The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Damn right we want county clerks in charge of deciding who gets to vote and who doesn't. People like her will make sure only good voters get onto the rolls:

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yeah, like the current system is totally fair and free of any biases and prejudices....
i don't know exactly what to do, but trump is what you get when mental deficients are allowed to have an opinion
yeah, like the current system is totally fair and free of any biases and prejudices....
i don't know exactly what to do, but trump is what you get when mental deficients are allowed to have an opinion
One person's mental deficient is another's voting base. Are you going to put your voting rights in the hands of local politicians?
One person's mental deficient is another's voting base. Are you going to put your voting rights in the hands of local politicians?
why do people with no fucking clue what they're voting for get to vote? why does everyone always talk about rights, but when you talk about responsibilities, they all shut the fuck up....¿
no, i don't want my voting "rights" in the hands of local politicians, but i also do not want the fate of the nation in the hands of fucking morons who shouldn't be allowed out of their homes without supervision....
Donald Trump Jr. Thinks Not Doing Foreign Deals is the Same as Dying in Battle .... What a moron !

A visit to the Arlington National Cemetery made the first son tear up thinking about all the “sacrifices” he’s been forced to make.
Ummm riggght ! ...... :wall:

As you’ve probably heard, Donald Trump Jr. recently “wrote” a book called Triggered in which he spends hundreds of pages complaining about how the snowflakes on the left have been so mean to his family. In one passage, Junior likens the criticism his father has received to that of the FBI’s sustained campaign of harassment against Martin Luther King Jr. In another, he insists his dad has been unfairly branded as a racist, which he believes is not possible because he, Don Jr., was allowed to hang out with Michael Jackson as a child. Im sure he blew Michael tho .....

And in one incredible moment that we hope will win an award from whatever body gives out such honors for books penned by the children of presidents, Don Jr. claims, with complete sincerity, that the “sacrifice” of not doing overseas deals while his father is in office is similar to the sacrifices made by U.S. soldiers who’ve died on the field of battle.

Wow :o

Recalling a visit to Arlington National Cemetery the day before Trump Senior‘s inauguration, Don the Younger writes: “I rarely get emotional, if ever. I guess you’d call me hyper-rational, stoic. Yet as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country…In that moment, I also thought of all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed—voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were ‘profiting off of the office.’” He adds, for those who would sniff at the idea that he hasn’t really made any sacrifices: “Frankly, it was a big sacrifice, costing us millions and millions of dollars annually…Of course, we didn’t get any credit whatsoever from the mainstream media, which now does not surprise me at all.”

The stupidness is stifling to say the least ...

Naturally, the president’s oldest and dumbest child does not mention that, in reality, the Trump Organization has continued to rake in money from international deals. Last year, Junior headed to India to shill Trump-branded condos, and in September, Eric Trump proudly announced that the family business had won approval to expand its golf course in Scotland, a deal that includes building a second 18-hole course, 500 homes and 50 hotel cottages. President Trump, who refused to divest himself from his business while running the country, made a minimum of $434 million in 2018, according to his financial disclosures. Sacrifices, indeed!

#FuckTrump ... his family , momma and his stupid
Base ....
why do people with no fucking clue what they're voting for get to vote? why does everyone always talk about rights, but when you talk about responsibilities, they all shut the fuck up....¿
no, i don't want my voting "rights" in the hands of local politicians, but i also do not want the fate of the nation in the hands of fucking morons who shouldn't be allowed out of their homes without supervision....
It would only work for the people who want to hold onto the power they already have. Everybody else has no say. What happens when things go wrong?

So, how about doing a "what if"? What if the kind of exclusion you advocate were part of the system in the 1920's. If those in charge were able to screen out "undesirables" from the vote in the 1920's, do you think our society would have been able to change peacefully when economic Depression hit our economy? As it was, Republicans in power at the time seriously talked about preventing Roosevelt from taking office. "For the good of the country" and all that. What if Hoover had stayed in office because only the "right" people were able to vote?
Donald Trump Jr. Thinks Not Doing Foreign Deals is the Same as Dying in Battle .... What a moron !

A visit to the Arlington National Cemetery made the first son tear up thinking about all the “sacrifices” he’s been forced to make.
Ummm riggght ! ...... :wall:

As you’ve probably heard, Donald Trump Jr. recently “wrote” a book called Triggered in which he spends hundreds of pages complaining about how the snowflakes on the left have been so mean to his family. In one passage, Junior likens the criticism his father has received to that of the FBI’s sustained campaign of harassment against Martin Luther King Jr. In another, he insists his dad has been unfairly branded as a racist, which he believes is not possible because he, Don Jr., was allowed to hang out with Michael Jackson as a child. Im sure he blew Michael tho .....

And in one incredible moment that we hope will win an award from whatever body gives out such honors for books penned by the children of presidents, Don Jr. claims, with complete sincerity, that the “sacrifice” of not doing overseas deals while his father is in office is similar to the sacrifices made by U.S. soldiers who’ve died on the field of battle.

Wow :o

Recalling a visit to Arlington National Cemetery the day before Trump Senior‘s inauguration, Don the Younger writes: “I rarely get emotional, if ever. I guess you’d call me hyper-rational, stoic. Yet as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country…In that moment, I also thought of all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed—voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were ‘profiting off of the office.’” He adds, for those who would sniff at the idea that he hasn’t really made any sacrifices: “Frankly, it was a big sacrifice, costing us millions and millions of dollars annually…Of course, we didn’t get any credit whatsoever from the mainstream media, which now does not surprise me at all.”

The stupidness is stifling to say the least ...

Naturally, the president’s oldest and dumbest child does not mention that, in reality, the Trump Organization has continued to rake in money from international deals. Last year, Junior headed to India to shill Trump-branded condos, and in September, Eric Trump proudly announced that the family business had won approval to expand its golf course in Scotland, a deal that includes building a second 18-hole course, 500 homes and 50 hotel cottages. President Trump, who refused to divest himself from his business while running the country, made a minimum of $434 million in 2018, according to his financial disclosures. Sacrifices, indeed!

#FuckTrump ... his family , momma and his stupid
Base ....
Of course this is simply Donnie Jr taking his queues and tactics from the big Donnie himself; to just paint a completely different picture of reality which illustrates him somehow as a victim in hopes that his uneducated base will buy it hook line and sinker. Amazingly it sort of seems to work for them. It's really a sad tail of our society these days.
Something Is Seriously Wrong: Bill Barr Refused To Publicly Defend Trump On Ukraine
Donald Trump's own Attorney General defied his wishes and declined to hold a press conference to clear the President of wrongdoing on his call with Ukraine.
It would only work for the people who want to hold onto the power they already have. Everybody else has no say. What happens when things go wrong?

So, how about doing a "what if"? What if the kind of exclusion you advocate were part of the system in the 1920's. If those in charge were able to screen out "undesirables" from the vote in the 1920's, do you think our society would have been able to change peacefully when economic Depression hit our economy? As it was, Republicans in power at the time seriously talked about preventing Roosevelt from taking office. "For the good of the country" and all that. What if Hoover had stayed in office because only the "right" people were able to vote?
you have all these plans and ideas, and the exact same people you say are untrustworthy and irrresponsible are the ones who will have to be implementing your plans and want all these policies changed, rules set right, and bullshit shovelled out of the whitehouse....which i want as well...but who do you think is going to be doing that? county clerks, city employs, rural officials...just because a "progressive" gets into power, doesn't automatically change all of these pinheaded, prejudiced, rednecks into progressives who will embrace the new administrations it looks to me like we're both in the same boat...the same people who will stop me from getting what i want are going to somehow magically do everything you want them to do?
why do people with no fucking clue what they're voting for get to vote? why does everyone always talk about rights, but when you talk about responsibilities, they all shut the fuck up....¿
no, i don't want my voting "rights" in the hands of local politicians, but i also do not want the fate of the nation in the hands of fucking morons who shouldn't be allowed out of their homes without supervision....
Roger, hate and fear are far bigger factors in this bullshit than intelligence, there are plenty of smart Trumpers out there along with the dumby's. If you want to defeat this kind of stupidity over the long term, then teach mindfulness skills in school along with civics. Home room meditation in the morning would keep teachers from burning out and counteract the negative effects of too much screen time on young people. This is an exercise (scientific evidence to support this stuff) like PE for the brain, a few of its effects are emotional control, self regulation and above all empathy. It's a secular practice today and there are lots of these programs in high schools now and mental/emotional exercise should be mandatory for all students like PE. Racism and bigotry are driving the fear and hate behind all of this bullshit and increasing empathy is the most effective way to deal with this in the long run. Reduce fear hate and stress in America and you will kill off the bullshit that is destroying your country, the republicans have reached the point where they support open treason by the POTUS. They are not just OK with having someone who is owned by the Russians, but are willing to kill their fellow Americans, the rule of law and the constitution to keep an open traitor in office. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at America and many of these morons used to "Duck and Cover in school" and grew up in fear of a surprise nuclear attack. This period of American history explains how someone like Trump ended up in charge of America's nuclear deterrent.

Other approaches like hate crime and speech laws are required in the short term and passing the democrats H.R.-1 to level the playing field. Other election security measures are essential to keep foreign influence out of American elections and secure the polls. Canada needs this too, since many Canadians consume American media and our elections and politics are influenced by shit coming through America, so your NATO ally would like some protection here too.

The democrats must win it all in 2020 to save the country, the republicans are traitors to the nation and constitution, they will destroy the country if given a chance. When almost half of your country are willing to betray its founding documents and ideals over hate and fear, you're are in extreme danger. The support for Donald Trump is nothing short of insane, and those who do are operating under a delusion and are out of touch with reality, strong emotion does this, not mere stupidity. There are plenty of stupid folks with good hearts, none of them support Trump, it takes greed, hate and fear to filter reality that much.
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Lmao. That’s so funny! Very creative. Donald’s dream jail sold separately! lol.
Melania’s prison tower is very fitting.

I just read the Whistleblowers lawyers letter to the White House If you get a chance it’s a good read and brilliantly describes how unhinged Trump is and if any harm falls on the whistle blower or his/her family Trump and his gang will be held directly responsible.

I hope the impeachment happens by the end of the year so that we can move on from this madness! Jeez
never happen? 2 months? they take two months to go to the bathroom....i'm half way expecting them to make this last till the election...use it as a way to keep the fact that trump is a lying, misogynist, racist, isolationist, dictatorial, stupid, ignorant, ill informed fuckface cocksucker right in people's faces...i'd keep bringing up every thing he's ever done...which is an endless list...cheating contractors, trying to force minorities out of their homes, cheating employees, cheating on his taxes, having a too close personal relationship with the leader of our largest, most dangerous enemy, granting Kim jon il legitimacy by negotiating with a despotic dictator, condoning the murder of kashogi, trying to strong arm the ukraine into doing stupid pointless investigations of his political hand is starting to get sore, and i haven't even got suggestion for dealing with the whole affair?

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never happen? 2 months? they take two months to go to the bathroom....i'm half way expecting them to make this last till the election...use it as a way to keep the fact that trump is a lying, misogynist, racist, isolationist, dictatorial, stupid, ignorant, ill informed fuckface cocksucker right in people's faces...i'd keep bringing up every thing he's ever done...which is an endless list...cheating contractors, trying to force minorities out of their homes, cheating employees, cheating on his taxes, having a too close personal relationship with the leader of our largest, most dangerous enemy, granting Kim jon il legitimacy by negotiating with a despotic dictator, condoning the murder of kashogi, trying to strong arm the ukraine into doing stupid pointless investigations of his political hand is starting to get sore, and i haven't even got suggestion for dealing with the whole affair?

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Yesterday’s news about him stealing money from the Veterans fundraising rally was very remarkable and I feel it isn’t getting enough attention at all ! All veterans need to be alerted to this corruption by a personal letter in the mail so that each one is aware of this despicable act using their good name in vein to raise money and steal it for himself! I distinctly remember that fund raising rally because Trump had decided to not appear in one of the 2016 republican debates to instead help the vets with fund raising. And at the time There was all that shit going down with the reporter Megyn Kelly . And now we find out he betrayed the military veterans and use that money for his own campaign funding. It really hits home hard and painfully. I’m hoping for something really big to break this all apart and over. There is too much shit piling up. Did he even bitchtweet about having to pay 2 million yet?
there are too many stupid people in this country for this to have a quick, easy resolution...we all have our delusions...i had one that people were getting more accepting of things, that racism was on the way out, that there would be less hate, and fear, and stupidity with each generation...but parents are keeping this shit alive, either through direct example, or though allowing their kids to be exposed to this horseshit with no we have a new crop of lying, hateful, scared little people with their heads alternating between being buried in the sand, being buried up their own asses, or being buried in trump's ass....
I don’t have kids and one of the reasons... why bring a child into this fucked up world? No regrets about it at all. Well Bloomberg might get in the race, lol. That must be eating Trump alive knowing that . Haha. Bloomberg will enter the race later with over 100 million to spend . He is worth like 52 billion dollars and trump is only worth 3.1 billion. I have heard good thing about Bloomberg besides the soda tax.
Yesterday’s news about him stealing money from the Veterans fundraising rally was very remarkable and I feel it isn’t getting enough attention at all ! All veterans need to be alerted to this corruption by a personal letter in the mail so that each one is aware of this despicable act using their good name in vein to raise money and steal it for himself! I distinctly remember that fund raising rally because Trump had decided to not appear in one of the 2016 republican debates to instead help the vets with fund raising. And at the time There was all that shit going down with the reporter Megyn Kelly . And now we find out he betrayed the military veterans and use that money for his own campaign funding. It really hits home hard and painfully. I’m hoping for something really big to break this all apart and over. There is too much shit piling up. Did he even bitchtweet about having to pay 2 million yet?
Facts don't matter to these fear and hate driven people, they just filter out the stuff they don't like. A big part of the problem is the help they get in this from FOX news, social media and other right wing propaganda sources in maintaining an alternate reality. These people are under the influence of propaganda, much of it foreign sourced, many talking points on the right are originating Russia. Propaganda and disinformation is overwhelming actual news and journalism and propaganda serves those who create it, news serves those who consume it by telling them the truth and facts.

The truth is the Trumpers would rather destroy the country and their children's future than share it with the brown folks. Those who hate gays and immigrants are also bigots and racists, some can hate anybody who is even a little bit different than them. At one time, that even included Catholics and the Irish, look what happened to Japanese citizens in world war two.
30 years ago the Berlin wall came down and then the Soviet Union collapsed, it was the end of Vladimir Putin's old life and the beginning of his new one, the day the wall came down, Putin said he wept with rage. He has been burning with revenge for 30 years and he now owns Donald Trump lock stock and barrel, Trump would kill every American in existence for him and to get away with treason. I hope Vlad just wants the Ukraine and not the complete destruction of America, he might not nuke us because he has investments and the military would nuke him back, fuck Trump. Every American boomer nuclear submarine can destroy every Russian city of over two hundred thousand people and there are several at sea at any given moment. If America were nuked by Russia, they would launch with or without Trump's orders, Trump would be on his way to Moscow, or dead.

If Donald loses in 2020 Putin might strike America, because if he doesn't there are lots of people in the intelligence community that have also cried tears of rage and he knows it.
you have all these plans and ideas, and the exact same people you say are untrustworthy and irrresponsible are the ones who will have to be implementing your plans and want all these policies changed, rules set right, and bullshit shovelled out of the whitehouse....which i want as well...but who do you think is going to be doing that? county clerks, city employs, rural officials...just because a "progressive" gets into power, doesn't automatically change all of these pinheaded, prejudiced, rednecks into progressives who will embrace the new administrations it looks to me like we're both in the same boat...the same people who will stop me from getting what i want are going to somehow magically do everything you want them to do?
There are a lot of reasons why its a bad idea for the US to take away the right vote from a large number of people. Most of those reasons are why Republikans are enacting restrictive voting laws.

The majority didn't vote for Trump. The majority are voting for pretty good congressmen. I'll stick with the concept of open but free and fair elections and encourage as many people to vote as possible.

Kentucky got it right when they voted for their governor on Tuesday too. Congrats to them.
30 years ago the Berlin wall came down and then the Soviet Union collapsed, it was the end of Vladimir Putin's old life and the beginning of his new one, the day the wall came down, Putin said he wept with rage. He has been burning with revenge for 30 years and he now owns Donald Trump lock stock and barrel, Trump would kill every American in existence for him and to get away with treason. I hope Vlad just wants the Ukraine and not the complete destruction of America, he might not nuke us because he has investments and the military would nuke him back, fuck Trump. Every American boomer nuclear submarine can destroy every Russian city of over two hundred thousand people and there are several at sea at any given moment. If America were nuked by Russia, they would launch with or without Trump's orders, Trump would be on his way to Moscow, or dead.

If Donald loses in 2020 Putin might strike America, because if he doesn't there are lots of people in the intelligence community that have also cried tears of rage and he knows it.
Can you imagine the sort of person that gets so invested in the idea of a wall to keep people apart?

What a sad bunch of people.