Keep repeating the statistical proof of racism in these killings. Racist retards don't get it but it's convincing enough for others to understand.

I'm willing to bet one of these morons were in the remedial math class that volunteered to assist the teacher. Most of the class could add. We lost a few when we taught subtraction. By the time we got to fractions, the worst idiots that didn't get it acted like the fractions were dumb not them. You guessed it, it was the white boys who were the worst.

white people are pretty fucking stupid, as this forum shows very well.
a wide nose? yup you are right, that's all they had in common. have you bothered to look?

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They don't look exactly alike really hard to tell with the hat. I also only see a nose in the dead guys photo. The picture certainly does not prove without a reasonable doubt.

But no I haven't looked I just don't take the word of police as they plant drugs on people and all. Plus was the guy really pulling robberies with a child in the car?
Keep repeating the statistical proof of racism in these killings. Racist retards don't get it but it's convincing enough for others to understand.

I'm willing to bet one of these morons were in the remedial math class that volunteered to assist the teacher. Most of the class could add. We lost a few when we taught subtraction. By the time we got to fractions, the worst idiots that didn't get it acted like the fractions were dumb not them. You guessed it, it was the white boys who were the worst.
Statistics should not matter the police should not be using deadly force on anyone that is not endangering their lives. It does not just happen to black people to not care about the white or Latino dead you are a racist even Native American Leonard Peltier would agree for sure.
Still waiting for something to back up the whole fucking premise of this thread.
instead of waiting read the thread, and if that doesn't cu it for a premise, i don't know what to tell you. i tried contacting you for permission to make it beforehand but i guess you didn't get the email.
instead of waiting read the thread, and if that doesn't cu it for a premise, i don't know what to tell you. i tried contacting you for permission to make it beforehand but i guess you didn't get the email.

you're too much of a pussy to post your source(s). but that's no surprise, racists like you are invariably notorious pussies.

the good news is that i took the liberty of posting your sources for you, klanman.
does "fuhrerious88blog" count?


how about stormfront?

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sadly, thanks to skinhead shitbags like badseed, rollitup is on the second page.

fucking racist retards need to be purged from this forum.
Well you can't kill every racist so maybe instead of trying to piss them off educate them. Some black people are pieces of shit some white people are pieces of shit. You purge them from the community they will remain racist you teach them who the enemy is well black and white won't matter so much our government FBI, DEA will feel the heat if the people unite.

I'm in one of the whiter states in America but DEA is playing the same games on the younger generation as they have done in black neighborhoods all along. Know your enemy and racists may just not mind color as much as the DEA.
what a cute little racist soliloquy.
This is the best a microcephalic, deceitful, hypocritical, and liberal tax dodger with penis envy who discriminates against muppets and costumed figures because he thinks they're racist can come up with as an argument.

Don't hold it against him, internet trolls have to get paid so they can say at least part of the tax increases they vote for they do pay.

He's just frustrated as he can't cite what I linked to as being opposite of his view and he doesn't know what to do.
This is the best a microcephalic, deceitful, hypocritical, and liberal tax dodger with penis envy who discriminates against muppets and costumed figures because he thinks they're racist can come up with as an argument.

Don't hold it against him, internet trolls have to get paid so they can say at least part of the tax increases they vote for they do pay.

He's just frustrated as he can't cite what I linked to as being opposite of his view and he doesn't know what to do.

that's his game, and he's got everyone beat at it. you at least have to give him that.
so black males are 6-7% f the population and account for 26% of all deaths by cop, many of them unarmed or already in handcuffs, and you claim it is not disproportional?

The level of your dishonesty in representing data is astounding. The stat is that 26% of all shot are black, you assume they're mostly male, and you're right, for the blacks shot and white and everyone.

That is a distinction you make that doesn't need to be corrected for because the male - female difference in fatal shootings applies to all races. You clever little liar.
The level of your dishonesty in representing data is astounding. The stat is that 26% of all shot are black, you assume they're mostly male, and you're right, for the blacks shot and white and everyone.

That is a distinction you make that doesn't need to be corrected for because the male - female difference in fatal shootings applies to all races. You clever little liar.

then go with the 13%. it's still double. that's disproportionate.

go make me a subway sandwich.