Bucky, oh you mean Andrew...
Bucky could be Mohammad, Sheniqua, Carlos, or "Janette" (Zhing Lui) for all I care.

Bigoted racial stupidity and deceit know no gender, race, or creed.

But it does seem to infect adherents of a particular political party that love to attack gender, race or creed and I have elected Bucky as their poster child of lowest common denominator.

Plus it's fun watching the monkey dance!

Since you know him a bit more than I, which muppet would you compare him to?
tell me more about how you idolize MLK then pal around with racists like choomer.
Andrew, that is beneath you, I don't pal around with anyone. If someone says somethng I like or agree with I like it, and if I don't agree or like it I don't. I like lots of things people say, I like things that liberals and conservatives say, and I do not work that way That does not mean that if I say the borders need to be secured that I am a racist, means I think immigration to this country should be done legally as an example. If it makes you feel better to call me a racist, you just do that Andrew, because frankly I am totally secure in the wonderful person that I am and I love mankind. I do more in a year for my fellow man than you will ever, ever do in your whole life. I just really have a disdain for race baiters like you that constantly want to fuel the fires of separatism, which is your only goal to keep that going so you have something to complain about. The level of hatred you hold in your little heart shows the true and very sad person that you really are..
Andrew, that is beneath you, I don't pal around with anyone. If someone says somethng I like or agree with I like it, and if I don't agree or like it I don't. I like lots of things people say, I like things that liberals and conservatives say, and I do not work that way That does not mean that if I say the borders need to be secured that I am a racist, means I think immigration to this country should be done legally as an example. If it makes you feel better to call me a racist, you just do that Andrew, because frankly I am totally secure in the wonderful person that I am and I love mankind. I do more in a year for my fellow man than you will ever, ever do in your whole life. I just really have a disdain for race baiters like you that constantly want to fuel the fires of separatism, which is your only goal to keep that going so you have something to complain about. The level of hatred you hold in your little heart shows the true and very sad person that you really are..

i love the whole "but i am not racist" meltdowns you keep having before going back to pal around with racists.

and i'm gonna go ahead and bet that you get several likes on that post from the most racist members of this forum.

i love the whole "but i am not racist" meltdowns you keep having before going back to pal around with racists.

and i'm gonna go ahead and bet that you get several likes on that post from the most racist members of this forum.

and it is their choice to like it or not, but the biggest racist on this forum, is you Andrew, with your little itty bitty race hating heart....Your true colors show through loud and clear, you are a shallow and mindless person of poor moral turpitude and totally lacking any personal integrity....I laugh at you...
Bucky could be Mohammad, Sheniqua, Carlos, or "Janette" (Zhing Lui) for all I care.

Bigoted racial stupidity and deceit know no gender, race, or creed.

But it does seem to infect adherents of a particular political party that love to attack gender, race or creed and I have elected Bucky as their poster child of lowest common denominator.

Plus it's fun watching the monkey dance!

Since you know him a bit more than I, which muppet would you compare him to?
LOL, that would be Carl or Mean Mamma....LOL, my laugh for the night!
and it is their choice to like it or not, but the biggest racist on this forum, is you Andrew, with your little itty bitty race hating heart....Your true colors show through loud and clear, you are a shallow and mindless person of poor moral turpitude and totally lacking any personal integrity....I laugh at you...

so you pal around with racists, you get likes from racists, you never attempt to condemn racism, and MLK is your hero.

and you cry like a little bitch whenever i point it out, sob, meltdown, and then cry out "NO YOU'RE THE RACIST!!!!"

my goodness, what a fucking clown you are.
i love the whole "but i am not racist" meltdowns you keep having before going back to pal around with racists.

and i'm gonna go ahead and bet that you get several likes on that post from the most racist members of this forum.


Does that mean I can attribute your "li(c)kers" to being moronic sheep following a deceitful racist who dodges taxes that he votes to support finally instead of being fair and equitable and thinking they might have a brain even though they swaddle the interior of your athletic (well I can't use cup, can I) "equipment" with such actions?

Bucky, you're the only racist here and yet you don't have the mentality to realize it.

It's a bitch the toll huffing seems to have taken on ya, ain't it?
Does that mean I can attribute your "li(c)kers" to being moronic sheep following a deceitful racist who dodges taxes that he votes to support finally instead of being fair and equitable and thinking they might have a brain even though they swaddle the interior of your athletic (well I can't use cup, can I) "equipment" with such actions?

Bucky, you're the only racist here and yet you don't have the mentality to realize it.

It's a bitch the toll huffing seems to have taken on ya, ain't it?
or he could be the Grouch, or
Bucky, you're the only racist here

how am i racist?

please find and quote some posts.

after that, i will produce 10 posts from 10 other members that cannot be called anything but extremely racist and then we can examine your statement in whole, since it makes two claims, both of which are false.
or he could be the Grouch, or

why so hostile and hateful at me? all i ever did was point out your hypocrisy in citing MLK yet turning a completely blind eye to the blatant racism that infests this board, which you encourage and befriend.
how am i racist?
please find and quote some posts.
after that, i will produce 10 posts from 10 other members that cannot be called anything but extremely racist and then we can examine your statement in whole, since it makes two claims, both of which are false.

"I'll show you mine after you show me yours" type stuff ain't gonna work Bucky as I've asked you a multitude of times to trot out your evidence of my racism and I hear crickets.
I don't even have to leave the thread that you accuse me of racism in to prove that "he who smelt it, dealt it" and it seems you've eaten nothing but beans for the last decade.

That you can provide proof of smearing only 10 people means your slippin, ya racist biscuit.

Until you start pulling the proof train instead of the other your ilk are more satiated with you can ask nothing of me and expect anything.....and no I will not buy you gasoline.

Not even a controlled substance and your have problems scoring it anymore.
That takes stupidity just about anyone can see.
I've asked you a multitude of times to trot out your evidence of my racism and I hear crickets.

yeah, it totally wasn't racist when you called obama a kenyan muslim homo. that can't count. or when you called his wife a wookie. not like that one has much traction in white power circles.

anyhoo, i guess you can't find a single quote from me that proves your assertion.

pity that you can't support a thing you say, but it's expected of you.
"I'll show you mine after you show me yours" type stuff ain't gonna work Bucky as I've asked you a multitude of times to trot out your evidence of my racism and I hear crickets.
I don't even have to leave the thread that you accuse me of racism in to prove that "he who smelt it, dealt it" and it seems you've eaten nothing but beans for the last decade.

That you can provide proof of smearing only 10 people means your slippin, ya racist biscuit.

Until you start pulling the proof train instead of the other your ilk are more satiated with you can ask nothing of me and expect anything.....and no I will not buy you gasoline.

Not even a controlled substance and your have problems scoring it anymore.
That takes stupidity just about anyone can see.
LOL...He is a racist race baiter isn't he...sad and pathetic, but he has a hairy, to prove he is a man...
yeah, it totally wasn't racist when you called obama a kenyan muslim homo. that can't count. or when you called his wife a wookie. not like that one has much traction in white power circles.

anyhoo, i guess you can't find a single quote from me that proves your assertion.

pity that you can't support a thing you say, but it's expected of you.

Bucky, you casually litter any thread you visit w/ some much racial separation I don't have to.
You proved exactly how racist a race baiter you are when all I said was "wookie cookie" and let your mind make up the rest of what you claim above.

Does repetition help when tackling the tough concepts of your hypocrisy Bucky?
I'm trying to do my part here to help my fellow man. Now put down that paint can! ;)