyone who has a different opinion. The canadian obsessed with US politics who would hate their own family because of how they vote. Very humorous. Pass one over here.

Heehee, it's perfect that you don't realize ...

he was talking about you! :roll:

Heehee, it's perfect that you don't realize ...

he was talking about you! :roll:


I'm not crying the sky is falling, that racism is the biggest threat to society, that russia has nukes pointed at us. I enjoy life and don't worry about things beyond my control. I don't spend my life preaching anger and hate. Maybe it was directed towards me, I don't know. But again, I can agree with someone who has a different opinion. He can hate Trump and me for that matter. I still agree with his statement.

Me and the poster I quoted have a lot in common. Laughing reading this, and enjoying life. So to me it really doesn't matter who he was talking about. I agree with them.
Bullshit, you put hate over family and country, with you hate comes first period, you are a racist traitor and the enemy of America and of my country too. Trump owns you and Putin owns Trump, it's real simple and most folks here know it. You are the one selling your country (and mine) down the toilet and that is the way history will record it because it's true. You are all over the map here running around like a chicken with your head cut off, peace and love one minute, while supporting racism, corruption and treason. You are a racist traitor and as a Canadian patriot, I can say with confidence, that I'm a better American patriot than you and I'm nor even an American citizen, because you are a traitor who supports a traitor.

Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at your country, wake the fuck up! You are playing your stupid racist games at your country's expense, because you know you can't cut it in the free market of ideas, intelligence and merit. Hate come first with you, ahead of family, country and reason. Patriots look out for their families, communities and country, you are not a patriot, you are a traitor and so is Donald Trump and the entire republican party.

I hate treason like all patriots do, you are OK with treason and actively support it, as long as Trump gets the brown folks you fear and hate. My hate is justified, correct and motivated by the social harm such treason causes, your hate is racially directed, pure bullshit and motivated your personal feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. You know in your heart you are a loser and are throwing your country under the bus because of it. Racism is a national security threat and that means you are a national security threat.

You cant tell me the poster above is not filled with hate. I'm just saying, what a miserable existence. The funniest part is they aren't even a US citizen. Slanderous opinions and personal insults are all they got. Says a lot to me. I feel bad for people like this. I get that people should fight for what they believe in but spreading hate doesn't do anything positive. If they are that concerned, become a citizen and run for office or donate money to political party of your choice. I just don't get the hate. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.

I'm all for debate. I have very strong feelings about some topics. I would like to converse with people about them and give "my side" of the argument. You are free to agree or disagree. The thing about politics and feelings in general is that they are subjective. A matter of opinion if you do. No opinion can be deemed true. Facts can however. Im wrong about a lot of stuff, ask my wife. I don't know everything and never claimed to. I still believe that the message that you, and many others are trying to get a across would be more understandable without the hate and insults thrown constantly.

Where is Bucky? I haven't been called nazi / pedo / racist / POS in a while and am feeling neglected.

Edited to add: If trump got impeached for wrong doings I wouldn't loose a wink of sleep. I'm all for justice. If he did wrong, try him in court and let the law place the punishment. Same for all people and politicians alike. If russia hit us with a nuke right now. I would die a happy man. I have a good life, good friends, and try to be a genuinely happy person. And that's all I can do.
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I'm crying.

You cant tell me the poster above is not filled with hate. I'm just saying, what a miserable existence. The funniest part is they aren't even a US citizen. Slanderous opinions and personal insults are all they got. Says a lot to me. I feel bad for people like this. I get that people should fight for what they believe in but spreading hate doesn't do anything positive. If they are that concerned, become a citizen and run for office or donate money to political party of your choice. I just don't get the hate. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.

I'm all for debate. I have very strong feelings about some topics. I would like to converse with people about them and give "my side" of the argument. You are free to agree or disagree. The thing about politics and feelings in general is that they are subjective. A matter of opinion if you do. No opinion can be deemed true. Facts can however. Im wrong about a lot of stuff, ask my wife. I don't know everything and never claimed to. I still believe that the message that you, and many others are trying to get a across would be more understandable without the hate and insults thrown constantly.

Where is Bucky? I haven't been called nazi / pedo / racist / POS in a while and am feeling neglected.
Shut up, Nazi. Stop crying.

You cant tell me the poster above is not filled with hate. I'm just saying, what a miserable existence. The funniest part is they aren't even a US citizen. Slanderous opinions and personal insults are all they got. Says a lot to me. I feel bad for people like this. I get that people should fight for what they believe in but spreading hate doesn't do anything positive. If they are that concerned, become a citizen and run for office or donate money to political party of your choice. I just don't get the hate. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.

I'm all for debate. I have very strong feelings about some topics. I would like to converse with people about them and give "my side" of the argument. You are free to agree or disagree. The thing about politics and feelings in general is that they are subjective. A matter of opinion if you do. No opinion can be deemed true. Facts can however. Im wrong about a lot of stuff, ask my wife. I don't know everything and never claimed to. I still believe that the message that you, and many others are trying to get a across would be more understandable without the hate and insults thrown constantly.

Where is Bucky? I haven't been called nazi / pedo / racist / POS in a while and am feeling neglected.

Edited to add: If trump got impeached for wrong doings I wouldn't loose a wink of sleep. I'm all for justice. If he did wrong, try him in court and let the law place the punishment. Same for all people and politicians alike. If russia hit us with a nuke right now. I would die a happy man. I have a good life, good friends, and try to be a genuinely happy person. And that's all I can do.

Don't support Nazis.
Don't support Nazis.
I don't. I don't support any hate group of any race, color, religion or sex. What makes the left wing hate different from any other type of hate?

I do however support free speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of ideas. I support that you can think however of me and even hate me for whatever reason. I support your right to call me any type of name you want. I support your right to not like me at all.
Preach! These people are probably going to die of heart attacks and they worry about nukes? FIlled with anger and hate. Hate and resist anyone who has a different opinion. The canadian obsessed with US politics who would hate their own family because of how they vote. Very humorous. Pass one over here.

I don't. I don't support any hate group of any race, color, religion or sex. What makes the left wing hate different from any other type of hate?

I do however support free speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of ideas. I support that you can think however of me and even hate me for whatever reason. I support your right to call me any type of name you want. I support your right to not like me at all.

Snooze, the lame musings of a poorly educated, cognitively hobbled, dogma glutton. @kgp your watery word shits serve only as a vehicle for self confessed feeble assholery

Thanks, buddy. I needed that. My day is complete now, carry on.

I'm not crying the sky is falling, that racism is the biggest threat to society, that russia has nukes pointed at us
Racism brought you Trump and it's what empowers him. Russia does have thousands of nukes pointed at you. If your laughing and unconcerned, why are you here with a steady supply of bullshit? Are you looking for "understanding", why are you here and why did you respond to my post if your so unconcerned, laid back and laughing, same for that other Canadian Nazi idiot rider101, he's not a US citizen either, but he is a Canadian traitor wannabe. When your hero Donald is impeached you'll both be crying the blues.

Just remember, the Russians used big data to identify traitors like you and others will use it too, including patriots. They are just starting to get pissed and there will be more of them as the evidence comes out, by all means wear your MAGA hat next year.
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Racism brought you Trump and it's what empowers him. Russia does have thousands of nukes pointed at you. If your laughing and unconcerned, why are you here with a steady supply of bullshit? Are you looking for "understanding", what are you here and why did you respond to my post if your so unconcerned and laid back and laughing, same for that other Canadian Nazi idiot rider101, he's not a US citizen either, but he is a Canadian traitor wannabe. When your hero Donald is impeached you'll both be crying the blues.

Just remember, the Russians used big data to identify traitors like you and others will use it too, including patriots. They are just starting to get pissed and there will be more of them as the evidence comes out, by all means wear your MAGA hat next year.
Each man is there own person. I do not own anything any other man does.
I am not concerned about a nuclear strike from russia. I don't live in fear.
I supply no bullshit, only opinions, same as you. But you can call my opinions bullshit, its your right to do so. I think its mutual.
Trump is far from my hero. My only hero is me.
I am here to debate politics and read and learn about grows.
In my opinion the only thing russia did was expose the DNC.
I am free to draw my own political opinion.
I have learned that people who throw insults instead of facts are emotionally unstable people. For some reason trying to hurt others must make themselves feel good about their own insecurities or mask their own pain. Understandable... Children do it to each other often. Another name is bullying, but I thought that was one of the reason you hated trump?
But I don't care about being called a name, for you talking about my family, and many other insults. They don't hurt me at all. What you eat doesn't make me shit. In other words, you could never hurt my feelings, wreck my day, or insult me on a personal level. It just wont happen.

Oh wait? The smart guy said @Rider101 was talking about me? I'm guessing from your amount of hatred for him, he was talking about you?
What makes the left wing hate different from any other type of hate?
Left wing hate only kills a small fraction of those killed by right wing hate, "good people on both sides", where have we heard that before. Right wing terrorists have been the ones doing almost all the killing and all the threatening, they make up all the socks puppets here and all the slim ball dishonest posters like you and rider101. People here are onto the game, you can't defend trump directly so you claim to be neutral, you just don't know the difference between right and wrong, or you say. You know the difference and are trying to sit on a nonexistent fence, no man's land is dead man's land, and you are right in the middle of right vs wrong and don't have a clue what the difference between the two is.

Immoral or amoral make no difference to me, treason is treason and it's what you right wingers call a zero tolerance kinda thing, or in plain English I'm intolerant about treason, all patriots are. You support the people who are attacking a hero and a patriot like Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, stabbing a man in uniform fighting for his country in the fucking back. I care about him more, than your whining about the good Nazi's that are hard done by and all those brown people you bitch about. You know the ones you were judging when you told of your "survival story" coming out of the ghetto a poor white boy called "whitey". The "welfare queens" and all those undeserving parasites (brown folks really) you lavish so much typing on and who you don't want to pay for, blah, blah, blah...
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Left wing hate only kills a small fraction of those killed by right wing hate, "good people on both sides", where have we heard that before. Right wing terrorists have been the ones doing almost all the killing and all the threatening, they make up all the socks puppets here and all the slim ball dishonest posters like you and rider101. People here are onto the game, you can't defend trump directly so you claim to be neutral, you just don't know the difference between right and wrong, or you say. You know the difference and are trying to sit on a nonexistent fence, no mans land is dead man's land, and you are right in the middle of right vs wrong and don't have a clue what the difference between the two is.

Immoral or amoral make no difference to me, treason is treason and it's what you right wingers call a zero tolerance kinda thing, or in plain English I'm intolerant about treason all patriots are. You support the people who are attacking a hero and a patriot like Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, stabbing a man in uniform fighting for his country in the fucking back. I care about him more, than your whining about the good Nazi's that are hard done by and all those brown people you bitch about. You know the ones you were judging when you told of your "survival story" coming out of the ghetto a poor white boy called "whitey". The "welfare queens" and all those undeserving parasites (brown folks really) you lavish so much typing on and who you don't want to pay for, blah, blah, blah...
LOL, this was so stupid I cant reply to it with anything other than... Have a good day.