The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

When society is RULED by lies, telling the TRUTH is a REVOLUTIONARY act. George Orwell (paraphrased). He was truly insightful into the human condition, and mob mentality.
trump is the liar trying to rule society...the whistleblower is the revolutionary telling the truth....
the republicans are lying, the democrats are telling the truth (in this instance, neither is worth pissing on if they were on fire)
What about the majority of white people who voted for Trump and will do so again? Not too bright eh? Maybe historic and ongoing voter suppression might have something to do with it? You are pretty quick to blame the brown folks, maybe you're one of the rare bigots who are against Trump.

the majority of white people didn't vote for trump..a majority did.
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This whole thing of the entire Republican Party, in nearly unified voice, trying to gaslight the American public... I have never in my life seen anything so repulsive.

I would like to say that this will be the end of that particular party, but I know they will be with us in for a long time. Not only that, but if the opposition doesn't hang together in the next year, they are going to stay in power.

Such an old story, factionalization of the forces opposed to tyranny - I really hope we can dodge this bullet.
Everything they are saying comes back to "Trump told us so".

They will hang him out to dry as soon as they can and act like Voldemort was controlling them and it wasn't them. They don't want to get burnt before Trump takes the majority of whatever they have coming to them getting married to the NRA.

Chuck Todd got his ass burned for being a lazy fuck who didn't do his job in pushing back against Rand Paul's treasonous bullshit. Chucky's butt is hurting from the richly deserved blow back he has gotten over that one! Do better the next time and pay attention to what these assholes are saying, all patriotic folks can do at home is throw shit at the TV, only he can deal with that crap as it's coming out of his mouth.
Rep. Jim Himes burns down Rand Paul and Chuck Todds false equivalency on Trump
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Drunk 'Fox' anchor Gregg Jarrett fights airport cops

Pills possible factor in Fox News anchor's arrest

Great source as always @Bugeye. You should post some of those videos where he's drunk on the air next.
With Snowden, he was the whistleblower and turned the information over to the media, but for some reason the people that gave this guy the information aren't even discussed and he's the whistleblower for turning over the information. I don't think he's being characterized correctly.
With Snowden, he was the whistleblower and turned the information over to the media, but for some reason the people that gave this guy the information aren't even discussed and he's the whistleblower for turning over the information. I don't think he's being characterized correctly.
Yeah especially because Snowden then ran to Russia and gave everything to them.

This person followed the whistleblower laws in the government legally. Trump illegally told his people to troll the Libs by holding onto the whistleblower complaint longer than he was legally allowed to withhold it from congress triggering his impeachment investigation. Otherwise we would not have heard about this like we are.
When the Public hearings begin , Trump meets with Turk Erdogan .....

On Wednesday, as the first witnesses are scheduled to begin testifying, Trump will hold a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the White House followed by a news conference — largely keeping him away from Twitter and the live play-by-play for a significant stretch of the day.

The meeting itself could also stir up its own controversy. Bipartisan members of Congress had called for Trump to disinvite Erdogan to the White House after a Turkish assault on Syrian Kurds, and are considering stricter sanctions on Turkey.
With Snowden, he was the whistleblower and turned the information over to the media, but for some reason the people that gave this guy the information aren't even discussed and he's the whistleblower for turning over the information. I don't think he's being characterized correctly.
nobody gave Snowden the information. He had access and took the information.

Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American whistleblower who copied and leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 when he was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and subcontractor.
trump has always known EVERYTHING his campaign is doing, he's a complete and total control freak. (which i'm sure drives his staff insane, the "hand at the tiller" is far from steady) there's no way he would let something like this go without micro-managing it half to death...he has dictated tweets, letters, memos from others, so they say exactly what he wants them to say...fortunately for us, he's an ignorant fuck who refuses to learn anything, so it usually works against him. but never think for one moment that one important incident has passed without him standing right there guiding (poorly) the course of events....