The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
topped alot, lst'd alot, can you believe i only pulled 3.7 oscar of that badboy, dog is a staffy, pretty sure its crossbread with something elses but wev had him 3 yr now since he was 6 weeks old. only got a shit phone so camera quality is limited.
From the looks of the pic you would think the yield would have been a lot more.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
topped alot, lst'd alot, can you believe i only pulled 3.7 oscar of that badboy, dog is a staffy, pretty sure its crossbread with something elses but wev had him 3 yr now since he was 6 weeks old. only got a shit phone so camera quality is limited.

think its time to change the bulb....i would at only 3.7, looks way more on it...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Seems like a daft way of going about cop business really, I mean they circle round and show an interest in a location, going round and round until there can be little doubt that they are looking at a potential grow,--- then they fly away and come back a week later ???.

same as when your raided, your door can come in at any time.... lets say you got traffic stopped and you had grow equipment in the car, it all goes into the computer and a couple of weeks later your door goes in, make no mistake the budget that was cut wasn`t the cops one, there takeing new cops again now to bulk up the force, along with the 2/300 new vehicles ordered and they have 4 or 5 heli`s and three planes, all are gardai survallience but belong to different factions of government like agri and dept of enviroment... Air Support Unit&u=operator


Well-Known Member
think its time to change the bulb....i would at only 3.7, looks way more on it...
it was one of them cheap 250w hps sets, cheap bulb an everything, i got a phillips son-t bulb for flowerin this lot, just need to get my extractor and ballast, should be somethime this week, then all gets repotted 1 week under the 600 then its flippin time.

@ fred12, i was expecting 5 at least as that what i got told, chopped at 8.5 weeks, the strain was master kush, bud were pretty small after drying, think it could have gone a week or more but it was basically my first real grow an i was desperate trichs were just comin onto amber so i chopped...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
it was one of them cheap 250w hps sets, cheap bulb an everything, i got a phillips son-t bulb for flowerin this lot, just need to get my extractor and ballast, should be somethime this week, then all gets repotted 1 week under the 600 then its flippin time.

@ fred12, i was expecting 5 at least as that what i got told, chopped at 8.5 weeks, the strain was master kush, bud were pretty small after drying, think it could have gone a week or more but it was basically my first real grow an i was desperate trichs were just comin onto amber so i chopped...

small hard buds beats light airy shit anyday tho.... seems like you chopped at an ok time, so it could have went a week longer but hey we all been there...;) as long as its getting you high then fuck it..hahahaaha..

the son-t, good bulb should get three or 4 grows out of it....


Well-Known Member
small hard buds beats light airy shit anyday tho.... seems like you chopped at an ok time, so it could have went a week longer but hey we all been there...;) as long as its getting you high then fuck it..hahahaaha..

the son-t, good bulb should get three or 4 grows out of it....
yah man, well unfortunatly this is my last grow till i get my own place :( after i get my own place ill have an incredible setup av only got a little closet now to work with, but when i get my own place im talkin about a room

had alot of fluff off it too, this round im lollipopping to the max, dnt want none of that whatlookslike10Gramisactuallyonly2gram


Active Member
Nothing wrong with 3.7 o's from a 250W. Once you step up to the 600 it should make a fair difference.
Anyone with any good ideas about how to cure without those glass jars. If I'm to use those clip top jars I'll need about 2 dozen of the fu*king things..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with 3.7 o's from a 250W. Once you step up to the 600 it should make a fair difference.
Anyone with any good ideas about how to cure without those glass jars. If I'm to use those clip top jars I'll need about 2 dozen of the fu*king things..

shit did i miss read that...250w... thats quite a feat so... well done iikode..

pad, you know the cheap tubs of tesco icecream.. empty one and there great, fill her up and close ,sit in drawer nicely and all...

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
small hard buds beats light airy shit anyday tho.... seems like you chopped at an ok time, so it could have went a week longer but hey we all been there...;) as long as its getting you high then fuck it..hahahaaha..

the son-t, good bulb should get three or 4 grows out of it....
Ive grown both under 250 W MH and 400W HPS and the truth is as you say AE, 400W buds are hard and have more '' substance to them and you yield a bit more----but the 250W MH buds are lighter and fluffier and don't weigh as much----but to be truthful I didn't find that there was much difference in the effects of the weed grown under either light, I got just as stoned from my 250W buds as I did my 400W ones, just a matter of density and weight really


Active Member
Id say I'm going to be collecting every coffee jar, icecream tub and anything else I can lay my little claws on at this stage. Tough break with that plane dude... Had a one around my spot lately enough but say it was that crowd that take pics of your house and sell it to you. Every year they come back... Dont know why, it's not like people are gonna buy a new one every year.
From what I've read you will get just as potent buds from lower watt lights. Quantity is all thats affected.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
density is the key i think, i`d take nice hard nugs over airy stuff, this run for instance, the power plant was airy fluffy shit, i think he was bullshiting tho and it was a healthy looking bag seed, the guy i got the seeds off that is, but the bubba 76 was small hard nugs and lots of them as i topped and cropped etc....

much better stone from the harder nugs... its genes tho, they just had a better thc content, well thats my 2c on it anyways....


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with 3.7 o's from a 250W. Once you step up to the 600 it should make a fair difference.
Anyone with any good ideas about how to cure without those glass jars. If I'm to use those clip top jars I'll need about 2 dozen of the fu*king things..
i had mine in ziplock bag, and it cured pretty well imo, didnt notice the difference from retail stuff in the bags to my own in jars an i smoked both

or u can order some 1L or even 3L clip seal jars on ebay, iv seen em around before


Well-Known Member
3.7oz is great for a 250w, with the 600w you would have definitely got the 5 and then some.
@paddy, I was in the 2 euro shop today and they had big flip top glass jars that would easily hold 2oz each or as ae says a good sized plastic container would do , I always thought though that the more you crammed in the more succeptible the buds are to mold but I'm open to correction on that.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
For those who are seeking a cheap alternative to expensive curing jars, Dowe Eggbert coffee jars have a sealable lid and do a good job, they are clear though and you need to cure your buds in the dark. For the more discerning curing jar BOVRIL and MARMITE jars are dark glass and do the job well as can be. personally Ive cured in tobacco tins and they do it well too