The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Bro... Brooo... I have an opinion and a sweet shirt that says I'm not trying too hard with a gun on my desk.... People must here my morning shock jock radio show about how the media is out for Dear Leader Trump.

Face it, Trump fucked up and waited too long on his troll of the Democrats and is now going to get impeached. It does not mean removal from office unfortunately because Republicans have control of the Senate and with senators like Graham saying he isn't even going to look at anything, it is not likely that they will do anything Dear Leader doesn't want done.
Yeah, BOTH sides of the Aisle deep state VOTER FRAUD UNHINGED AND EXPOSED IN KY... Tell me again please how everything is all Trump's fault and how Trump is the criminal? Waking up yet anybody?! Sadly probably not here you go anyway:.
I just got a kind of point out about this whole voter fraud thing. Rub something in here. They had the same s*** going on all over the United States during the Trump Clinton election all manufactured votes for Hillary proven. AND TRUMP STILL WON! LOL
Yeah, BOTH sides of the Aisle deep state VOTER FRAUD UNHINGED AND EXPOSED IN KY... Tell me again please how everything is all Trump's fault and how Trump is the criminal? Waking up yet anybody?! Sadly probably not here you go anyway:.
Yeah, BOTH sides of the Aisle deep state VOTER FRAUD UNHINGED AND EXPOSED IN KY... Tell me again please how everything is all Trump's fault and how Trump is the criminal? Waking up yet anybody?! Sadly probably not here you go anyway:.
LMAO omg, I like totally got a ton of documents leaked to me that people are registered to vote....

Yeah like for real, and that means that illegals are voting!

On a different planet:

What they are getting pointed out is how easy it is to hack the voting infrastructure of Kentucky. People are sending her illegally obtained, but totally not hard for people to do if they really were determined to do, data dumps of it. This is the problem with what Mitch McConnell was holding up with the bill that he ultimately passed but with deep cuts after getting called"Moscow Mitch".

Every American citizen should be able to show up during an election and be able to vote and not be turned away due to registration issues. It is false racist propaganda that is pushing the proven lies that there are non citizens voting over and over.

Trump must not want people to talk for this troll to be getting pushed today, did stormfront get orders from Brad Parscale to get their troll on?

Damn I Love Dave Chappelle, that's a good one. Just had to stop by see if you were all clinging to you fantasies of a fanatical communist future for america still... and stir the troll pot a bit... Check,and... mission accomplished... Thanks, y'all from the depths of my heart... y'all son's a bitches sure are twisted... damn, I hope none of ya reproduced
Damn I Love Dave Chappelle, that's a good one. Just had to stop by see if you were all clinging to you fantasies of a fanatical communist future for america still... and stir the troll pot a bit... Check,and... mission accomplished... Thanks, y'all from the depths of my heart... y'all son's a bitches sure are twisted... damn, I hope none of ya reproduced
So you start out trolling, and because you get a negative response pointing out the truth behind your troll, you claim victory and leave while acting superior.

It is a shame that your Dear Leader messed up his Biden troll and took too long to release the whistle blower complaint that he was legally bound to do triggering his impeachment.
That is absolutely 100% your perspective. There is no arguing it that is just facts. So yes that's my answer to your question...YES
because you get a negative response
What you fail top grasp is this... to me it is NOT a negative... I was trolling to GET exactly what I got... and THAT is where my smug victory lies... knowing the insanity of your twisted perspectives does indeed give me a feeling of superiority. GUILTY as charged and LOVING it.... while still actually holding onto two things. One is pity. for sure. The other is this... maybe, just MAYBE just ONE little light bulb will actually go off and open SOMEBODY'S eyes. There. Cold TRUTH.
Yeah, BOTH sides of the Aisle deep state VOTER FRAUD UNHINGED AND EXPOSED IN KY... Tell me again please how everything is all Trump's fault and how Trump is the criminal? Waking up yet anybody?! Sadly probably not here you go anyway:.
So the elections in Kentucky where Republicans won pretty much everything but governor were illegitimate ?

Ok boomer

don’t believe everything you see on YouTube unless you want people to call you retarded
I just got a kind of point out about this whole voter fraud thing. Rub something in here. They had the same s*** going on all over the United States during the Trump Clinton election all manufactured votes for Hillary proven. AND TRUMP STILL WON! LOL
It was proven?


tell me the date boomer