The Irish Growers Thread!

Download peerblock, it should block most of those feckers from getting your details. There'll be a few people say its about as much use as a chocolate radiator but at least you can say you tried to protect yourself.

howdy fx, thanks for that the other evening, shes busy away at it ever since...

how goes the garden?
It rained a lot yesterday and has been wet all week.

ah you should be alright so fred, is been warm and heavey here all week, think it rained a little the other night but thats it, have a pain in my arse watering the veggies..

watching inglorious bastards again here, still a cracking film, even fifth time round..
only watched django the other night and tought it was an absolute cracker, have fast 6 downloading a the min, akeing ages so i`d say they have slowed me down again, no messages saying i`m close to max or that tho...
howdy fx, thanks for that the other evening, shes busy away at it ever since...

how goes the garden?

Everything all right in the tent, the stretch finally seems to have stopped and now they're putting on weight. More worried about the helicopter buzzing over my head, has me paranoid! Flew in a circle a good few times around the house, pretty low too. Dry here as well so I can't even have a joint to calm the nerves...
haven`t seen a chopper in ages but we have the plane over town pretty reg, had been doing loops of my gaff lately aswell and that put the shit up me, moved the grow up the road and all to be sure, nothing came of it yet tho thank god, just smoked my last spliff so i`m dry until next harvest but i don`t mind i kinda have myself convinced i can make it till then...

(until the shakes and cold sweat start tomorrow night hahahahaha)....
haven`t seen a chopper in ages but we have the plane over town pretty reg, had been doing loops of my gaff lately aswell and that put the shit up me, moved the grow up the road and all to be sure, nothing came of it yet tho thank god, just smoked my last spliff so i`m dry until next harvest but i don`t mind i kinda have myself convinced i can make it till then...

(until the shakes and cold sweat start tomorrow night hahahahaha)....

Calming down with a cup of coffee, hardly the time for it but nice nonetheless. Any time I get para I just try and remember back to the time I had a cop wander into my grow room a few years back looking my dickhead of a brother, luckily she was a bit green about the ears and didn't twig the massive grow tent filling most of the space. Open. Lights on. And a fan in the corner of the room. Now that was a fucking scare.
Calming down with a cup of coffee, hardly the time for it but nice nonetheless. Any time I get para I just try and remember back to the time I had a cop wander into my grow room a few years back looking my dickhead of a brother, luckily she was a bit green about the ears and didn't twig the massive grow tent filling most of the space. Open. Lights on. And a fan in the corner of the room. Now that was a fucking scare.

lucky bastard... i`ve not got that type of luck, it would have went south for me quickly after they entered the house.. and i`ve a habit f going down swinging hahahaha...
Yeah, I had four going at the time, vegging away nicely. I don't know if it was balls or stupidity but I kept it growing and harvested okay. Dread to think what would have happened if they'd been full flower...
You were lucky.
I bet the shakes kicked in when she left.
She can be sure that if she knew what was in the tent she would have arrested you there and then and not leave the glory for someone else.
Thank God for dopey rookies:)
You can bet the shakes kicked in, as well as the blood draining from my face and my balls shrinking back inside my body. It took three days for them to drop back down again...
alright lads I'm going let you decide for me because I can't make up my mind on my next run, here are my two deciding strains: 3 double white and one white widow x big bud or 3 biker kush x white romulan and one blueberry headband.

So make my mind up for me if you don't mind, and I may throw in a treat for someone if the deciding run goes very well.
That biker kush X white romulan sounds great. I'm a massive fan of Romulan crosses. Some of the healthiest plants I've grown had Romulan in their background. I'm also a fan of white widow crosses though I've seen a friends WWXBB herm on him and totally seed a crop. Headband was great in Amsterdam, one of those strains I have to try sometime. Damn they all sound nice.
I love romulan strains and headband and blueberry and I love white strains they are strong and easy to grow and get so frosted it like they were dipped in sugar. I grew out great white shark and you couldn't do anything to it to kill it, in a way that it is, there were sometimes I neglected it and thought when I open these doors I'm going to be SOL but it was always thriving and had some of the frostiest buds I have seen!